Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Close Drains

 The itsy bitsy spider went up our water spout 

Then it got inside and made me want to pout

Keep all your drains covered or closed

Those bugs want to be inside you know 

If the weather is bad they want a house 

What if it was even a mouse? 

The drains are evil trails

To all the critters that want to bail 

On the crazy weather 

Keep those drains closed 

Tuesday, February 27, 2024

Talk to Babies

 Babies understand more than you know 

Talk to them more, it may show

The more you believe they understand 

Maybe the more they really can 

Every day we will have a chat 

While we watch all our sweet cats 

We can go over the highs and lows

Maybe then I can really show 

My boy how much I care for him 

The Juggle

 I focus on my kid and my man gets less 

I focus on my man and my kid get less 

All day motherhood is juggling 

Who needs my love more? 

Which person gets more attention? 

If only I could clone myself 


Monday, February 26, 2024


 You get cold 

So I get colder

You hold back 

So then I do too 

You keep a guard up 

So I hide too 

Maybe one day 

We will let ourselves really love 

For now we can keep on hiding 

Family Time

 Make sure you spend time as a family 

No matter what, do it so you will be 

A lot less stressed when you feel love 

Remember they are all gifts from above 

Be thankful for those you see 

Try and let them show you glee 

Go outside and see the trees 

Cuddle and play so you can say 

You can't wait to spend another day 

Of good time with your family 

Sunday, February 25, 2024

Ice Cream

 All we want is ice cream 

When it is hot 

Your teeth might rot 

But when you eat it 

You feel more legit 

It cools you off well 

Then you ring like a bell 

The sugar gives you energy back 

So you can pick up the slack

Eat that ice cream and go clean 

Maybe then you will be less mean 

Wednesday, February 21, 2024

Save the World

 It has always been a goal of mine to save every person on the planet. Is that doable? Not at all but it is nice to dream. How can we achieve world peace? Make everyone follow God. Then the world would be a better place. We all hear God I think. Sometimes we obey him and other times we don't. What if we all obeyed him all the time? We should. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

Wake Up Call

 "You know you can call me if you need someone." 

I need someone Justin Bieber. My son wants to be up for the day at 1:30am now. 🤔😒

But I should not complain. It is due to him loving me so much. The more great my days are with him, the less he wants to sleep. Maybe he has too much testosterone now. I guess baby boys have a lot of it. And then they need barely any sleep. May God help me. 😪

Where is my coffee? 

Saturday, February 17, 2024


 They are not always a pain 

They make some go insane 

Sometimes their flowers are plain 

But still fun to look at 

You don't have to kill every weed 

Let them grow so you can see 

How wonderful wild nature can be 

We often mow and cut and tame 

Then we lose sight of God 

The cookie cutter world we create

Is nothing like what God intended 

Let the wild things be 

Then maybe you will see 

God in the wild nature all around you 

To the Dictators

 Whoever you lead, give them space 

Let it be and you will see 

It's easier to lead them if they're free

The more we try to force our way 

The more the other one may say

"There is no way I'll do it your way" 

Love grows in freedom and joy 

Don't make the other one say oh boy 

Learn to give in to what they need 

If you strong arm them it plants a seed 

Of resentment and anger 

Thursday, February 15, 2024


Holidays cause expectations and dreams 

We think we will get lots of things 

The holiday comes and goes 

We realize that all of those 

Hopes were silly, we should expect less 

Then we will feel less stress 

Not every holiday will be like before 

You can't expect your mate to adore 

You always, so let it go 

Those dreams are silly you know 

Life is never a fairy tale 


 Is there love in marriage? 

Or is it just being together 

Simply because it seems comfortable

Then if it becomes uncomfortable

One or both are ready to be done

Why does anyone get married? 

"Those who marry will face many troubles 

And I wish to spare you of this." 

Paul warned us all 

Yet we still jumped in 

May God help all the married people

To the single people I say good job 😁


 Who is your first priority? 

Is it your mate?

If it is, that is great 

Or is it another person who is bad 

If it is, that is very sad 

Why not set your priorities straight?

Is it a rich person 

Because you love their money? 

To others that isn't very funny 

Do you love money or people? 

It is hard to love both

Decide to love people more. 

Wednesday, February 14, 2024

Valentine's Day

 The one day we seriously think about love 

Many hope a cupid will fly down from above 

And make all their wishes come true 

You may be tired of being lonely and blue 

Go find a friend that will stay true 

Be what you are wanting to be with

If you want a faithful mate

Be super great 

Then you two may live happy forever 

No one will be able to sever 

The great bond you two have 

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Bible and Breakfast

 If you have little ones 

Why not tell them how Jesus won? 

