Monday, November 28, 2022


 Most know that pride is the root of all sin. "Pride comes before a fall." God hates pride. He detests it. "God opposes the proud but gives grace to the humble." I was playing a Bible trivia game with my family and I found it interesting that some didn't know that verse. 

What do you have pride about? Do you think of yourself as hot? Have you watched any movies lately? Because you know you aren't as hot as a lot of super hot people on the big screen. 

Do you have pride in your money? You know there are 100's of billionaires alive today? Even if you managed to save 1 million, that is barely anything now. 

Do you have pride in your house? It is probably messy and dirty so you should not have pride about that. 😂😉

Do you have pride in your intelligence? Any intelligence you have is directly from God so why be prideful about that? 

Do you have pride over your nice clothes? They will be "out of style" in 6 months so pride in that is ridiculous. 

Do you have pride over your nice smile? Ok that deserves some pride. It takes lots of work to keep a good smile. 😁

Overall pride is detrimental to you having a great life. If you are in love with yourself, you cannot properly love anyone else. You might think you are the best thing since sliced bread. 😂 No one likes a person like that. Be humble. If you want others to like you, stay humble. God will bless you more and your life will go a lot better. 😃

Sunday, November 27, 2022

Naughty or Nice

 Have you been a good person in your life? Just watched Fred Claus again. Best Christmas movie ever....

What is good? We all want to be good. 

Do you care about others? Do you strive to make people happy? Or is your life mainly just about you? 

We all can be selfish, but generally we should live to give others the best life they can have. What did you do to make someone happy today? It can be as simple as making coffee for someone else. Maybe compliment your co workers or your mate more. Get things for people if they need it. Give more hugs to more people. Call a friend that you know is feeling lonely. 

 We all know how to be more good. We just need to do it. 

Don't be a naughty person. Be nice. 😃 Leave your world a better place then how you found it. 

Friday, November 25, 2022


 Do the rich bankers, the Elite, at the top want to kill almost everyone in the world? Do they create one disease after another to cause that? Yes. Why? Maybe they are tired of paying all our medical bills. It probably is about 80% of Americans who either don't pay them or only pay part of their medical bills. But don't make the bills so high. Why are they so high? Probably because few people actually pay them, but they don't pay them because they are too high. Every medical bill should be $300 or less, no matter what procedure was done. 

If the bills stay high, how can we pay medical bills unless the minimum wage is raised or mortgage payments are lowered? 

The rich get richer and the poor get poorer. 

On every car loan and every house loan people pay about 30% in interest. Almost one Third of the payment is wasted on interest. I'm sure that is the Elite's way of getting us back for not paying medical bills. Then you also have car insurance and student loans, overpriced payments that are way too high. It is amazing that everyone doesn't go crazy trying to pay for all that. 

Then our gas prices sky rocketed. So the expense of going to work became more. Maybe that was to make up for all the unemployment they volunteered to give out. But hey, how about you guys stop creating diseases that make it almost impossible for people to work? Then you wouldn't have had to pay so much for unemployment. You fell into your own hole. 

I'm sure it is hard to run the world. Maybe if you all ask God for help you could have more wisdom in how you run things. I pray you will all get saved. In Jesus' name amen. 

Wednesday, November 23, 2022


 Why does over half the world love pot? I have never understood the love of getting high. I have been high 4 times. Every time, I didn't like it. I felt like a vegetable. Afterwards I remember thinking, "Why would anyone Want to feel like a vegetable?" 

A friend of mine has been addicted to pot for 30 years. My dad was just about his whole life. My mom was always a prescription junkie. She probably figured she was better then my dad but no, not really. 

I smoked cigarettes for 3 years. That is as much of a drug habit as I have had. It is kind of a drug because you think you need it. You think you can't handle stress without it. You use it as an excuse to go get some fresh air, but you are slowly killing yourself. Perhaps all smokers want to die. They can't handle life and that is the reason they smoke. 

