Sunday, February 25, 2018

Natural Health

People don’t need sleeping pills; they just need to drink red wine. And people don’t need anti depressants; they just need to drink coffee. A word from the Lord lol. :) 

But seriously both of those are natural and very good for you. I read once that people who drink coffee and red wine are a lot less likely to gall stones. Gall stones are the most painful thing besides child labor, I know from experience, so if you can avoid them woohoo! 

Red wine has been proven to be good for your heart and lower cholesterol and blood pressure levels. 

Coffee has now been proven to prevent many forms of cancer. Woot! And I recommend honey to sweeten coffee because most coffee creamers have all kinds off odd things in them. 

So drink coffee in the morning and red wine at night, like the arbor mist blackberry red wine at Walmart is great. πŸ€— And then you will live forever! Lol 

God bless! 

Saturday, February 24, 2018

Abused Children πŸ‘Ά

I just had an epiphany. It’s amazing really that even though I was sexually mistreated as a child I almost never pray for sexually abused children and that God will protect them or prevent abuse. 

So God please watch over all the children all over the world. Please send extra angels to every child right now to watch over them. Please give children all over wisdom and discernment about who they can trust and who they can’t. Please help their parents to have bucket loads of discernment on who they can trust and who they can’t. God please protect all the children from evil. In Jesus mighty name amen! 

Aluminum in Vaccines

Why aluminum is in vaccines: “Aluminum is used in vaccines as an adjuvant. An adjuvant is a vaccine component that boosts the immune response to the vaccine.” 

And that’s the only explanation given. Really? Pretty sure you should explain its need to be in vaccines a heck of a lot more then that!

Also this is funny cuz pro vaxers always swear the vaccines ONLY contain a dead virus, but this hospital’s own website says there are live viruses in the flu and the MMR vaccines. Maybe that’s why the MMR ones kill the most and cause autism the most. :( 

This also means anyone around a person who has just had an MMR vaccine or a flu shot might get the diseases because live virus strains lead to others getting infected. 

Vaccines aren’t about preventing disease, they are about spreading diseases to as many people as possible! 

“Aluminum adjuvants are used in vaccines such as hepatitis A, hepatitis B, diphtheria-tetanus-containing vaccines, Haemophilus influenzae type b, and pneumococcal vaccines, but they are not used in the live, viral vaccines, such as measles, mumps, rubella, varicella and rotavirus.”

Binding Prayer

Mt. 18:18 “Whatever you bind on earth will be bound in heaven, and whatever you loose on earth will be loosed in heaven.” 

God we bind ALL the evil in the people who pull the strings in the world. God we pray that their plans would be thwarted. That any way they are trying to harm the human race would not come to fulfillment. God we pray people’s eyes would be opened to their lies and cons. God change their hearts!

God we bind any forces of evil flying over America. And God we pray that you will loose thousands of angels over America to protect us from Satan’s schemes for murder and sickness and pain. In Jesus’ name amen. 

If you agree with that please read it aloud with authority and believe! πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜

Friday, February 23, 2018

Cannibalism via Vaccines:

Aborted Fetus Tissue is in Vaccines!

I read an article on Christians discussing vaccines. I guess the main reason some Christians object to them is that an ingredient is literally aborted baby fetus tissue. That’s nuts! And they quoted some “Christian” leaders saying “oh it’s not a big deal if they were babies aborted 30 years ago.” 😯😠Really? That’s insane! 

It totally seems to me like “the elite,” who are all Satan worshippers I guess, are trying to make our babies and kids cannibals by shooting aborted dead baby tissue into them via vaccines. That is just the craziest thing ever, like straight from a horror film! 

Why on earth do they need to put baby fetus tissue in them?! Only to be sick and psychotic I think! 

I don’t get why any ingredient is needed in them other then the dead strain of the virus. Honestly. 

Those sick and depraved Satan worshipping cannibalistic Elite and Merck people! May God curse them

Great Logical Reasons to NOT Vaccinate

These are the best points I read from this article. Thank God for her!

