Friday, October 1, 2021

Your Daily Bread

 I could keep making bank being a pizza delivery driver, but then there is the expense of gas and car repairs And eating more because I burn a lot more calories. I decided I would rather be at peace and live off of less money. I rent out two rooms in my house for now, and collect $600 a month in rent. My water and electric and phone bill are $300 in total. That leaves me with $300 a month for groceries and McDonalds. I try to only spend $5 a day at McDonald's, which is $150 a month. :( I usually get a smoothie and McChicken. :)

 It seems silly to live off of so little, but it's better then begging anyone for anything, or working under a dictator, or living under a dictator. If you are married and you have access to your husband's money, resentment will grow because that is not your money. This can cause your husband to turn into a mean dictator. Not cool. :( It is better to come up with your own money. If you love God, he will give you at least your daily bread, and you need to be content with that. 

In the Lord's Prayer Jesus said, "Give us this day our daily bread." Not enough money to buy our next 100 meals, just our daily bread. So my whole life, I have tried to be content with just that. I have always just had enough money for my daily bread, and I have always been ok with that. Praise God. :)

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