When you eat breakfast as a family 

Read the Bible to your family 

It would be a great time to learn 

Maybe they will start to yearn

To get closer to God 

Every child should be taught God's word 

You can do it fellow parents 😁

Monday, February 12, 2024


 I can't believe spring is almost here 

That is when new things grow near 

I shall decorate my house with suns

That will be so much fun 

Also flowers and trees will be all over 

Maybe butterflies and a few clovers 

All the colors show that spring is close 

I love kittens being born the most 

What will your spring be like? 

Maybe I'll even buy a new bike 

A new place we could find to hike 

Hope you have a wonderful spring! 

Birth Control

 There are way too many abortions happening 

Why not prevent pregnancy from starting 

Use the pull out method when doing it 

Then you won't have a baby that you regret 

You will still enjoy together time I bet 

Better to prevent a baby than kill it 

Or else your soul will feel lit 

On fire with regret forever 

You might feel you sever 

Your heart in two 

Just pull out so you won't feel blue 

You can prevent a child if you want to  

Just be smart 


 Why do we make things?

Because we hope it brings 

A smile to many people's faces 

Maybe it will take us to new places 

If we become famous and cool 

We might feel there will be less rules 

In our life, We could make it big time 

All over our art will ring like a wind chime 

And bring joy to others all the time 

Maybe we could even make a dime 😂

Mainly it makes us feel sublime 

To express what is in our mind 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Don't Love Money

 Does more money make us happy? 

It can make you just want a nappy 

Money is really quite funny 

Don't you think so honey?

You have to be quick like a bunny

To get a lot, but then the sunny 

Feeling you once had can fade 

You think you got it made 

Then the rug slips out and you get jaded 

Focus on God first of all

Then you will never have a big fall 

From loving money too much 

Sleep Well

 Up with the sun, down with the sun 

That keeps you from feeling undone 

Most people think just some 

Sleep is ok, but you need tons 

Let yourself rest so you will have fun 

When you wake up, maybe in the sun 😁

The better your sleep, the less glum 

You will feel, So make sleep a priority

Don't act like you're in a sorority 😂

If you sleep you feel more authority 

To care for those you love well 

Saturday, February 10, 2024

God Loves You

 "We love because he first loved us." 

Why does God love us? 

Because he created us 

We are his children, his babies 

He loves to watch us play

There is much he would say 

To all of us if we would listen to him 

He wants us to know he cares a lot

And we should not worry about anything 


 If we have little food, we complain 

We think we need more to attain

Our stomach feels a little sore 

Everything feels more like a bore 

But then when we have a lot 

We feel like an overflowing pot 

We say then it's time to lose weight 

If I was more skinny that would be great 

But you wanted more food 

So no more complaining 😂

Baby Talk

 If babies could talk, what would they say? 

Maybe, "Mom it feels like a rainy day

I need a new diaper, but I got a bottle 

Maybe today crawling will go full throttle 

Why do you not know mother dearest?

Do I need to give off a special glow?

If only you could read my mind

I would feel less in a bind 

Someday I'll be able to talk 

I really can't wait to begin to walk 

Then my life will be so much better

But thank you for caring for me Mommy."

Perfect Weather

 The weather is just perfect today 

Maybe I'll go outside to play 

But it is easier to just stay 

Inside my comfy house and pray

Maybe later a walk is a good plan 

I can check out the full span 

Of my area and pick up cans

Because my neighbors throw trash all over

Pray for them 😂

Get out and walk around 

And listen closely for the sound

Of God whispering to your heart 

The Holy Book

 My baby fell in love with my Bible 

I read it to him and he couldn't wait to hold it 

Like he knew it is the most special book 

He was frantically grabbing it and opening it 

Like he was hungry and it was a great meal 

But it is that, is it not? 

It was written to feed our souls 

Read the Bible more and get full 

Friday, February 9, 2024


 He died on the Calvary tree 

Hung and died for me

Someday I hope to be 

Just as strong as him 

He fought the system and cold hearts 

Tried to give us all fresh starts

May we all have a great part 

In growing the kingdom of God 

Thursday, February 8, 2024

Beautiful Blue

 Blue must be God's favorite color 

The sky and sea are blue 

Blueberries keep you healthy 

The best flowers are blue 

If you need more fun 

Decorate your house all blue 

Wednesday, February 7, 2024


 "For God so loved the world

That he gave his only son."

Loving means giving to those we love

God set an example 

The more we love, the more we give 

When have we given enough? 


"Do not grow weary in doing good. 

