Wednesday, November 20, 2013

About Me

29 Random things about me, because I will be 29 in 10 days woohoo!!!! :)

1.  I'm almost 29 years old and am still somewhat afraid of the dark lol

2.  I am terrified of snakes and bees make me nervous. :(  I was stung on my lip and between my toes so that's why; both were incredibly painful. :(

3.  I have played almost every sport on a team.  I played basketball for 12 years of my life, from 4th grade through college (intramural) and I was on a swim team at age 7, gymnastics and karate around 8, basketball, volleyball and soccer around 9, track and softball around 12, cross country at 14 and I like to play tennis. :) 

4.  I can speak in a Southern and British accent and I can imitate the voice of Stitch really well, from the movie Lilo and Stitch, and love to talk like Stitch when I'm feeling silly.  :) 

5.  Lilies are my favorite flower because they look so pure and lovely. :)  I really like white things in general. :)

6.  Driving makes me nervous sometimes, especially when people tail gate me. :(  I was rear ended once at the front of a five car pile up, so that is why. :(

7.  I really don't like to cry in front of others.  I feel it looks weak and I don't like to appear weak in any way.  :)

8.  If I could live anywhere in the world, I would live in the Grand Cayman Islands and go to the beach and go snorkeling every day. woohoo!  :)

 9.  I have known about God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit and most Bible stories since I was like two or three years old. :) 

10.  My favorite scent is vanilla.  I don't like most other scents.  They give me a headache due to allergies. :( 

11.  My favorite sound in the world is waves crashing on a beach.  I lived mostly in California so that is why. :)

12.  I love vanilla ice cream more than any other food in the world!  :)

13. My dream car is a limo.  If I could have my own personal limo that would be SO cool. :)  and I have always wanted to own and ride a motorcycle around. :)

 14.  I strongly dislike spinach and most veggies even though I know I "should" eat them :)

15.  I didn't get my driver's license until I was 18 because I was scared that I would get in a million car crashes. lol 

16.  I met my husband on :) and we were married two weeks after we met. :)  and pregnant a month later. :)

17.  I freak myself out when I'm home alone at night and worry that something bad might happen, like someone might break in or something. :)

 18. I've been to India, Taiwan, Hawaii, Alaska, Jamaica, Mexico, Australia, Thailand, the Grand Cayman Islands, and Haiti. :)

19.  I love my husband more than any other person in the world and think he is just wonderful and the best guy I could ask for!  He is such a blessing and an amazing gift from God! :)

20.  I have an older brother that is four years older than me.  He is my only sibling, but I always wished I had a sister. 

21.  I have a step dad and the step parent/step child relationship always seems to be awkward no matter what or how much time passes.  :(

22. I have camped out on a trampoline and in Yosemite and at the bottom of the Grand Canyon for a week. :)

23.  I saw the most amazing meteor shower when I was a kid!  It was so cool! :)  That partly made me want to become a scientist when I grew up. :)

24.  My best friend's name is Ashley.  I have known her for 14 years and we have never been in a single fight about anything.  She is the most kind, patient, and accepting person I have ever met and known in my life. :)  I met her at church when I first moved to California when I was 14 and I am always so thankful for her.  She is probably the wisest person I have ever known as well!  Go Ashley! :)

25.  I love to dance and sing and music makes life worth living for me lol. :)

26.  I sang in choir for 12 years of my life, from 4th grade through college.  Singing in the Biola choir was like singing with the angels in heaven.  It was such a thrill getting to sing with them! 

27.  I've always wished I could learn, or had the patience to learn, to play the guitar or piano. 

28.  I don't really like watching sports of any kind but I occasionally watch football with my husband because it makes him happy. :)

29.  and I LOVE JESUS! always and forever :)


  1. I didn't know you were in karate that's really neat your an amazing woman :)
