Sunday, July 7, 2024


It turns people into robots 

Are they less angry? Yes

But what they feel you can't guess

It's a shutting down of the mind 

There's not much person to find 

They become a zombie and numb

Nothing is felt but maybe some 

Love they at times feel 

Mostly they are like a robot

You feel married to a bot 

They don't have a lot 

To say 

They seem always so grey 

Never laugh or smile 

It really has been awhile 

Since they seemed to have fun 

Maybe go in the sun 

And they will open like a flower 

May God give a shower 

Of grace to all the junkies 

Who can't give up their pills 

They don't have the will 

To be without them 

It is a crutch 

Life is too hard 

So they numb the pain 

With their daily pill 

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