At the right time you will reap a harvest." 

Give until your body is sore 

Give until you are exhausted 

Give because you feel good when you give 

"It is more blessed to give 

Than to receive." 

Tuesday, February 6, 2024

Backyard Beauty

 The wind whistles around the tree 

How great it is just to be, there 

The wind chimes shake and sing 

I have a few toys I might bring 

Outside, the air smells crisp and new

The skies become super blue 

New flowers are growing up all over 

I bet I could find a three leaf clover 

The cats come over to play with me

Go outside and you also might see 

The beauty of your own backyard 

My Lover

 I love your eyes, smile and hair 

I wish I could just stare 

All day at your handsome face 

You are my big strong bear 

I know you are a poor man 

But you were part of God's plan 

I am your biggest fan 

Thank you for being so humble and kind 

You were an excellent find 

I hope we will stay together forever 

May our hearts always stay tethered 

To each other 

Monday, February 5, 2024


 God fill me with your Holy Spirit more 

I pray that my life will pour 

Love on others as you fill me up

Give me eyes to see and ears to hear you 

I pray I will stay true 

To the pure life you called me to 

Make my life a perfect sacrifice to you 

Thank you for giving me life and love

Send me your guardian angels from above 

Thank you for all the things you give me

Thank you Jesus for dying on that tree 

I pray that I can always be 

More like you 


 You are like a second dad to my son 

Your cute bowtie makes me come undone 

You have such a zest for life 

It makes us forget any strife 

Thank you for being so funny and fun 

We wish we were playing with you in the sun 

You really make life so great 

Now go eat an awesome steak 

You deserve a reward 

For helping kids be less bored 

Sunday, February 4, 2024


 My man's snoring is so annoying 

Every night it has a bad way of spoiling 

My sleep, the sound is destroying 

The peaceful night, it is from him toiling 

All day at work, but it keeps me from enjoying 

The night time hours, it is disappointing 

He wants me to cuddle, but I prefer avoiding 

His room when he is snoring 

As loud as a grizzly bear

When I hear it I feel like toying 

With his nose to stop the sound 

Maybe it is caused by him coiling 

Up like a baby when asleep 

When he finally stops snoring 

Once in deeper sleep, I feel like rejoicing 

There is still no way I am joining

Him in his bed. 😒


Flowers are so delicate and pretty 

They are just as beautiful as a kitty

You see less when you live in a city 

If you have no flowers to see I pity you 

They make me feel happy every day 

Even fake flowers seem to say 

Your life is going to be ok 

As long as we are here to stay 

Change the World

 Who else wants to change the world? 

Jesus said, "I will make you fishers of men." 

Maybe if I write a thousand poems, then 

I can make the world happier 

Less bad, more joyful, less painful 

"Make your mark." 


 The most adorable creatures made by God 

They are so cute it makes you want to applaud

Their little faces and and tiny feet 

Make your heart melt anytime you meet 

They cry out for their mom 

It sounds like a siren from a bomb 

You can't help but try to care for them 

You cherish them like they are a gem 

With any kitten your heart will fall in love 

And praise God for the gift of them from above 


 So delicate, so beautiful, so fun 

When I see one I feel a ton 

They are the most wonderful thing ever 

The symbol has gotten twisted 

But God never intended that to happen 

Rainbows grace our skies sometimes 

They last only for a few minutes 

For that time I feel special 

It is like God is saying, "I love you."

It reminds us how fantastic color is 

And how amazing God is 

Next time you see one 

Remember God loves you a ton 


 Fear can feel big and paralyzing 

It makes you do tons of rationalizing

You think of the worst case scenario 

You fear the result will blow 

Up in your face

You imagine the worst 

You get so worked up your mind bursts

So then you psych yourself out 

And you go in a corner and pout

You rob yourself of what could be 

Fear is liar, it makes you not see 

Things working out well 

What if it all would be ok? 

Don't let fear stop you 

From a really happy future 

Custody Battles

 For 5 years now 

I have felt like a sad sow

There has been a long family cold war 

That made me want to soar 

To the rescue of my girls

But I know I can't handle the thrill 

I want to be in their life 

But with my ex there is so much strife

After I saw the movie Let Him Go 

I realized custody can be a crazy show 

I decided it is best to stay away 

I don't want an injury on myself to pay 

For getting to see my daughters again 

Maybe that makes me a coward then 

But who wants to get shot? 😪

Saturday, February 3, 2024


 "I didn't come to bring peace 

But a sword." 