Do pot smokers want to die young? Most just want to enjoy life more. They want that high in order to feel more fun. They get used to it, being in a zombie like state. They like to loose their mind and go numb. But what is the point? Maybe their thoughts are too much. They want to check out and forget. They want to sleep while they are awake and just let it all go. 

It is possible to forgive and let things go without being high. 😉

Don't give up your mind. It is a great gift from God. Use it. Treasure it. Keep your mind alert so you will become smarter. 

God can help you let go of all the pain. Just ask him for help. He would love to help you. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2022

Breaking Up

 With every guy I have been with I ended it, except my first bf. He dumped me. I was 13 and he was 16. He broke up with me and said I was too young. I think his actual fear was possibly getting a 13 year old pregnant. I've always wondered though if I had married him would my life have gone better. Possibly. 

Maybe since then I have always wanted to dump the guy before he might dump me. It seems easier to do the breaking up, but then you mull it over for years wondering if you did the right thing. 

With Moses at 16 I broke up with him because he was too emotionless. There was nothing exciting about him. With David at 18 I ended it because he wasn't a Christian. Same with Stephen at 19. Same with Greg at 22. Then I finally thought I met a good Christian man, Roger. But he was unfaithful a ton, emotionally. Then there was Ben. I never really could tell if he was actually Christian or not. I told him to move out and had peace about it because I decided he was not. Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. It only causes a ton of frustration. 

Then I met Brian who really was Christian. Finally I had found one! Only took me 34 years. 😂 We had great times hanging out. Sadly he actually asked me to move out. I suppose because I worked too much. 

Then I was with Eric. He was Jewish. At least I knew he believed in God and he tried to be a good person. He had a sweet demeanor about him, unless he had too many energy drinks. It was great to be with him. However he would not get over his ex and move on, so I broke up with him many times. I still feel bad about hurting him that much though. 😣

Now I have hopefully found the one I will never end things with. Please pray he stays away from drinking. He has a problem with that. But he is very sweet and is for sure Christian. I love him very much! I love you Zach! 

Hope you all have found great love. May God bless you! 

Monday, November 21, 2022


 Most of my life I have been waiting for someone or something. It all began with waiting a long time for a good man to have kids with. I thought I had him, but that didn't pan out so well. So then I was waiting for a second great man to have kids with. Every day I am waiting all evening for my sweetie to come home. In the mornings I eagerly wait for him to wake up. 😂😃

You have to learn to be great at waiting. There is always something we have to wait for. 

Now I am waiting for my little baby to be done growing. 6 more months. I can't wait to see her. 😁

Since I was about 10 I have been waiting to become a best selling publisher author. That has always been my biggest dream. Maybe someday that will happen. 

I have waited 15 years since college to get a chance to be a high school teacher. Who knows if that will ever happen. 

I am waiting to buy a new car someday. Mostly I am ok with my car though. 

I am waiting to get to buy a beach house. That would be a big dream come true if I can do that. 

Be good at waiting. You never know what God has in mind for you to have. 

Peter Pan Syndrome

 I read this term in a book a long time ago. It happens when men, or women, refuse to grow up. My ex husband had this problem. He was ok with providing for me and our daughters for 6 years but then it was like he was done being an adult. He wanted to go live with his mommy. So he did. He went crazy so he would have an excuse to run back home and have them take care of him. Some men never can leave home. They refuse to learn to fly. 

Most adults cannot handle being adults. Have you noticed this? The extreme of this is when a person kills themselves. Other people just check out. Other people worry all the time. Other people mask their fear in anger and act super tough. But really they are a scared little boy inside. A lot of women feel lost and alone. We don't know how to be an adult. What are we supposed to do with life? What is the purpose? So most of us just waste all our time doing pointless things. We never really figure it out. Why we are here. We remain confused most of our lives. 

Do you know why you exist? Hopefully you will find your purpose eventually. Until then go ahead and remain a child. When you decide to grow up, God will show you what he wants you to do. 