This is her MOST important point. πŸ˜€

”Insurance companies, such as Blue Cross Blue Shield, often encourage doctors to fully vaccinate their patients by providing bonuses of up to $40,000 a year (if not more)! Doctors must meet a certain percentage to qualify for the bonus or they will lose their bonus. This helps to explain why some doctors are so “persistent” in only seeing fully vaccinated patients. Additionally, doctors may be penalized and denied their bonuses if they report any adverse reactions from vaccinations.” Yep

Sad face to this. :(

“Surprisingly enough most anti-vaxxers are just ex-vaxxers. Many of us (myself included) were once pro-vax and believed the lies that surrounded the vaccine industry and their “lifesaving capabilities.” And just like most pro-vaxxers, we want to keep our children safe and believed that health could be as simple as the tip of a needle. We handed our children over to those we thought we could trust without question and abided by the CDC schedule while rolling our eyes at those who that tried to warn us of the dangers and corruption. It wasn’t until we were faced with the consequences of vaccines and experienced first-hand the dangerous side effects from vaccines in our own children that we finally woke up and fell down what we call “the rabbit hole.” This is why so many of us have become so vocal and passionate on the subject – we only want to prevent your child(ren) from experiencing the same injuries/death and to prevent you from experiencing the same heartache that so many of us have had to go through. Unlike vaccine manufacturers, doctors, and the CDC, we literally have nothing to gain from this. So maybe it’s time to start questioning why we are willing to risk so much and be ridiculed if we have nothing to gain. Either way, whether you believe us or not, the science is on our side and the truth will eventually come out.”

A big amen to this! “Mandatory vaccination laws, such as SB277 and SB792 in California, are technically illegal and go against every United States citizen’s fundamental right to have freedom of choice over their body and their choice of medical decisions. Forcing vaccines on unwilling individuals should be an indication of the corruption within the government and vaccine industry.”

Haha yes I bet they do “The CDC simply cannot be trusted to be unbiased in their vaccine studies. A whistleblower case involving Dr. William Thompson (head researcher during the time of the study determining whether or not there was a link between the MMR and autism), revealed that not only does the CDC erase, adjust and/or change their studies to reflect an outcome they want, but if they cannot change the outcomes to show their results in a positive light, they will destroy all necessary documents.”

“Vaccines can and do cause death in people, especially infants and young children. SIDS is often times a result of vaccines and it is not just a coincidence that the majority of SIDS cases occur at 2, 4, and 6 months. If you look at countries that have the highest vaccination rates in comparison to countries that have the lowest vaccination rates, you will find that the higher the vaccination rate is, the higher the infant mortality is and vise-versa. In fact, the United States’ infant mortality rate on the first day of life is actually higher than all other industrialized nations’ infant mortality rates combined. This makes no sense considering we have some of the world’s best access to clean food, water, and medical steps, and have little disease impact.”

This is very interesting πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜

“Recent studies suggest that many of these “deadly” childhood diseases that we vaccinate against are actually beneficial to the human body. They help to effectively build up and strengthen the immune system by “teaching” the body how to successfully fight off future cancers and tumors. This happens due to the fact that the antigens found from measles, mumps, and chickenpox, etc. (benign childhood diseases) are very similar to various cancers and tumors, thus allowing the immune system to recognize cancer and tumor antigens right away and ultimately fight them off.”

Amen to this.

“Not one disease was “eradicated” because of vaccines. History reveals that mortality caused by measles, mumps, polio, diptheria, smallpox, and even scarlet fever (which had no vaccine), were already on the decline even before the vaccines were introduced. These rates continue to decline at the same pace even after the introduction of the vaccines – not faster which one might think. For example, in 1900, the mortality rate from measles was 13.3 deaths in 100,000; in 1940, the mortality rate was 0.5 in 100,000, and in 1960, the mortality rate was just 0.2 deaths in 100,000. The measles vaccine was not introduced until 1963.”

“Vaccines do not guarantee the prevention of disease. In fact, more often than not, vaccines fail, which results in people contracting the very disease they were trying to prevent. Review the pertuss-surv-report-2015 that show more vaccinated children got pertussis than the unvaccinated.”

“Vaccines do not guarantee the prevention of disease. In fact, more often than not, vaccines fail, which results in people contracting the very disease they were trying to prevent. Review the pertuss-surv-report-2015 that show more vaccinated children got pertussis than the unvaccinated.”

“10. Vaccine manufacturers are free of any legal liabilities, meaning they cannot be sued if your child is injured or dies – EVEN IF they intentionally put deadly toxins in (which they already do) that they know will harm and/or kill your children. This means that they have absolutely no incentive to do better or make their products safer. They are allowed to make billions of dollars off of their products every year without having any risk or responsibility in the matter. What other company or manufacturer do you know that is free of any and all liability like this? Spoiler Alert: NONE.