Jesus was a fighter 

We see him as soft like a pillow 

But no, he was in your face 

He told those Pharisees how to act 

That's why they killed him 

Now us Christian try saying 

This is what you should do 

And some want to kill us 😪

That is the sword that Jesus brought 

But he also taught 

Us how to survive like he did 

"Be as wise as serpents 

But as innocent as doves." 


 "Your desire shall be for your husband 

Yet he shall rule over you." 

Us women see marriage as friendship 

Or is it more like a dictatorship? 

Who is in charge? 

The man is supposed to be the head 

But usually they just lay in bed 😁

Some say children are the head now

You want them to obey totally, but how?

God should ultimately take the lead 

As long as we all let him lead 

Things go better, as we all need ☺


 The most determined people are kids

You can try to seal their energy like lids

But they never give up and keep trying

Determined to crawl they keep striving

Kids want to learn anything they can 

They go non stop until they are a man 

Then they learn to lay down more 😂

Children are never a bore 

They always have a new mission 

Always giving parents a new vision 

Like a bunny they hop all over 

Feeling lucky with a 4 leaf clover

Cherish them young before it's over 

Friday, February 2, 2024


 God grant me the ability to stay calm 

It does help when I call my mom 

I need patience every day 

Help me watch the words I say 

I need to think before I speak 

Help me to always be willing to seek 

Your perfect plan for my life 

God please take away the strife 

Help me to love like you do 

May I always stay true 

To a perfect Christian walk 

And not just be all talk 



 Why does anyone have a budget? 

Then emotions won't rule your money 

Do you spend extra because it seems funny?

Do you spend to get back at your mate? 

Forgive them instead, that would be great

Stick to a certain amount every week 

Then you will never have to seek 

A second job 😁

Learn to have self-control and be content 

Any money you have is heaven sent 

Be thankful for what you have now 

Try to not complain or have a cow 

As Joel Osteen said "If you needed it 

You would have it."



 Is love all you need? 

No, you also need to read 

Books about how to be a better mate 

You need to remember to date 

Have fun when you're alone at home 

Go outside and explore 

Don't ever become a bore 

See new places, keep life fun 

You are never ever done 

Learning things about them




 I have loved you all my life 

Anytime my world had some strife 

You always made things more happy

You are woman's best friend 

On you we can always depend 

Men may come and go

But you love us no matter how much we blow 

Things up for ourselves 

You are always there 

To give a hug or and a long stare 

You never would ever glare

At us, we love you little cats 

Now go catch some bats 😂


 Days of rain seem more peaceful and good

It makes you want to cook great food 

The air is calming and nice 

The grass grows a lot and adds spice 

To the scenery all around you 

The world looks a bit new 

Every time you look out the window 

But don't just look out your window 

Go outside and walk around

Maybe some flowers you have found 

God has made the world clean 

Nature seems to have become serene 

Time to wonder what you can glean 

From this wonderful new day 

Thursday, February 1, 2024

Our Hearts

We call our emotions, our heart 

Any time we think we might start 

To fall in love we get a full heart 

When a person dies, our heart feels heavy 

Our heart feels giddy if buying a new Chevy 😁

When we miss someone, our heart feels empty 

When a baby arrives our heart feels ready 

To overwhelm them with hugs and love 

When we hurt, we long for comfort from above 

If we get angry, our heart goes racing 

Then it helps to start pacing 

Around the house until we feel calm 

If we are stressed, our heart flutters 

And maybe we talk with a stutter 

May God help your heart to stay at peace 


Get in the Sun

 Don't stay a mole in a hole 

Get outside, go fill your pet bowls

Sit in the sun and feel at ease 

Then go inside and eat some peas

A few minutes of direct sun 

Is better than sleeping a ton 

Don't be afraid of allergy issues 

Just make sure you got some tissues 

The TV and music are nice 

But hearing outside sounds are nicer 

Get off the couch you little potato 

You won't get sunburned like a tomato 

Go outside and enjoy the great day



 I wish I could see an angel fly 

I suppose then I would be saying bye 

To this crazy world we are stuck in 

This would full of hatred and sin 

Thank God the angels protect us all

Anytime you might be about to fall 

An angel will hold you up and save you 

Maybe they do that to make us more true 

To our relationship with God above 

When we are protected, we feel more love 

For our Father who takes good care of us 

He tells his angels to help us 

That is a big thing to thank God for 

When you pray every day 


 I don't want to be mean 

But I am feeling to lean 

I need to eat something 

Maybe a thing that is green 

I hate to eat if it hurts me 

But I need to eat so I can see 

That this day can be a beauty 

I hope this food will calm me 

So I will be better company 

Sorry when I get kind of mean 

But I was just feeling too lean