Friday, July 28, 2017

Feed the Poor Yourself

There are a lot of "Christian" con artists out there, like a ton, so beware of them.  They try asking you for money and say they will give it to the poor or to do God's work somehow, but how can you know they will? 

It's easy to just throw money at an organization, or some random person, and let them take care of feeding the poor for you, or you could do it yourself.  But why don't we?  Because we don't want to get our hands dirty.  Because we are so overly concerned for our personal safety.  Because we are....scared.  But "God did not give a spirit of fear but of love, power and a sound mind."  Amen?  Amen.  Or we like to use the excuse that we don't have enough time.  But how many hours each day do you spend watching TV shows or movies?  Why not use that time to help the poor?

Don't just throw your money at someone else, who will hopefully spend it on feeding the poor, but you never can know for sure.  DO something yourself to feed the poor.  Go buy food yourself and give it to the poor directly.  Everyone knows where poor people can be found in their city.  They are usually standing on corners or by stop lights.  And yet most people just ignore them.  What did God say?  "13Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered."  Proverbs 21:13.  So beware of ignoring the poor. 

It's easy to judge them and think "they did something to deserve that" or "they do drugs or dink so they deserve to be homeless."  But do you take prescription drugs?  Then how are your drugs any better then the drugs they might take?  Do you drink on occasion?  Then how could you judge them for wanting to drink to forget the sorrows of being homeless?  "Take the speck out of your own eye" before you judge others.

Go buy them a burger rather then judge them.  Love don't judge.  :) 

God bless!

Every Church Should Have a Free Food Room

There is a verse in the Old Testament about tithing so there may be food in God's house, but that verse is only relevant today if churches have a free food room where poor people, who have no food, can come and get food for free.  That is essentially what the Old and New Testament temples and churches in the Bible did, but almost NONE of the churches these days do that, sadly, at least not in America.  But EVERY church should have a free food room, for the homeless or single moms or those who just lost a job etc.  Then maybe more people would go to church, if they saw that the church ACTUALLY gave to the poor on a daily or weekly basis like God said we should.  And maybe those who go church would actually be EXCITED about church, because they wouldn't just be going to hear a college lecture essentially, they would be part of an exciting selfless giving TEAM!  Who actually puts action behind their words.  How cool would that be?!  

And maybe more people in the world would then really believe that God loves them and cares for them if the church really gave to the poor, as God wants us to.  

Maybe we should stop judging the world and start caring for it.  It is not our judgement that will get people saved, it is our love.  Amen?  "This is how people will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another."  And if you love the world and care for it. 

Why was Mother Theresa essentially the ONLY person who devoted her life to caring for the poor?  Why haven't other believers devoted all their time to helping the poor?  Isn't it strange that no one else, or very few others, have?  Especially since that is what Jesus told us to do? 

But think of how revolutionary that would be!?  If Christians actually did care for and provide for the poor, as much as they could.  How revolutionary would that be is churches all over America and the world started to have a free food room!  It would be amazing! 

Not to sound cynical, but what else are churches doing with all the money they get?  They should be feeding the poor, first and foremost.  The money shouldn't go to just help pastors have an excessively huge house or an overly expensive car, which often happens.  What kind of house would Jesus have?  What kind of car would Jesus drive?  Something to think about. :)

People in churches should be more encouraged to bring in food for the poor every Sunday, rather then give money to the building.  The building isn't important, feeding the poor is.  Otherwise the people are essentially just giving to themselves, which isn't really giving, if you really think about it. ;)

Go buy some food for some homeless people!  And then this verse will apply to you and your life. :) "Bring the whole tithe into the storehouse, that there may be food in my house. Test me in this," says the LORD Almighty, "and see if I will not throw open the floodgates of heaven and pour out so much blessing that there will not be room enough to store it."  -Malachi 3:10

Notice biblically what God directly says our tithes are supposed to be doing?  Providing food in God's house.  For who?  The poor.  And a tithe in the Old Testament was not money, it was food. ;)  I guess I fulfill that in my baking muffins for my neighborhood and the homeless.  What can you do to help feed others?  Think about it.  God bless. :)

Wednesday, July 26, 2017

Tithing and The Church

I am Christian but I am actually against tithing to a church. The Bible says to give to the poor, so those who want to give should start buying groceries for the homeless.  Rather then giving a whole 10 percent of their income to a rich church just so they can buy bigger speakers etc. give to those who are actually poor. There is not one verse in the New Testament about giving 10 percent to a building. The early church met in houses, not buildings. Really churches are just rich country clubs that we fund with our "tithes." We think we are giving to God and they tell us we are, but really we are just giving to a rich country club owner to build a nice place for us to hang out and escape our homes to. But why do people want to escape their own homes to go to this "church" club? Because they are running away from their responsibilities and their children. Parents should save for their kid's college or help buy their kid's first car rather then give any extra money away for some building. The Bible does say "if anyone does not provide for his own household he is worse than an unbeliever." I know there are cases where people can't afford to buy food for their family because they tithed too much. That is insane. Care for your family first and foremost. Give to your kids before you give to some country club church building. Spend time with your kids rather then spend all your time at some church with people you may only know a few years. Make sure your family always always comes first. That is what pleases God most. Amen. God bless :)

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Phil Collins

I have always been a huge fan of Phil Collins' songs. Especially his "Another Day in Paradise" song. Check out the music video for that one. It's very very good. And then go buy a homeless person a burger! Woot! :)

I was looking over the lyrics to his song "In the Air Tonight." It's funny even Phil collins who wrote it says he doesn't know what it's about. I'm thinking it's sub consciously about either a child abuse event maybe he went through or maybe his ex wife cheated on him and he is singing this to the guy. But the phrase "I've been waiting for this moment all my life" sounds like he wants to get revenge on something that happened when he was a kid. Read the lyrics for yourself and see what you think. ;)

Thursday, July 20, 2017

Jesus packets

My 3 year old Serenity is such a great little helper with my Jesus packets! Yay Serenity! She pulled the twist ties apart for me :) Pls pray for some packets I just made! πŸ€— My mom and step dad are taking a trip allll over the U.S. from Texas to Cali to Nebraska to Illinois and will put these all over yay! May the idea of making these packets spread throughout the whole western United States πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ and may MANY do likewise and make packets with Bible tracts and candy to put everywhere they go too! "Just a spoon full of sugar helps the medicine go down" lol. That's why I put candy in my packets. :) May these packets save many! In Jesus name amen! God bless :)