Saturday, November 16, 2013

Dangers of Charismania

Are charismatic churches cults?  Yes, I would say so. 


Because they seek to dominate and control their church members.  Any form of control in a church signifies a cult. 

"Broad is the road that leads to destruction." 

If half a billion people in the world are charismatic, it seem that that is a broad road. 

There are only 46 million Baptists. That means there are almost 11 times more Charismatics than Baptists.  Not good. :(

Watch this.   It's very enlightening...


"Nothing coming from the charismatic movement has preserved truth and sound doctrine. It has only produced distortion, confusion and error." 

God is a God of order, NOT disorder. That is the best way to test if things are of God or not in any church. 

"The charismatic movement has tons of non-Christians, people who only want emotional experiences."

"NO movement has done more damage to the church and to the orthodox understanding of Scripture than this movement." Amen!

 "I fear that it's success comes not from it's connection to the truth but it's success comes from it's CONNECTIN TO THE KINGDOM OF DARKENSS."

"It is Successful because it promises what unregenerate sinners ALREADY WANT."

What do people already want that the charismatic movement offers? 

"It is God's will for you to be rich!"  "It is God's will that you are always healthy....really?"

Not it's not.  What about Paul's thorn in the flesh.  It was God's will for him to have that.  It was sent to him by God himself to humble him!

The falling back in the spirit thing is of Satan, NOT God.  No one was EVER "slain in the spirit" in the Bible. 

In the Bible every time people fell in God's presence it was on their faces, not backwards, never backwards.

"To refer to God other than he is and to assign to God things he would never do is to take his name in is misrepresenting God." 

Yes, they do not know the real God.  They have made up their own version of the God of the Bible. 

They have made up their own version of Jesus that all are accepted, loved and tolerated etc.  But there is only one way to God.

They have made up their own Holy Spirit and made him do a lot more than Scripture says that he was intended to do.  The Holy Spirit convicts us of sin etc.  He does not give us ecstatic experiences. 

May God make us more and more wise in this area and guard us against anything occult.  Be on your guard.  Amen!

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