Emotions Addiction

 Most people are addicted to some negative emotion. Charismatics might call it a stronghold in your mind or spirit. It is really just a way that you are used to operating to handle life. It might be anger, fear or depression. My bf and I seem to be addicted to depression. It makes sense because we have both had very sad lives. It helps you sleep better when you're addicted to depression. 😂😃 Most of my exes were addicted to anger, which was often quite scary. I think it made them feel powerful. My ex husband was addicted to fear. I had no idea what to do about that because I had never known someone who was addicted to fear. It made very little sense to me why someone would want to be fearful all the time. But then again, why do people enjoy scary movies? 😒

The main reason we cling to these destructive emotions is because they seem comforting to us. Maybe anger was always around you in people you knew, so that is the main emotion that you prefer to feel. It makes you feel like you matter. You will force people to respect you, right? That usually never works, just fyi.

 Others have mainly been around fearful people so they seem to enjoy feeling fear. It gives them a lot to think about, that's for sure. They feel more in control of their life because they are always calculating what they think Might happen. This will, for sure, make you go crazy. Don't do it. 

Others had lots of sad, depressed people in their life so depression makes the most sense. It is like you could say, "There you are depression, my old friend." You feel the most comfortable being depressed. You don't necessarily enjoy it, but it's better then being overcome with fear or anger. You have decided you just want to remain calm and subdued the rest of your life. You have had enough drama. Now you just want to chill. 

Is the emotion that you let cover you an evil spirit? Sometimes it is. Usually it is just how we prefer to feel. Angry people are always full of energy. That is why they love anger. Fearful people are also full of energy, but it's anxiety. It is for sure more of a draining energy. Depressed people seem to have no energy, but at least they always feel relaxed. And they prefer to always feel relaxed. 

Which emotion is your favorite? Have you ever considered why it is? 

No matter what your primary emotion is, God loves you. :) He can help you to be more in control of extreme emotions. Just ask him to help you. God bless 😁

Sunday, November 20, 2022

Rich People

 My ex in laws LOVED to show off with their money. They bought 2 new cars, a gorgeous house and tons of insanely expensive furniture. All the while their son was going insane and we were struggling with money, but they didn't care. They just wallowed in their luxury thinking nothing bad would ever happen to them. They paraded themselves as if they were the biggest kings of Texas. Pride always comes before a fall. Then their son lost his godly wife and went insane. They now have to provide for him and their grandkids. Karma bit them hard in the but. Never forget to care about those less fortunate then you. Eventually their poverty will affect you too. 

Go Trumpy!

 Trump got reinstated on Twitter yay! Pls pray he will win the 2024 election. Go Trumpy! 

Evil may defeat good for a season, but the good can always jump back on their feet. :)

Trump was essentially fired because he would not bow down and worship the Elite. That is what happened. So they threw him in the fire to burn. Poor Trump. 😢 Someday they will get over themselves and let all people have a say. They will give up being dictators and let the light shine in their souls. They will stop worshipping money and actually care about the common people. 

It all coincides with the masks. They wanted to silence all us strong people. Well you can try but it won't work forever, you Nazis. 😁 Let the strong good people lead on! 


 Life is usually very hard. You loose important things or people and so you want to replace them if you can. But there is a long time of waiting to replace them. Most likely God makes us wait so we will value them more when we get that thing again. If you have to go without it, you appreciate when you have it a lot more. Fasting reminds us how awesome food is. Being single reminds us how fantastic love can be. Being without kids reminds us how wonderful kids can be. You never know what you have until you loose it. You may proudly think you won't miss it so you let it go. You don't need it right? You don't need them. And maybe you don't. But you still will miss them eventually. 

All good things come to an end at some point. But God can send a replacement for what ended. Your life isn't over yet. You can have again what you once had. Just because you lost a wonderful thing does not mean you can never have it again. 

Keep hoping. Keep your dream alive. You may have to wait to get that thing again, but you know it is worth the wait. :) Just be patient. Your dream will come true if you keep believing it can happen. 