11. Vaccine injuries and deaths happen all the time and they are far more common than what we are led to believe. They are so common that because vaccine manufacturers could no longer be sued after 1986, the Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP) had to be established. Since 1988, over 19,021 petitions have been filed with the VICP. Over that 29 year period, 16, 938 petitions have been adjudicated, with 5,825 of those determined to be compensable, while 11, 113 were dismissed due to the program being extremely difficult to fight against. Even still though, the total compensation over the life of the program is approximately $3.8 Billion and counting. If more people, (especially doctors), were aware of vaccine injuries and didn’t dismiss or ignore them 99% of the time, could you imagine what the numbers within this program would be?”

Homosexuality is Sin

Homosexuality and Aids

Romans 1

“God’s Wrath Against Sinful Humanity

18 The wrath of God is being revealed from heaven against all the godlessness and wickedness of people, who suppress the truth by their wickedness, 19 since what may be known about God is plain to them, because God has made it plain to them. 20 For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse.

21 For although they knew God, they neither glorified him as God nor gave thanks to him, but their thinking became futile and their foolish hearts were darkened. 22 Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools 23 and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images made to look like a mortal human being and birds and animals and reptiles.

24 Therefore God gave them over in the sinful desires of their hearts to sexual impurity for the degrading of their bodies with one another. 25 They exchanged the truth about God for a lie, and worshiped and served created things rather than the Creator—who is forever praised. Amen.

26 Because of this, God gave them over to shameful lusts. Even their women exchanged natural sexual relations for unnatural ones. 27 In the same way the men also abandoned natural relations with women and were inflamed with lust for one another. Men committed SHAMEFUL acts with other men, and received in themselves the due penalty for their error.” Aka. AIDS


Doctors are so funny. If you experience a negative side effect from one medication instead of them saying the logical thing like “oh you should probably stop taking that medication” they will say “here take this other medication to solve that bad side effect you are having.” I don’t know that from experience, because God has given me the good sense and wisdom to never take a medication, but I’ve heard that’s how it goes. Like the solution is more meds, not less. Really? Why do they say that? Because they can make more money off of you the more meds they get you on. And doctors do get a bit of commission from big Pharma for each medication they get you hooked on, I mean prescribe for you. 😁 And then we see every mass shooting is done by someone on an SSRI, anti depressant, or getting off an SSRI. Yet they still think it’s good to prescribe them to people? Really? I don’t know how they sleep at night. :( Knowing that they are essentially the cause and reason for so many mass shootings. 😠

Thursday, February 22, 2018

Prayers for God’s Truth

It’s amazing that every time I have written about pharmaceutical medication or vaccines or anything medical over the last 6 years I get attacked the most, mostly in groups on here but sometimes in comments by my friends. :( 

I think that only shows I’m really on to something. When you are doing the most for God, Satan tries to attack you the most. Also people only get mad because they know I speak the truth. If someone was trying to convince me that Islam was true I wouldn’t get mad because I confidently know it is not the truth. We only get mad about something if we know deep down it’s true. We can feel our minds starting to change and that makes us mad because we want to believe what we have always believed about things. We hate changing the way we perceive things because that is admitting we were wrong and our pride doesn’t want to let us admit that. 

Satan also keeps us from letting us see the truth and letting our minds be changed for the better. Satan wants to bring death. Medication and vaccines bring death. When I speak out against these things Satan hates it because I am messing up his plans. His plans to kill us and our children and steal the best life we could have in Jesus. But all I can say to that is haha Satan get behind me! You are going down and your plans for evil to kill or cripple the children of America and the world are  going away in Jesus name! Because parents are getting smarter. They see the truth now that many things in the medical field are only killing them and their kids. You are being defeated by the testimony of others! People are seeing that instead of doctors making them healthy they are making them more sick because you Satan are in control of doctors now. 

But I’m telling people what you don’t want them to know. “The truth shall set them free!” Amen. 

May all the minds across America be set free right NOW from the medical lies that medications and vaccines are good for you. God show us the truth! Open our minds to your truth Lord! 

Let us not be deceived anymore. I pray parents won’t be deceived anymore by doctors and that they will listen to YOU only about what is safe and best for their kids. God speak to us! Speak to us louder, MUCH louder, then the doctors speak to us with all the lies. Help us to listen to you and you alone! Amen. 

God may all these shootings across America STOP in Jesus’ mighty name and may ALL the kids and adults across America and the world get off of psychotropic meds that mess up their minds and make them want to kill themselves and others. God let us see the TRUTH! Let our minds be set free with the TRUTH. God I speak truth over anyone reading this. God fill their minds with your absolute truth and dissolve all the lies! Any lies they have been told about their health or anything God, give us your truth Jesus! 

