Monday, October 22, 2012

Is TV Beneficial?

I actually don't watch TV.

Yes I know that usually comes as a shock to most people when I tell them.  They're like, "omg how do you even breath!" lol

Which is funny and interesting cause it shows how much of a hold TV has on our culture.

Paul says, "Everything is permissible for me, but I will not be mastered by anything."

I choose to not watch it because I do not want to be mastered by it.

I love the old Batman movie with Jim Carrey as the Riddler.  His villainy is enacted by selling mind numbing devices to families and they would put them on top of their TV's.  I found that to be so prophetic for how TV will affect people.  Thus the epidemic of ADD and ADHD, which I think primarily stems from watching to much TV.  It has to do with the flicker rate, plus the need to always be entertained so that as a culture we are incapable of just sitting, just being.  It is very sad.  :(

If you were to measure your body's vitals while watching TV, you would find that they are almost exactly the same as they are when were are sleeping.  How odd is that?!

There was actually only one year, in all my 27 years, that I did watch TV.  Ironically that was my year most filled with sin; bad choices, bad friends, shoplifting, vandalizing property, drinking, smoking, sneaking out, and repeatedly lying to my mom.  That was my 8th grade year, so junior high.  I believe TV was the reason for this.  Nothing else can explain it since I was raised in the church, and I was always a straight A student.  

None of my friends were getting me to do these bad things.  I was, in fact, getting them to do them!  I was the leader of the pack, dragging them all to hell with me, lol.  On behalf of my former self, I am sorry for any of you that I influenced badly.   

I actually never made that connection before.  But God gives us eyes to see more and more as we ask him for wisdom, which I do just about every day. :)  

It very well could have been the TV that polluted me for that time frame.  I watched innocent enough shows like Nick at Night, though it was probably the music videos on VH1 that did it.  Plus my parents had divorced by then and every weekend when I went to my dad's house we; him, my brother and I, would watch some horrible R rated movie with killing and nudity and violence; all kinds of things a 12 should certainly not be watching.   

Due to this media influence, I pursued boys at way to young of an age.  My youngest boyfriend was when I was 12. 

So I learned my lesson from TV, perhaps subconsciously, and have never watched it again since.

The reason I did not grow up glued to the TV like most kids of my generation and for kids these days, was because my parents were in a very strict and legalistic cult.  They called themselves "the local church."  Perhaps some of you have heard of it.  In Orange County they still exist and they would be called "The Church of Irvine," or "The Church of Orange."  On a side note, beware of these churches.  A church like Mariners in Irvine would be much better for your mind, body and soul's well being.

Anyways, "the church" did not believe TV had any benefit so it was banned in our house.  The only program I could watch was the Nature Channel, which is probably why I have such a HUGE love for animals to this day.  I grew up watching and learning about every kind of animal and was so intrigued.  So I suppose that is an example of good TV, if such TV even still exists today. 

I am very glad that I have not been exposed much to the television.

When I was in high school my belief and philosophy about TV was affirmed by Mr. Woods, the best teacher I ever had and perhaps the most inspiring person I have ever known! 

He said his family did not have a TV even in their living room.  He said they would keep it in the closet and only roll it out for sporting events.  lol.  I greatly admired that about him, that they did not let TV dominate their family like so many families do. 

I read an article once where a college guy decided to fast from all media including Facebook.  He did not watch TV, go on Facebook, Twitter, and he even did not send texts, for 90 days!  He realized in this experiment how much more time he had on his hands that he did not have before!  He was astonished!  He actually had time to date and hang out with friends more!  He found that his life was so much more full and rich! 

But I will let him tell you for himself how it ratified and renewed his life. :)

Please read this article, it will certainly make you think....

God bless and grace and peace to you all! 

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