Sunday, November 3, 2013


Have you ever wondered why the fall was caused by eating a piece of fruit?  Why was it eating?

It could have been anything.  God could have chosen anything to cause the fall of man, but it was eating.

A verse that has always stood out to me is, "their god was their stomach." 

I think for many their god is their stomach; food is their god.  They are mastered by food. 

This is an issue and a sin that most pastors don't address because they themselves struggle with it.  Gluttony is probably the number one sin in America.  And everyone thinks it's ok.  But it's not.  Why?  Because your body is the temple of the Holy Spirit and we are called to be good stewards of our body. 

A good book on this topic is Made to Crave.  Check it out sometime. :)

If all you can think about is food, especially bad food, it's time to try fasting.

Most do not realize that any synthetic, processed food that you eat almost always just turns into fat, because the body cannot process it. 

Bread is horrible for this, which would include donuts, cookies etc.  Even breading on fried chicken.  Anything not natural will only result in a fat build up in the body.

My grandma used to say that when we eat white bread it just balls up inside our stomachs because the body can't digest it.

Bread in general is bad and I try to stay away from it.  Any form of bread.  To get your carbs just eat cereal.  Raisin Bran is the best option for this and Life cereal is pretty good too.  Almost every kind of cereal has 25% of your daily needed vitamins in one bowl.  Did you know that?  Pretty awesome huh. :)

The best things to eat at any time are oatmeal and eggs, no matter what the media always says about how harmful eggs are for cholesterol.  They have more vitamins really that anything else you can eat.  But try to eat them plain without cheese etc.

Milk is one of the best things for you.  Every part of your body needs calcium, craves calcium. :)  Oranges, obviously, are great!  Vitamin C is the number one thing you need to fight off sickness. 

Apples, bananas, grapes, any kind of fruit is ideal.  Think of it; in the garden of Eden they mostly just ate fruit.  :)  So to eat as God intended us to eat we need to mostly be eating fruit. :) 

Try to keep things all natural.  It will improve your mood and your body.  Then you just may never need to see the doctor again. :)

Nuts are good for protein.  I really only like peanuts but almonds are great as well.

When I am incredibly hungry I make a quesadilla.  Wheat tortillas are best.  As far as what cheese to eat, the whiter the cheese is the better and lower in fat it is, like mozzarella.  Cheddar is not as good for you and higher in fat. 

I also usually put in lunch meat but lunch meat is full of preservatives so I'm not sure about it still.
  It is probably the most processed thing I eat.

Peanut butter is good for protein as well.

Chicken is great, but in general Americans need to eat less meat.  That is one way to harm your kidneys I read.  You don't need to eat meat every day.  It would be better for you not to. 

I try to stay away from red meat except for the occasional burger. :) 

Ice cream is ok on occasion as long as it's just like light plain vanilla.  Chocolate is by far the highest ice cream in sugar and fat.  And when you add all the other things to ice cream it just kills your body really. :(

Soda is by far the worst thing you can drink as far as weight gain.  The carbonation makes the sugar turn into fat really fast.  Diet soda is not any better for you because it can still cause kidney stones, which hurt a lot. 

So for caffeine try just drinking sweet tea. :)  Or green tea is ideal because there are all kinds of health benefits from it. :)

Chips are never good, even the Sun Chip kind. :)  They are completely processed and full of salt and fat. 

Carrots are also one of the best things you can eat and corn, obviously. :)

Anything green is ideal like broccoli and spinach.  I have a hard time eating green things though lol. 

So try to eat better and you will feel better. :) 

May God be with you! :)

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