Friday, November 15, 2013

Counterfeit Miracles

Some in the church need to not see all healings and miracles done in charismatic circles as being demonic.  But then others need to see that sometimes they are.

I would say that most of the miracles and "healings" on TV by Benny Hinn etc are either faked, as in the person was never sick to begin with and they are paid to lie by the "prophet" or whoever is supposedly healing them, or they really are healed and it is by the power of black magic. 

In Exodus the magicians were able to all of the EXACT same things that Moses did.  Satan can do miracles too.  Satan can heal people.  Satan can cause people to speak in tongues, or other languages they do not know. 

"Satan masquerades as an angel of light."  That means that he can look like a Christian or a "healer" very easily and mislead many. 

Or they are only able to heal because Jesus' name has power but they themselves are not actually Christian.

Jesus said, "Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"

Why did they practice lawlessness?  Because they merely used the name of Jesus to do wonder and miracles but misled many in regards to the gospel.  They did not preach the real gospel.  Therefore they are not saved and lead many into false doctrines and teachings. :(

Benny Hinn teaches that people can become gods.  That of course is false doctrine. 

Most miracle workers on TV are doing it to get money.

Real miracles and healings still happen, but it more off the beaten path.  It is more done in secret in one on one situations or small groups.  Jesus always healed as he was going somewhere.  He did not heal on a stage.  He told all that he healed to go and tell no one.  He was secretive about it.  His intention in healing was not to make himself look powerful.  He healed because he had compassion on people, not to make people worship him etc. 

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