Wednesday, November 20, 2013


What I am thankful for in my husband:

He is a very hard worker.  Most guys wouldn't be willing to work 16 hours a day but he is. Go Ben! :)

He loves God as much as I do and wants to grow closer to him.

I love how kind and patient and humble he is.

He is quick to apologize whenever he does something wrong, and he really means it, which is nice. :) 

He takes me out to eat and watches movies with me. 

He likes doing Bible studies and devotionals with me.

I love when he suggests that we read the Bible together or pray.  :)

He always enjoys spending time with me.  :)

But he gives me space too when I need it.

I know he loves me; he shows it in many, many ways very well.

He hugs me a lot, which I really appreciate.  :)

I am thankful for every time he gets groceries or takes out the trash or buys me cards or stuffed animals.  :) 

He is the sweetest guy in the world!  I am so thankful for my husband! 

God is good :)