Sunday, October 24, 2021

Do You Have Fruit?

Do you have the fruit of God's spirit? 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. 

Love is patient. Love is kind. Love does not envy. Love is what the world is really missing. If people really loved others, there wouldn't be as many broke people in the world. We would all have everything we need. Why is it that only about one tenth of people in the world have enough food every day? It is because our world is lacking in love. Where is the love? Where is the concern for others? Why do most of us only care about ourselves? Love genuinely cares about others. I know people in church pretend to care about others. Some of them really do, but a lot of it is fake. Where is the real love? 

Joy happens when you find that one thing that you love to do. Your purpose. In the movie City Slickers the old guy in the movie says you have to find that one thing. What is the one thing you really love and you are good at? Do it, and then you will have joy in your life. For me it is writing, obviously. For you it might be cleaning, or cooking, or building things etc. Find that one thing, so you can finally have joy.

Peace. It can be hard to have peace, especially with how the world is now. There seems to be chaos and confusion every few months somewhere. If you are feeling overwhelmed, just lay in bed and talk to God for an hour about everything and anything. He is your friend that sticks closer then a brother. He always wants to talk to you. The fastest way to have peace is to talk to God. That will set your mind at ease very quickly.  

Patience is so hard to have sometimes. Being patient with slow people or stupid people is difficult. If you try to see everyone as though they were a baby or a very old person that will help. Some people are still a baby mentally. So keep that in mind. 

Kindness is beautiful. If you had to think of the number one thing that makes you attracted to someone it is probably kindness. The reason people fall in love is kindness. What kills love is when people stop being kind. 

Goodness. This is something almost none of us see anymore. No one is truly good these days. Even me, I have not been perfect by any means the past few years. I have fallen short in my greediness, lust, sleeping around, laziness, gossip, hurting my body with smoking, refusing to serve others, fighting with others, complaining about my life in my head almost 24/7. I try to be good, but I know I am not good. Thank God that Jesus died for me! There is no way I could save myself. Christians aren't supposed to think of themselves as perfect, just forgiven. 

Faithfulness. This can be hard in marriage, if you don't truly appreciate the other person. People run away from their jobs because they aren't grateful. People run away from relationships because they aren't grateful. If you want to be faithful to people in your life, then be grateful for them. 

Gentleness. I have always known I needed to grow in this more then anything else. I think now that I am older, I am much better at being gentle. All my headaches and physical pain has broken me to the point where I am finally more gentle. Thanks God, I think. :)

Self-control. We usually just think of this in regards to eating. We know we need better self-control with how much we eat. But it relates to your temper and how much you do anything. You can watch TV in excess or sleep in excess. Your self-control keeps you from being excessive about anything. Praise God for self-control. It keeps us from feeling guilty about things if we know we did too much or went too far. 

If you have any thoughts to add, feel free to comment below. 

God loves you! :)

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