May God bless you! With truth! Amen :)


Vaccines on a Lowered Immune System

Another reason only some kids get autism from vaccines is the same reason why only some get a terrible flu from a flu vaccine. If you get a vaccine when you are sick, your risk is much greater of getting the actual disease you are vaccinated for.

Any article you read from the CDC etc about the flu vaccine or any vaccine says make sure you or your kid are not sick and have a lower immune system when you get a vaccine. Why do they tell you that? Because they know the risk of it badly affecting you or your kid’s body is much higher if their immune system is lower at the time of vaccination.

Think about it. If all your anti bodies are busy fighting off a current cold or infection, how can they also defend against the flu strain or measles strain that is coming into your system?

They say the virus strain is dead but it somehow triggers a response from the body to build up anti bodies against it in order to work. So whether it’s alive or dead it requires the body to go into emergency mode and work to defend itself. If the child is already fighting off a cold or flu, that’s a lot for their tiny little body to do. :(

So then how do you know for sure going into a vaccine if your child has the beginning of a cold or flu? Often times kids are starting to get a cold or flu and we don’t realize it.  Maybe the virus is in their body but symptoms are not showing yet.

So my theory, and this is just a theory, is that the kids who get vaccines when they have a flu or cold, already, are the ones who get autism or other health issues or even die from getting vaccines. :(

Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Inside Government Truths πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’‰

Please watch this video

Skip ahead to 15 minutes into this video...When she says “The Who” she is referring to the “world health organization” who she notes are n sync with big pharma. This lady worked in the finance branch of our government her whole life. This is a very very good video and well worth your time watching it πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ’‰ although the first 15 minutes she tells a very interesting possibility to what really happened on 9/11. She very well might be right on all that sadly. :(

The Confused Elite πŸ’΅πŸ’°πŸ’£πŸ

I know it seems contradictory. Why would “The Elite” want to kill us off if they also want to profit from our existence? 

The only explanation I can think of is that they like getting money from us via taxes etc. but they do not like the burden of caring for us. Think of how much debt every American has incurred. House debt, student loan debt, car loan debt, credit card debt. All of which we can’t pay, at least not very much of. So when we can’t pay very much of our debts we are no longer of use to them and they give up on us and start exterminating, which is what is going on now with vaccines. 

That’s why Bill Gates and his fellow “Elite” people always talk about population reduction and global warming. They say CO2 emissions are wrecking the plant. But the TRUTH is that they don’t care about the planet, they care about their wallets. Our CO2 emissions, human beings existing, is killing their wallets, not the planet! We are a burden on them. Caring for us, giving us one loan after another is a burden on them. If you think of it from their perspective you will see that they must be pretty frustrated with us. “They” being the bankers, the elite etc. 

We all exhale CO2 when we exhale. They hate CO2 because they hate human beings. They hate the common man. And that’s why vaccines and abortions are legal and are killing 35,000 or more of our babies every year, because they WANT to kill us off. They want to exterminate us. 

πŸ€πŸ€Our Kids Are Lab Rats πŸ€ πŸ€

πŸ€ πŸ’‰πŸ’Š

The main serious issue with vaccines is that they are using kids these days as their personal lab rats. They do not fully test the safety of the vaccines before getting them approved. Obviously they don’t or why are kids dying from them?! 

They are vaccine trigger happy basically. I’m sure they are overjoyed by how much money can be made from vaccines so they just keep making more and more and somehow getting our government to mandate more and more. 

It’s the same with medications, as far as us being their lab rats. Every month or so you hear of people getting compensation for drugs that were bad and caused TONS of side effects. Several birth control pills were found to be bad for you years and years after they were put on the market and millions were already affected or infected by them with horrible side effects! 

What the heck! Why were they even approved by the FDA in the first place!?

And then why on earth after all those cases, that everyone knows about, would ANYONE trust ANY drug or vaccines manufactured by these people?! They don’t know what the heck they are are doing! And now they are using our babies and kids to experiment on with vaccines. It’s insane! 

If you don’t believe this it’s because you don’t want to believe it. You want to believe that our government is perfect and every drug they approve is perfect but it simply is NOT. 

Vaccines now are like how you can sign up for clinical trials for a new acne cream etc. and get paid for it. It might turn your face permanently red but hey at least you got paid $1,000 for trying it right? Ha😯 It’s the same in the case with vaccines, except you don’t get paid for trying it, unless your child dies, then they will pay you thousands and thousands of dollars as if to say “sorry” but how can any money replace your precious child?! It can’t! So don’t get them vaccinated in the first place! Please. I have your best interest at heart. Please trust that I do. 

