Wednesday, February 21, 2018

πŸ€πŸ€Our Kids Are Lab Rats πŸ€ πŸ€

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The main serious issue with vaccines is that they are using kids these days as their personal lab rats. They do not fully test the safety of the vaccines before getting them approved. Obviously they don’t or why are kids dying from them?! 

They are vaccine trigger happy basically. I’m sure they are overjoyed by how much money can be made from vaccines so they just keep making more and more and somehow getting our government to mandate more and more. 

It’s the same with medications, as far as us being their lab rats. Every month or so you hear of people getting compensation for drugs that were bad and caused TONS of side effects. Several birth control pills were found to be bad for you years and years after they were put on the market and millions were already affected or infected by them with horrible side effects! 

What the heck! Why were they even approved by the FDA in the first place!?

And then why on earth after all those cases, that everyone knows about, would ANYONE trust ANY drug or vaccines manufactured by these people?! They don’t know what the heck they are are doing! And now they are using our babies and kids to experiment on with vaccines. It’s insane! 

If you don’t believe this it’s because you don’t want to believe it. You want to believe that our government is perfect and every drug they approve is perfect but it simply is NOT. 

Vaccines now are like how you can sign up for clinical trials for a new acne cream etc. and get paid for it. It might turn your face permanently red but hey at least you got paid $1,000 for trying it right? Ha😯 It’s the same in the case with vaccines, except you don’t get paid for trying it, unless your child dies, then they will pay you thousands and thousands of dollars as if to say “sorry” but how can any money replace your precious child?! It can’t! So don’t get them vaccinated in the first place! Please. I have your best interest at heart. Please trust that I do. 

Hundreds, if not thousands, of parents have been paid out by the government when their child dies from a vaccine. You just never hear about it because the news and any search on google or YouTube that you do on vaccines is controlled by the pharmaceutical companies. Our media is highly HIGHLY filtered by them! THEIR companies are the ones writing almost ALL of the articles you find online that say vaccines never cause autism etc. 

And everyone BLINDLY believes everything they read. People parrot off the phrase that “the autism study was debunked” just because that’s what they have read over and over on google articles or seen on YouTube videos but that’s NOT the truth. Vaccines DO or can cause autism. Not always, but they do in 1 out of 60 cases. 

All that info on google is controlled you guys! You can’t trust google to give you accurate info about vaccines. It’s all sales! “The ones who have the gold make the rules” right? And the pharmaceutical companies are the ones controlling 98 percent of the info available online about vaccines. Don’t believe what you are reading. It’s all lies! 

The facts are we and our kids are their personal lab rats, but they want us to trust them and their products so they can keep using us and our kids as their personal lab rats and for billions of dollars of profit in sales of these insane products. 

And that’s the hard truth. We are all just lab rats to them. You can believe it or not. Like in the Matrix you can take the red pill and see the truth or you can take the blue pill and keep your head buried in the sand. The choice is yours. I prefer to know the truth though and the Holy Spirit guides us Christians into all truth amen? That’s who told me to write all that πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ. Yay Holy Spirit! 

I pray it will help some of you to resist vaccines and protect you and your kids. Don’t be a lab rat for pharmaceutical companies! And don’t let your kids be one! You CAN say no! And your kids can still go to public school if you move to Texas or Colorado lol. Simply tell the schools here you choose to opt out of vaccines for religious or philosophical reasons and they will let you off the hook. 20 percent of private school kids and 5 percent of public school kids here are unvaccinated because, praise God, Texas respects a parent’s right to decide if they want their kid to be a lab rat or not. Praise God for Texas and Colorado that still are the land of the free! Amen. 

May God bless you all!

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