Sunday, October 24, 2021

To the Jewish People

 The only words I would say is stop being so stingy with money. If someone else needs money, bless them. Help them. God blesses you so that you can bless others. Also, life isn't just about money. Love is more important then money. 

God says, "You are my first chosen people. I love you more then life itself. Lisa is right, you do care about money too much. Money should not be your god. I am supposed to be your God, remember? You cannot serve both me and money. There is more to life then having a big bank account. I have blessed you all because you are my chosen people, but don't exploit others just to grow the money in your bank account. Please listen to me in regards to money. You don't want to loose your place with me in heaven over your love of money. I don't want to rob you of your destiny and what is rightfully yours, but don't play with fire. Don't think you can inordinately love money and forget about me. I blessed you. You didn't bless yourself. Stop thinking you got all your money yourself. I gave it to you. Be wise and generous to others. The more generous you are, the more I will bless you. And stop thinking you are broke when you have millions compared to other people. You are Not broke and you never will be. Just keep walking with me and you will never be broke. Lisa wants me to say, you should all believe in Jesus. That is somewhat important to me. He is the savior of the world, even if you choose to not believe that. Your savior came already, and his name was Jesus. He will come again one day, and you will be the first people he takes to heaven to be rescued from the destruction that will come on the world. But stay faithful to me until the end. Don't waiver in your faith or how closely you walk with me."

You are awesome Jewish people! I wish I was one of you. :)

God loves you!!!

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