Hundreds, if not thousands, of parents have been paid out by the government when their child dies from a vaccine. You just never hear about it because the news and any search on google or YouTube that you do on vaccines is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies. Our media is highly HIGHLY filtered by them! THEIR companies are the ones writing almost ALL of the articles you find online that say vaccines never cause autism etc. 

And everyone BLINDLY believes everything they read. People parrot off the phrase that “the autism study was debunked” just because that’s what they have read over and over on google articles or seen on YouTube videos but that’s NOT the truth. Vaccines DO or can cause autism. Not always, but they do in 1 out of 60 cases. 

All that info on google is controlled you guys! You can’t trust google to give you accurate info about vaccines. It’s all sales! “The ones who have the gold make the rules” right? And the pharmaceutical companies are the ones controlling 98 percent of the info available online about vaccines. Don’t believe what you are reading. It’s all lies! 

The facts are we and our kids are their personal lab rats, but they want us to trust them and their products so they can keep using us and our kids as their personal lab rats and for billions of dollars of profit in sales of these insane products. 

And that’s the hard truth. We are all just lab rats to them. You can believe it or not. Like in the Matrix you can take the red pill and see the truth or you can take the blue pill and keep your head buried in the sand. The choice is yours. I prefer to know the truth though and the Holy Spirit guides us Christians into all truth amen? That’s who told me to write all that πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ. Yay Holy Spirit! 

I pray it will help some of you to resist vaccines and protect you and your kids. Don’t be a lab rat for pharmaceutical companies! And don’t let your kids be one! You CAN say no! And your kids can still go to public school if you move to Texas or Colorado lol. Simply tell the schools here you choose to opt out of vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons and they will let you off the hook. 20 percent of private school kids and 5 percent of public school kids here are unvaccinated because, praise God, Texas respects a parent’s right to decide if they want their kid to be a lab rat or not. Praise God for Texas and Colorado that still are the land of the free! Amen. 

May God bless you all!

πŸ‘ΆThose in Power Hate Babies πŸ‘ΆπŸ˜­

It’s All in the Money

I’m pretty sure the government is tired of paying for a free public education for our kids. Makes sense, I’m sure it’s expensive. First they fired tons of teachers and doubled class sizes from 25 to 50 in a class. :( Now they make 72 highly costly vaccines mandatory for each and every kid to attend public school in half the states.

This is just a theory, but they are most likely paid by the vaccine manufacturer, Merck, for forcing the vaccines to be mandatory.

Just think about it for a bit. Our government is trillions of dollars in debt, trillions. Of course they are going to run to the pharmaceutical loan sharks, or money givers, to get money to push the pharmaceutical drugs/vaccines.

And we thought the 60’s were bad in America! At least back then people had a choice to do drugs or not. Now newborn, cute, innocent, precious babies are mandated to.

I know vaccines are not the same as heroine, but maybe they are since they are KILLING babies.

Did you know every single day 35,000 babies are aborted/murdered in America. They DON’T care about your kids if they are willing to murder 35,000 unborn babies in a day! Now babies are born and they try to kill them after with the vaccines.

If they can’t get you to PREVENT pregnancy with birth control pills or ABORT your baby before it’s born, then those vaccines will take care of them. And if you don’t want to do vaccines, fine, your kid can’t go to school.

Doesn’t that all seem totally Nuts?! But that’s really how they must think. Whoever the they is. The Illuminate I guess, or the Buildiberg group Alex Jones calls them.

The fact is, whoever is pulling the strings in our “great” nation hates babies. It must be Satan himself who is in charge. I’m not saying Trump is evil. He is actually anti vaccines himself and knows they cause autism.

Jesus come back soon! That’s all I can say.

“In the last days people will become lovers of money.” Our government included. :(

God help America. And may God bless you all and keep you, and your KIDS, safe in Jesus’ mighty name! Amen!

Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Insanity of Vaccines

Vaccines and the doctors who force vaccines are nuts! 

So in 1962 only 5 vaccines were mandatory. Any of you older people who didn’t suffer bad health due to vaccines, that’s probably why. You don’t understand the horror us 80’s and on kids had to face because you weren’t mandated 24 vaccines to mess up your body! 

Starting in 1982, lucky me 2 years before I was born, 24, (24!), vaccines became mandatory for kids, and now it’s literally 72 vaccines that are supposedly “mandatory” for every poor sweet cute little child born now. My goodness! :( really?! 

What the heck is the world coming to?! It’s like a horror movie really, babies being held down now and forced to have 72 drugs injected into them! It’s nuts! Not my kids! Not in a million years! 

