Friday, February 23, 2018


Doctors are so funny. If you experience a negative side effect from one medication instead of them saying the logical thing like “oh you should probably stop taking that medication” they will say “here take this other medication to solve that bad side effect you are having.” I don’t know that from experience, because God has given me the good sense and wisdom to never take a medication, but I’ve heard that’s how it goes. Like the solution is more meds, not less. Really? Why do they say that? Because they can make more money off of you the more meds they get you on. And doctors do get a bit of commission from big Pharma for each medication they get you hooked on, I mean prescribe for you. 😁 And then we see every mass shooting is done by someone on an SSRI, anti depressant, or getting off an SSRI. Yet they still think it’s good to prescribe them to people? Really? I don’t know how they sleep at night. :( Knowing that they are essentially the cause and reason for so many mass shootings. 😠

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