Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Hearing God

How do we know when we are hearing God's voice? 

To some people he still actually audibly speaks or appears in visions.  I have never had the luxury of hearing his voice so easily. lol  So I have to figure this out on my own. :)  As many of you probably do. 

I once heard we have three voices talking to us all day; God via the Holy Spirit that is inside of us, our flesh, and Satan. 

So how on earth are we supposed to know which one is which?

A good way to gauge if it is God's voice you are hearing is to stay in the word.

That is the best way to recognized his voice when you hear it.

I know so many books, pastors and Christians try to guilt others into reading the word.  "You HAVE to be in the word every day. (they say)  If you aren't, well, God bless your soul." lol

Well I am here to tell you, you don't.  That can actually be used as a tool of Satan to keep people feeling so guilty that they then never read the word or when they do they feel they have to start with apologizing to God for how long it has been.  lol

"And the truth SHALL SET YOU FREE!" :)  "He who the son set free is FREE indeed."  Paul says, "Why if you were saved by grace are you now trying to be saved by works?"  Think about that.  Salvation and sanctification are both by grace.  We don't accept the free gift and then think, "Oh dear now I have to really prove myself and earn this."  No, it was a free gift at the beginning and it is still a free gift. 

Never forget God loves you not matter how much good or bad you do.  It does not matter to him.  He will always love you just the same. :)  Isn't that reassuring? :)

The truth is God does not want you to pursue a relationship with him out of guilt, obligation or by dragging your feet.  Would you want your spouse to pursue you this way?  No.  Love is to be free.  Love cannot grow unless it is free. 

I once heard at Biola that it can actually be better to spend all day Saturday, or part of Saturday, reading a full book of the Bible or one of Paul's letters rather then killing yourself to read a little every day.

Don't feel guilty if you don't read the word the way other people SAY you should.  Don't worry what they think.  It is between you and God. 

It's as annoying when outside people want to tell us how to take care of our kids.  In the same way, we do not want others trying to tell us how to have our walk with God, right?  Everyone is different.  Like colors in a rainbow we all have our own color.  We are all unique and different.  No one person is like anyone other person.  So how can we all expect to pursue God the same way?  Some connect through music or nature (that is me), some in rituals and services (that is not me lol), and some in reading the word every day.  (That can't be all of us, but for some it is easier then for others.)

So by knowing the word you will know God's voice.

An easy way to "stay in the word" is post verses all around your house. 

I used to have several sticky notes on my bathroom mirror of favorite verses.

The Bible says, "Write them on the doorposts of your home" and to "meditate on the word day and night."  The "them" refers to the promises of God, things that will uplift you when you are forgetting how crazy God is about you! :)  And He IS! :)

So write verses wherever you can.  I once bought a scrapbook sheet of flower pages, girls would like this, and wrote verses in huge letters with a sharpie and put them up all over my walls.

It's good to be reminded of God's promises, because how often do we forget?  All the time. 

An easy indication if the one speaking to you is Satan is if the voice is making you feel like crap. lol.  Or he could be making you feel on top of the world and so feeding your pride. 

Any extreme thinking is probably from Satan or your sin nature.

Anything that results in love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness and self-control is of God. :) 

So listen carefully to what you listen to.  Try to discern who it is whispering in your ear.  It's always one of those three.

May God bless you as you try to follow him this week, and write some verses around your house! 

Grace and peace be with you :)

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