Saturday, October 23, 2021


 I have had many addictions throughout my life. Now my addiction is to writing, and bumping my super fun music with my super cool new speakers. Recently I was addicted to watching movies all day with my lover boy. :) Before that I was addicted to work and getting that fun work out at work. I didn't care about the money as much as I loved the exercise. It is nice to work your body sometimes. But getting to sit or lay down all day can definitely be nice too. I don't miss having an aching back from work, that's for sure. Here is a funny line I thought of about that, "I'm breaking my back for another man's profit." Yep.

I used to be addicted to mocha frappes from McDonald's. Now I am addicted to bagels with cream cheese. :)

I used to be addicted to sleep, and I know it was getting excessive. My bed is the most comfortable bed in the entire world, so it makes sense I would like to sleep on it a lot. Also, sleep is one way to make the time pass faster, just take another nap. But listening to music all day and writing is a lot more fun. Sometimes I get up and have a dance break. I know all ya'll would like to see that. :)

I used to be addicted to smoking cigarettes. Or I thought I was addicted. I think most people just smoke because they can't think of something else to do. Going outside to smoke is just something to do. It is a reason to get outside, but it is not a good reason to get outside. ;)

Here is a better way to get outside, go for a walk or a bike ride or go roller blade around. You know you want to. :) Or drive to the store and just buy one thing. I know it's hard to just get ONE thing, but it's a way to get outside more often. When I go to the store I almost always spend $100. But I had that thought recently. Why not go out every day and just get 1 or 2 things, just to get out more? It's not good to do either extreme, always being out or always being home. It is nice to have a mix, so mix it up. 

I have always been addicted to popcorn and candy. I blame our movie theatres for that. I just got a big bag of candy to hand out at Halloween, but it might all be gone before Halloween comes. :)

My best addiction has been to prayer. If you need to find the best addiction ever, get addicted to prayer. I have always been more addicted to talking to God then any human being. I wouldn't want to talk to anyone else, most of the time. God is the wisest being alive, so wouldn't you want to talk to him a lot too.  You should. :)

If you have any bad addictions, may God help you. God please help all of us to have good addictions instead of bad ones. Thank you for giving us a desire to be alive and not die. Give us addictions that lead to a more happy and healthy life. Help us to stop killing ourselves with bad addictions. Thank you for giving us wisdom in what we choose to do with our time. Give us direction and healing and healthy wholeness. God control our minds. Don't let Satan control our minds. Help us to have self-control. But we pray that you would control us too. We want you to keep us in check. Keep us from doing evil things and things that are bad for us. Thank you Jesus for your direction in our lives. Help us to always be yielded to you. Thank you for helping us to not quench your Holy Spirit and to always stay attuned to his still small voice in our heads. Help us to see the Holy Spirit as our best friend, because that is all he wants to be, forever and always. In Jesus' name amen. 

God bless. :)

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