Saturday, September 30, 2023


 I don't know why skeletons bother me so much. Maybe because our instincts say they aren't supposed to be seen. They are only supposed to be under ground. Witches dig up skeletons. Weird people throughout history have dug up skeletons. Normal people don't do things like that. 

Why are skeletons a part of Halloween? Because Halloween is demonic and skeletons are demonic. 

I had an ex who had tons of shirts with skulls on them, and I threw them all away. He was a little mad about it, but it was funny. Don't wear anything with skulls on it. It can attract evil spirits. You need to be careful of that. Why would you want to attract evil spirits? 

I remember walking through my neighborhood with my former family. One of the neighbors had baby skulls in their yard as part of their Halloween decorations. I went out in the middle of the night and took those skulls out of their yard and threw them away. I felt called by God to do that, for the most part. :) That was just disturbing to see that. It was as if they were proudly displaying dead babies in their yard. Why is that cool? Why would you want to display that? You really think that makes your house look cooler? No. 

I hate Halloween decorations. It all has to do with a spirit of death. Why would you want the spirit of death all over your front yard? Isn't life better than death? Halloween certainly encourages an obsession with death which is obviously very unhealthy. 

I hope you won't buy any crazy Halloween decorations. 

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