Monday, July 22, 2024


Some people hate it all 

Life is never much of a ball 

They don't like anything 

There is nothing that brings 

Any joy to their heart 

Maybe they could start 

To love God and people 

To pray under church steeples

May God save all the killers 

They watched too many thrillers

Why do they get like that?

Their fake nice is an act 

They sleep all day 

Never much to say 

They have nothing to live for 

Life is a non stop bore

They feel guilt for their deaths

Never feel very blessed 

A killer I once knew 

He was very blue 

In his mind all people died 

Never a single tear he cried 

No regret he could feel at all 

Never on God he did call 

I had to say goodbye to that 

Either way he got really fat 

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