And our own government, that we should be able to trust to protect us, is forcing this by not allowing public school enrollment in half the states if kids aren’t vaccinated! Why?! They have to be getting MASSIVE pay outs from Merck, the company who makes vaccines. They have to be. Follow the money. 

And no one else sees the massive con artistry going on here by doctors and the government sadly on the American public?! 

In some states you can’t get a religious exception from vaccines to go to school like the sad Mississippi people. :( Let’s all pray for them. Luckily in Texas you can be exempt from any and ALL vaccines for your kids based on religious OR philosophical reasons. Praise God for Texas! If you live in any other state move here to Texas! Maybe that’s why it seems all of America is moving to Austin, Tx lol. 😯

So us from the 80’s and on got 24 vaccines!  And we wonder why ADD, ADHD, anxiety and teen suicide became such an epidemic after that. :( 

I don’t know who reads what I write but I actually was crying today over the fact that my mom made me get every vaccine that I was supposed to get. And now I have gall bladder issues, a crazy amount of cavities, which I think could be related, and incredibly bad vision for my age. And my jaw has caused me serious pain and headaches my whole life and it is very much out of alignment. But hey, thank God I never became autistic. Praise God. 

I hated vaccines as a kid. Hated them. With a passion. I hated going to the doctor. I knew it was all EVIL and it was all wrong. Maybe I have been saved since I was 5 and that was the Holy Spirit telling me that. :( 

I hated not knowing what substances they were pumping into my body! “Hate what is evil,” Paul said. I have always felt ok about getting my blood drawn. Those nurses are free to take blood out of me, but putting stuff right in my blood stream has always really pissed me off. Like really. 

You parents who think you are doing the best thing for your child by vaccinating them, you are not! Sorry but you just aren’t. Someday your kids will highly resent you for forcing them to do that and will have lots of anger at you for that, especially if they have massive health issues as a result of your decision to force them to do that.

I always felt my mom worshipped doctors and blindly took their word for absolute truth. She still does. DON’T trust or believe doctors! Trust God! If that voice in your head is telling you don’t get a vaccine for you or your kid, don’t do it! Forget about the pro vaccine assholes, yes I said asshole because they really are, and the peer pressure out there! Stand your ground! Don’t let yourself or your kids get random stupid drugs pumped into their bodies! “Be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves” Jesus said. 

I know any of you choosing to not vaccinate yourself or your kids will get tons and tons of persecution but all choices we make that God tells us to the world will make fun of us for. Who cares?! We are not of the world but of God’s kingdom amen? Amen. But we have a wisdom that is far greater then the world because it is from God himself amen? Be strong! Don’t let your kids get polluted by all the drugs from doctors; vaccines, medication, any of it! 

It’s all witchcraft really, the forcing by some on others to do vaccines. The spirit of witchcraft is trying to control other people. Anyone who keeps trying to make you get vaccines or to get you to vaccinate your kids against your will, that’s inspired by Satan. “Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy” but “where the spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM!” Amen?

So much for America being “the land of the free.” 😒😭

America is really in a sad sad state if parents in half the states don’t have a choice to vaccinate or not! Unless you homeschool. Move to Texas all y’all! 

(If you want a great affordable price on a house you can get a 4 bedroom new house here in Jarrell for only $1500 a month woot! Such an amazing deal!)

God blessed Texas lol. 

May God bless you all!

(The comments below only prove my point how much pro vaccine people are complete assholes. They don’t care about others and their arguments are always totally illogical. Just ignore them. They are just like bullies on a playground. They want to push everyone else around because they themselves have lots of issues.) 😁

Mothers Who Lost Children to Vaccines

Here is a mother’s story in the Facebook group “Vaccine Injury Stories” :( 

“On November 23rd 2017 my son had his 18 month immunizations, less then 12 hours later he was dead. Only cause was a swollen brain. 

I am looking for other CANADIANS who lost their child, or their child has/had negative side effects from the DTAP/DTP shot. 

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE get in contact with me. I am currently working with lawyers and building a suit. But we need everyone. Talk,share let's bring this to the public.”

