Friday, September 15, 2023

Racism at the Hospital

The very first conflict I had with someone after my baby boy was born was with a nurse. I'm sure she was the reason CPS was set against us. I had a visit from CPS the next morning after dealing with her. They said I was accused of not caring about my baby. I couldn't believe all that happened to me.  

The night before I had decided to stay up all night to take care of my baby in the hospital, so I didn't send him to the nursery. I made a pact with myself to stay up off and on until 6am to take care of him to make sure I could do it. I had just had a C Section 3 days before that. I knew when I went home I would have to do the night shift. The night nurse was wary of me keeping my own son all night. She said. "They told me you have high blood pressure." I said, "It's not like I'm just going to pass out." She probably thought I had an attitude with her, so she made up tons of lies about me to tell CPS to cause me trouble. I hope she regrets doing that. And I hope she won't do that to any other moms. Just because she didn't get to be a mom anymore because she was too old, she didn't have to cause issues for a young mother. 

I think it was partly a racism thing. She was Mexican and I am white. I am sure she has felt mistreated by some white people simply due to her race, so she wanted to get back at white people in general. Then the CPS lady was Mexican. The case was finally ended when a white CPS lady came to our home to interview the whole family. I figured that was a God send that she was white. Thank God she was able to help us out and close the case. 

Racism is so annoying. I am from California. Almost no one is racist there. But here in Texas, there is a lot more racism. It's very sad. 

I'm sure you all have stories of racism affecting you. Hopefully you don't, but if you do, may God heal you of the wounds from racism. 

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