Wednesday, October 27, 2021

All Glory Clouds are Fake or Demonic

 I'm trying to watch Sid Roth again. He can have some really good shows on YouTube. The problem is he just takes every story hook, line and sinker to make money and to make sales. He should be more discerning when people tell him stories. I am naturally skeptical of supernatural things but I think we should be. Satan masquerades as an angel of light. Just because someone sees something supernatural and wonderful, that doesn't always mean it's God. 

In the episode I was just watching, a lady said a giant cloud appeared in her room. She said it made her feel like a child and curious. If that cloud was actually God, she would have fallen on her face and worshipped him and trembled in fear. 

Just because God appeared as a could by day and a pillar of fire by night to lead the Israelites, that doesn't mean he will still appear as a cloud. That was a special circumstance. I am so tired of so many "Christians" being incredibly stupid. To assume makes an ass out of you and me. Have you heard that? My dad used to say that a lot. Don't just assume what someone says they think is from God is actually from God. I don't care if they can heal people. Satan can heal people. Witches can heal people. Use your brain! Don't just believe everything other people say. You have your own brain. Use it. 

I heard a story about Satanic ritual abuse and there was a cloud there too. Just because someone sees a cloud, that doesn't always mean it's God. "Be as wise as serpents but as innocent of doves."

If someone talks about their spirit flying, that is astral projection. That is demonic. Unless they are dead, there is no reason why their spirit should be flying anywhere. 

If you do watch Sid Roth, pray about each person you watch on there. If you don't have peace about what they are saying, watch someone else. 

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