More mothers’ stories 

Don’t give your kids the Gardasil vaccine :( 

“4 years ago my perfectly healthy son became a ventilator dependent quadriplegic due to the vaccine Gardasil. 
Whether you call the condition TM or AFM they are both terms for polio  renamed. 
Colton fought so hard to get better. He was so strong and pushed himself trying to achieve a normal body that he once had never to achieve it in this lifetime.
Gardasil took his happy life from him. 
Gardasil took everything away from him that you take for granted like breathing, being able to walk,  scratching your own itch, hugging someone,  dressing yourself. Gardasil took my son from me. 
MERCK knows these risks exist. THE GOVERNMENT knows these risks exist Doctors know these risks exist yet they still administer vaccines because of money!  They aren't administering vaccines for your health and safety it's all about money! There's no true safety studies on vaccines CDC destroys the info showing bad side effects from vaccines. 
Please do your research..I did mine too late.  My son is gone!  
I miss him like crazy. 
You can protect your kids don't be a fool... don't trust a doctor that makes money pushing vaccines.  READ A TRUE VACCINE INSERT-DARE YOUR DOCTOR TO READ THE VACCINE INSERT. 

Why Only Some Are Autistic From Vaccines

The reason why only some kids get autism or other issues from vaccines and some don’t is that some kids have a stronger immune system. 

Some might have an allergy to the ingredients of the vaccine and some don’t. The problem is, you don’t know if they have an allergy until after they are affected or infected and get sick or even die. :( 

Some people are lactose intolerant or have a peanut allergy and others aren’t. People born with stronger immune systems aren’t affected as much by the aluminum or mercury in vaccines. 

Just like some people get tons of cavities and drink little soda while others drink tons of soda and get no cavities. 

Some of us have bodies that are just born stronger and the vaccines don’t harm us as much.  But you never know if your child has a weaker or stronger immune system until it’s to late. :( 

Like in the case of SIDS. That is NOT caused by a child sleeping with a blanket. That is silly and only a cover up excuse for infant deaths made up by Merck I’m sure, the manufacturer of vaccines. SIDS is babies dying from their vaccine shots. πŸ˜”πŸ˜­

God help us. 

A Pot of Gold

Everyone is looking for the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. That’s why people drink or do drugs, so they have the illusion that life is happy and perfect for at least an hour. 

Televangelists and pharmaceutical companies, aka. legal drug dealers, know this, that everyone is hoping for a perfect life. Televangelists promise that if you tithe to them, give them your whole 401K, you will have so many blessings you won’t be able to count them. But what really happens? You just loose your 401k because God does not reward stupidity. The blessing tied to giving is when you give to the poor. Giving money to televangelists is the complete opposite. It’s actually a form of idol worship because people make the televangelist an idol and that’s why they give all their money to them. :(

Doctors and pharmaceutical companies function exactly the same as televangelists. They get you to believe in them and believe what they say. They promise you a blessed and happy life if you take their pills etc. But what happens? You only end up more sick and more broke and if you believe what they tell you and take their pills. 

It’s all just sales. They are both just another form of the sleezy used car salesman who cons you into a buying a piece of crap car for an overly high price. They are both selling a supposed perfect life but it’s all just lies. Don’t believe them. πŸ‘πŸΌ 

The only real pot of gold that actually exists is the streets of gold we will see in heaven someday if we put our faith in Jesus! Amen and praise God! 

Thank you for reading and may God bless you all! :) 

Autism Vs. Disease Risk

The issue with vaccines is people don’t have the statistics right. They think it’s a 1 in 1,000 chance a kid will get autism from a vaccine and a 1 in 60 chance a kid will get measles or ruebella or any disease vaccines are for. But really it’s a 1 in 60 chance a kid will get autism from a vaccine and a 1 in 1,000 chance a kid will get any of the diseases that vaccines are supposed to prevent. In the year 2016, only 70 kids in the entire country of America got measles. And that is not because all kids are vaccinated now.

The odds are exactly the same for vaccinated and unvaccinated kids getting the same diseases which shows that vaccines DON’T actually even work. 😠

Monday, February 19, 2018

Vaccines Meant to Kill Children

Watch this. The Elite literally have the goal to use vaccines to lower the population. As in, they literally want vaccines to kill your children. 😠 Here is Bill Gates saying that in plain English...

Human Money Making Machines

Doctors and Human Money Making Machines

Why does the medical community love vaccines so much and why do doctors push vaccines SO much? Because then they can have a patient for life. If you or your kid get vaccines and then get all the health issues that come with  then you, or your kid, will be in doctors offices every month, which gives them more and more money.

It’s the same reason why they push chemo for cancer and prescription drugs. They WANT to make you sicker, not better. Why? Because the more sick they make you the more money they make off of you. Why would they want you to know that just eating fruits and veggies all day can cure cancer better then chemo? They don’t! Where is the money in that? They want people to spend millions on chemo instead.

