Saturday, September 18, 2021

Faith, Hope and Love

 Faith and hope are essentially the same thing.  Faith is having hope that good things will happen to you, that God will bless you, that God wants to bless you.  "Faith is believing that God is a rewarder of those who seek him." Hope is believing the best about your future rather then assuming the worst. If you don't have hope, you have nothing. Depression is hopelessness. Depression happens when people have given up hope that anything good will ever happen in their future. It is a doom and gloom mindset that Satan tries to hang over your head like a dark rain cloud. It feels like it's always raining over people who are depressed and hopeless.  When they leave your house, it is like a dark rain cloud finally left. But to have hope is to believe that good days are ahead.  That your best days are in front of you.  That you can have just as much fun in your future as you did in your past.  Your life isn't over.  No matter what happened or what ended, you can still have a Great life. The greatest of these three is love, Paul said.  Why?  Because you can't have faith in yourself or others if you don't have love. Love is the main catalyst to having a great life. Love makes your good days happen. Love gives you the ability to have hope. When you show love, or someone shows you love, that is what boosts your faith and hope for the future. 

Go show some love, so you can have more faith and hope. God bless :)

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