Sunday, March 6, 2016

Harvest America Today

Harvest America/Harvest the World

Are any of you going to Harvest America in Dallas this weekend? It's at the AT and T stadium and starts this Sunday at 5:30 woot! It's totally free and Switchfoot is performing, my all time favorite band, and Mercy Me etc. Pretty awesome for sure!

I would love to go. It's so cool to see thousands of people walk on the field to receive Christ! When I lived in California I went to the Harvest Crusade every summer in the Angels stadium. I'm so proud of Greg Laurie taking it all over the US and being like our next Billy Graham! Go Greg Laurie! 😃 If you have the means to make it to Dallas this weekend definitely check it out. Or watch it live on TBN at 9pm in Texas and other times elsewhere. It's gonna be awesome!

Greg Laurie said earlier today on TBN's Praise the Lord show, "The same gospel that saves is the same gospel that sustains us in the hard times." Amen!

What a Great show that they just did! They were talking about how all the three pastors lost someone to a pre mature and unexpected death and how God helped them recover from that. I can relate to that as my fiancé died unexpectedly about three years ago. But God gives us hope and peace in storms and He can use storms to make us cling to Him even tighter, which is the best thing we could ever do. Amen.

May God bless you all! Watch Harvest America on TBN tmrw night at 9pm!

I'm about to deliver 100 packets in my complex and I wrote on the bible tracts about the crusade being on TBN at 9 here in Texas. Tell everyone around you in your life too to watch it! Co workers, family etc. Its gonna be awesome! May God start a huge and awesome revival all across America and even the world just from this one event amen!

God bless!