Why don’t doctors tell depressed people to get more exercise rather then take a drug, because they want you to get more sick. They know very well that the prescription drugs will cause several side effects and they like it, because the more illnesses you have, the more money they will make off you.

Humans are only money making machines in the eyes of the elite and those who control the health care industry. They put on a good show that they care about people but they don’t. They care about how much money they can make off of you and that’s it.

Some in the medical field genuinely believe they are helping people, but the ones pulling the strings behind the scenes know exactly what they are doing. They want to make you more sick to make more money off of you.

ADHD, Autism and Vaccinated Children

 Remarkably, not a single published study has ever compared vaccinated kids to unvaccinated kids to see who is healthier years after the shots. Until now.
pilot study of 666 homeschooled six to 12-year-olds from four American states published on April 27th in the Journal of Translational Sciences, compared 261 unvaccinated children with 405 partially or fully vaccinated children, and assessed their overall health based on their mothers' reports of vaccinations and physician-diagnosed illnesses. What it found about increases in immune-mediated diseases like allergies and neurodevelopmental diseases including autism, should make all parents think twice before they ever vaccinate again:
*Vaccinated children were over four-fold more likely to be diagnosed on the Autism Spectrum (OR 4.3)
*Vaccinated children were 30-foldmore likely to be diagnosed with allergic rhinitis (hay fever) than non-vaccinated children
* Vaccinated children were 22-foldmore likely to require an allergy medication than unvaccinated children
*Vaccinated children were over five-fold more likely to be diagnosed with a learning disability than unvaccinated children (OR 5.2)
*Vaccinated children were 340 percent more likely to be diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder than unvaccinated children (OR 4.3)
* Vaccinated children were 5.9-fold more likely to have been diagnosed with pneumonia than unvaccinated children
*Vaccinated children were 3.8-fold more likely to be diagnosed with middle ear infection (otitis media) than unvaccinated children (OR 3.8)
*Vaccinated children were 700 percent more likely to have had surgery to insert ear drainage tubesthan unvaccinated children (OR 8.

Read more here:

Vaccines Causing Health Issues

I know it’s a hot debate now on if vaccines can really cause autism. But besides autism, which I think vaccines do cause, what about other health issues?

Does anyone else have stories like this? My appendix got infected and exploded almost causing me to die after I had hepatitis vaccines when I was 9. When I got the vaccines the nurses had to chase my around the clinic and literally 3 nurses pinned me down to give them to me. Maybe God was telling me they were very bad for me and to resist them as much as I could.

Anyone else have major organs fail or illnesses after vaccines as a kid?

When I was 2 and 3 I actually was half deaf and got tons of ear infections. Tons. I think that was also caused by my vaccines.

I have two girls now who are 2 and 4. They have never had a single vaccine and they have never had one ear infection. They have been very healthy and only get a cold maybe two times a year but nothing major.

I got all the vaccines as a kid, every single one.  My mom made sure of that.

And recently my gall bladder was very defective causing extreme pain over 6 months that felt like I was on the verge of death several times. It had to be removed. I think that was also linked to my childhood vaccines.

My brother had ADD and trouble learning in school. I think that was very much linked to his vaccines.

I have seen countless boys in my 16 years of working with kids in every setting who struggled in school or absolutely would not obey authority. I think all that was linked to vaccines as well.

Doesn’t anyone else notice how much more unruly kids are now then they used to be? People might say it’s because parents don’t spank their kids now but I think we all still do.

The current unruliness of children is because vaccines are messing up our children’s brains so that they cannot correctly function in society. :(

Similar stories from people on Facebook:

I have had major health issues throughout my life and truly believe now they were due to vaccines. I had a horrible reaction to the HPV shot as an adult. I never felt well as a child though and have been through hell as an adult since my HPV shot. My mom and I look back and it now make so much sense. I was never myself after being vaccinated and reacted similarly to you when I was due for them.

Saturday, February 17, 2018

My Ministry

Bracelets in Bathrooms :) 

My greatest joy in life is making Jesus bracelets and putting them in the bathroom of the restaurant where I work. πŸ€— I put phrases on them like “peace” or “joy” or “super Mom” in hopes that those words will really encourage people. :) And I put a sign next to them that says “free bracelets :) God bless!” 

All you other stay at home moms who are bored like me :) should try doing that too. πŸ€—πŸ‘πŸΌ Make bracelets, or any craft, and leave them in gas station bathrooms or McDonald’s etc. Maybe with a Bible tract. :) Everyone can have a ministry if you really want to have one. πŸ€— No matter what your stage is in life or what you do or where you are God CAN use you! Amen :) 

May God bless you all!