Tuesday, February 20, 2018

The Insanity of Vaccines

Vaccines and the doctors who force vaccines are nuts! 

So in 1962 only 5 vaccines were mandatory. Any of you older people who didn’t suffer bad health due to vaccines, that’s probably why. You don’t understand the horror us 80’s and on kids had to face because you weren’t mandated 24 vaccines to mess up your body! 

Starting in 1982, lucky me 2 years before I was born, 24, (24!), vaccines became mandatory for kids, and now it’s literally 72 vaccines that are supposedly “mandatory” for every poor sweet cute little child born now. My goodness! :( really?! 

What the heck is the world coming to?! It’s like a horror movie really, babies being held down now and forced to have 72 drugs injected into them! It’s nuts! Not my kids! Not in a million years! 

And our own government, that we should be able to trust to protect us, is forcing this by not allowing public school enrollment in half the states if kids aren’t vaccinated! Why?! They have to be getting MASSIVE pay outs from Merck, the company who makes vaccines. They have to be. Follow the money. 

And no one else sees the massive con artistry going on here by doctors and the government sadly on the American public?! 

In some states you can’t get a religious exception from vaccines to go to school like the sad Mississippi people. :( Let’s all pray for them. Luckily in Texas you can be exempt from any and ALL vaccines for your kids based on religious OR philosophical reasons. Praise God for Texas! If you live in any other state move here to Texas! Maybe that’s why it seems all of America is moving to Austin, Tx lol. 😯

So us from the 80’s and on got 24 vaccines!  And we wonder why ADD, ADHD, anxiety and teen suicide became such an epidemic after that. :( 

I don’t know who reads what I write but I actually was crying today over the fact that my mom made me get every vaccine that I was supposed to get. And now I have gall bladder issues, a crazy amount of cavities, which I think could be related, and incredibly bad vision for my age. And my jaw has caused me serious pain and headaches my whole life and it is very much out of alignment. But hey, thank God I never became autistic. Praise God. 

I hated vaccines as a kid. Hated them. With a passion. I hated going to the doctor. I knew it was all EVIL and it was all wrong. Maybe I have been saved since I was 5 and that was the Holy Spirit telling me that. :( 

I hated not knowing what substances they were pumping into my body! “Hate what is evil,” Paul said. I have always felt ok about getting my blood drawn. Those nurses are free to take blood out of me, but putting stuff right in my blood stream has always really pissed me off. Like really. 

You parents who think you are doing the best thing for your child by vaccinating them, you are not! Sorry but you just aren’t. Someday your kids will highly resent you for forcing them to do that and will have lots of anger at you for that, especially if they have massive health issues as a result of your decision to force them to do that.

I always felt my mom worshipped doctors and blindly took their word for absolute truth. She still does. DON’T trust or believe doctors! Trust God! If that voice in your head is telling you don’t get a vaccine for you or your kid, don’t do it! Forget about the pro vaccine assholes, yes I said asshole because they really are, and the peer pressure out there! Stand your ground! Don’t let yourself or your kids get random stupid drugs pumped into their bodies! “Be as wise as serpents but as innocent as doves” Jesus said. 

I know any of you choosing to not vaccinate yourself or your kids will get tons and tons of persecution but all choices we make that God tells us to the world will make fun of us for. Who cares?! We are not of the world but of God’s kingdom amen? Amen. But we have a wisdom that is far greater then the world because it is from God himself amen? Be strong! Don’t let your kids get polluted by all the drugs from doctors; vaccines, medication, any of it! 

It’s all witchcraft really, the forcing by some on others to do vaccines. The spirit of witchcraft is trying to control other people. Anyone who keeps trying to make you get vaccines or to get you to vaccinate your kids against your will, that’s inspired by Satan. “Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy” but “where the spirit of the Lord is, there is FREEDOM!” Amen?

So much for America being “the land of the free.” 😒😭

America is really in a sad sad state if parents in half the states don’t have a choice to vaccinate or not! Unless you homeschool. Move to Texas all y’all! 

(If you want a great affordable price on a house you can get a 4 bedroom new house here in Jarrell for only $1500 a month woot! Such an amazing deal!)

God blessed Texas lol. 

May God bless you all!

(The comments below only prove my point how much pro vaccine people are complete assholes. They don’t care about others and their arguments are always totally illogical. Just ignore them. They are just like bullies on a playground. They want to push everyone else around because they themselves have lots of issues.) 😁


  1. "The spirit of witchcraft" is to control other people? As a Pagan that is massively offensive. Christianity is far more controlling than witchcraft. The Wiccan Rede states "an it harm none, do what thou wilt". It is VERY against harming other people. I'd suggest you educate yourself in more than just vaccines before making such comments πŸ™„

  2. Your lack of knowledge about Vaccines, their ingredients, and how they work is astounding. You really should take basic biology and science classes.
    Please do not invite other anti-science people to Texas I have family there that are immunocompromised and don't want their deaths on your hands. You are giving Texans a bad name.
    I genuinely fear for your children, your refusal to protect them from vaccine preventable diseases is what will lead to them resenting you, hopefully they live to adulthood and decide to Vaccinate themselves.
    It is quite clear that you also have no understanding about Science, Autism, or Paganism. Land of the free includes freedom of religion. Mandatory vaccinations are a necessity due to selfish, lying, anti-science, fear mongering People like yourself who don't care about anyone but yourself and your agenda.
