Sunday, October 24, 2021

To the Mexicans

 First of all, I just want to say, I love you Mexicans. I have worked with a lot of you in every job I've had and I loved working with ya'll. You were like my family more then my real family. I have always been jealous of your perpetually tan looking skin. It is so beautiful. If I was the president, I would let as many of you come over and grant you citizenship in an instant, the moment you cross the border. I love your food. I love how generally, you all love to go to church and pray. Good job. ;)

I am sorry for any time any of you get sent back to Mexico. That is wrong, very wrong. I don't have to worry about getting sent back to Ireland, thank God. :) So why should ya'll have to worry 24/7 about getting sent back to Mexico. It's not nice. American gov. we need to change that. 

I don't get why Americans, or white Americans, don't seem to want you here. I think you all are great! Personally I have always liked Mexican people more then white people. Generally, you are nicer, more humble, and harder workers. You do get some favoritism with scholarships and free child care, but you deserve it. If your extended family is in Mexico, it must be hard for you to be away from them. All ya'll come up here like little islands and fend for yourselves. I have always admired your resilience and your care for others. 

I honestly always wished my mom was Mexican rather then white. I just feel like she would have less problems, because she would have less pride. White people have so much pride. 

I was just thinking how Jesus picked on the Pharisees a lot, but he was just trying to put them in their place. He was tired of everyone worshipping them. I am tired of the whole world worshipping white people. White people have more problems then Mexican people. 

I am sorry for any way you guys have been mistreated. I want you all to be here in America, and I hope you all get to become citizens very soon. You definitely deserve it. And thank you for building my house. :)

God loves you mucho!!! 

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