Friday, November 9, 2012

21 (or more) Questions

Good questions to ask your spouse or significant other to grow in intimacy:

1. If you inherited $100,000 right now, how would you spend it?

2. Pick 3 adjectives to describe yourself.

5. If you had time to do volunteer work, what would you do?

6. What’s the hardest part of your job for you?

7. What’s the best part?

8. Who was your best friend as a kid? In High School? In College? (Describe why)

9. What’s your favorite physical activity?

10. What non-profit do you believe in supporting?

11. What’s your favorite cultural activity?

12. What about religion has changed for you as you’ve aged?

13. What makes you wince about how you are like your mother (or father)?

14. How are you glad that you are like her (or him)?

15. How are you different from her (or him)?

16. What makes you sad about his/her life & unmet dreams?

17. What makes you proud of your mother (or father)?

23. What relative was important to you growing up & why?

25. What’s something you’ve never done that you’d like to try?

26. What’s a favorite lyric, song or band? How does music matter to you?

27. What’s something that scares you that you would never ever try?

28. What artistic endeavors have you tried & decided you were bad at?

29. What dreams have you given up on as unrealistic?

30. What book do you remember as being important to you?

31. What piece of art did you see that you’ve never forgotten?

33. What’s one of the worse things that could happen to you?

36. What scares you about aging?

37. What’s required the most courage of you in your life so far?

39. If you had more courage what would you do differently in your life now?

41. If you had 1 year left to live, what would you do?

47. If you could live anywhere, where would it be & why?

49. What are your favorite t.v. shows?

54. Where have you never been that you would like to visit?

55. When you look back on your life what is something you wish you’d done differently?

56. What are your 3 strengths?

57. What are your 2 weaknesses?

61. How do you have fun?

62. Do you think you are too materialistic?

68. What pipe dreams do you wish could come true? (completely unrealistic)

72. What current events are really troubling to you?

78. What would you want your eulogy to say about you?

1.What was the first thing that attracted you about me?

2.Do you think that physical attributes are more important to maintaining a relationship or do you think that friendship maintains a relationship?

23.Describe your parents marriage. What was the best part and the worst part in your opinion?

24.Who was the first person who died in your life and how did you feel?

25.What animals do you like and not like?

26.Describe your perfect dream date. (married couples can and should still have dates) :)

29.What is the most important thing that money can do for you?

31.How did you learn what it meant to be a man/woman?

32. What do you believe about God?

33.If money were no object, what is the one thing that would be most important to you to do?

34.If you had one day to live, what would you do?

35.If you won the lottery, what would you like to accomplish?

36.If you gave money to charity, which ones would you choose and why?

39.Were you ever abused as a child?

41.Who is the person you admire most and why?

45.How do you feel about having children?

46.Describe your philosophy on personal debt.

47.What is the one thing that I do that makes you crazy?

48.If you were really in trouble, who would you go to for advice?

51.How important do you believe organized religion is in a couples relationship?
53.How do you handle anger? Has it ever caused a problem in your life?

55.What do you think should determine when a couple has a child?

59.If you were going to write a book, what would it be about?

62.If you won the lottery, would you continue working?

64.Who is your very best friend and why?

65.How did you choose the career you are in?

66.What is one thing that could happen that would make your day?

68.What is the most unselfish thing that you think you have ever done?

70.What would you want people to say about you after you had passed away?

71.What is your goal for the next 12 months? How do you plan to reach it?

73.What was the biggest mistake you think you ever made and how did it change your life?

76.What is important in a marriage to you?

83.When you are depressed, what do you do or how do you act? What do you do to overcome the depression?

86.What is the one thing that you'd like to change about yourself?

87. What is something I would do that might embarrassed you?

89.What is the biggest regret in your life?

91.What was your favorite age to be and why?

92.Do you believe that couples should keep separate bank accounts?

98.If you could ask me one question, what would that be?

99. How would I know if you're mad? What would be the best way for me to respond?

100.What is the one thing that you think that I could do that would hurt you the worst?

107.Do you think men love differently than women?

108.If you are a man, what is the one thing that you think it would be important for a woman to know about men or vice versa?

109.Do you think marriage counseling works and why or why not?

110.Define love? What is love to you?

112.What is the most important thing in your life?

113.What are you most ashamed of and why?

121.What do you think makes successful people successful?

122.What is the first memory you have?

123.Did you have a pet growing up and which was your favorite?

124.What is the thing that you fear most?

126.What is the one thing that you wish that I would tell you?

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