Tuesday, February 20, 2018

Why Only Some Are Autistic From Vaccines

The reason why only some kids get autism or other issues from vaccines and some don’t is that some kids have a stronger immune system. 

Some might have an allergy to the ingredients of the vaccine and some don’t. The problem is, you don’t know if they have an allergy until after they are affected or infected and get sick or even die. :( 

Some people are lactose intolerant or have a peanut allergy and others aren’t. People born with stronger immune systems aren’t affected as much by the aluminum or mercury in vaccines. 

Just like some people get tons of cavities and drink little soda while others drink tons of soda and get no cavities. 

Some of us have bodies that are just born stronger and the vaccines don’t harm us as much.  But you never know if your child has a weaker or stronger immune system until it’s to late. :( 

Like in the case of SIDS. That is NOT caused by a child sleeping with a blanket. That is silly and only a cover up excuse for infant deaths made up by Merck I’m sure, the manufacturer of vaccines. SIDS is babies dying from their vaccine shots. πŸ˜”πŸ˜­

God help us. 

1 comment:

  1. Wow the ableism and your ignorance about Autism and vaccines is why I worry about humanity. You really need to educate yourself about both.


