Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Satan in Dreams

This is a topic I have never heard anyone speak about really, but I really think Satan can mess with us in our dreams. 

Where else do night mares come from? 

Freud would say they are just our repressed fears.  But that's science trying to rationally explain what could be demonic. 

I thought today of the scene from the movie Anastasia when she has the dream on the ship.  This dreams causes her to sleep walk up on the top of the ship and almost jump over board.  In her mind it is a pleasant dream, but then at the end of it the truth is revealed and it is demons trying to lure her to suicide. 

Disney seems to have a lot of knowledge about the demonic realm.  I don't know why or how.  But look at the movie Fantasia; the scenes where it is pretty much all about Satan.  The tall black being with red eyes and horns.  How does Disney know so much about the demonic realm?  I have no idea.

But if your son or daughter is having nightmares, what happens in the movie Anastasia is a possibility for what's happening and what they are seeing.  They may actually be seeing demons in their sleep.  It's possible.  

I'm not saying every time.   But I think Satan does try to mess with us, anyone, even kids, in our sleep Not cool..... :(  You need to go to war with Satan sometimes, over your home, your family, your friends, everything.  Get in some serious battle in prayer against him.  Kick him to the curb!  I'm serious. :)

Pray over your kids before and while they're sleeping and say aloud over them, "By the power and blood of Jesus Satan be gone."  That seems to be the magic phrase to "resist the devil and he shall flee from you."  Amen! :)  I read about that in the Bondage Breaker.  Check out that book if you have not already. :) 

May God protect us all in our sleep!  Amen!

Here is the clip from the movie: 


And here's the clip from Fantasia.  I can't believe I saw this as a kid. :(


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