Saturday, November 19, 2022

The Good and Bad of Divorce

 My mom divorced my dad because he didn't want to go to church or counseling anymore. Looking back it might have been because we were living in the country and he had an old truck. Maybe he was fed up with driving in the Nebraska snow and ice. I was mad at my mom most of my life for staying married to my dad after he molested me. But really maybe her divorcing him was the worst thing she did.  She was too proud. She thought she could be alone and be fine. She gave up all sex and any extra money just because he refused to go to church. And then she was miserable. She turned into the most depressed person anyone has seen. She died while she was still alive. Control can be evil. She wanted what she wanted and would not budge. So my brother and I were left to flounder without a father. We felt broken from that point on and lost and weak and confused. 

I have always wondered if my dad would have been a totally perfect man if he had married another lady. Was my mom the cause of him molesting me? Did she catalyze that whole event? Then 25 years later the same situation repeated itself. Different man, same occurrence. But both men were married to my mom. 

What causes evil behavior in men? Is it the woman they are with? Most men in prison are there because they were trying to keep a woman. Maybe they stole or killed someone, but a woman was usually the cause. Adam ate the apple because Eve told him to. 

Women can help change a man, for the good or bad. 

I suppose that is why my former in laws blamed me for my ex going crazy. Would he have still gone crazy if he married someone else? Probably. I think he definitely would have. He should never have gotten married. Some people can't handle marriage. Once a man is deformed in his mind maybe there is not much anyone can do to change him. If he is set on being crazy in any way, he will be. Men are stubborn. They generally will always do what they want to. 

Sometimes divorce is necessary. Sometimes it is the only good solution. It might be the only way to be safe. 

But don't divorce if you are still in love. Make that love last. Hold onto it. You never know if you will get another chance to live happily ever after. 

Thursday, November 17, 2022


"The love of money is the root of all evil." Do you love money a little too much? 
People step on their co workers over money and prestige and titles. You might neglect your children over a love of money. You might loose your mate over money. 
What do you love the most? Money or people? 
If you love money too much, you will just use people. If you love money you might end up in jail from doing really stupid things to get more cash. 
Be content with what you already have. Sure it's fun to buy happy things, but be thankful for what you already have. 
Don't let a lust for more cash ruin your life. Don't sell your soul to Satan to get more money. God will give you what you need. All you need to do is ask and be good at waiting. More cash will come when you really need it. 

Watch Out

 We just watched the two most eye opening movies ever made. Check out the movie Snitch and Traffik. Both of them are very well done. Snitch is about drug trafficking and the other is about sex trafficking. 😣 I had seen Brokendown Palace years ago on the horrors of the drug trade. That made me more cautious about trusting random people. Also most have seen the film Taken about sex trafficking. After I saw that I remember hearing that it happens all over California too. That is a great reason to never live there or visit there. 😳

What I learned from those movies. You never know if the police can be trusted. Learn how to defend yourself. If anyone plants a phone on you, throw it into some random open field. Never stay in a house or cabin far away from the rest of civilization. If a friend wants to ship drugs to your house, never let them. Never answer the door unless you are expecting a friend to come over. Always keep a gun or some kind of weapon in your house. Women, stay covered up in public. The more sexy you look, the greater risk of getting messed with by crazy guys. You can look hot for your man at home, Not in public. 

Never leave a house alone at night. Stay inside. Never stay in a public bathroom for too long. Be in and out. Have situational awareness. Always know what you have around you that can protect you. Learn how to drive smart. Don't aggravate people on the road. 

And most importantly, pray that God will always protect you. Stay on his good side so he will help you any time you need it. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Dying America

We have not recovered our morality since the 60's. The drug revolution killed our conscious. No one cared about being a good person anymore. First were drugs, then open promiscuity, then gay love went rampant in the 80's and then sex became God in the 90's. 

Will we ever go back to the purity of the 50's? Only God knows. 


I just had two scary dreams. It is not often that I have them so I figure it means a lot when I do. I dreamed that my brakes were going out so I saw my previous mechanic. He took me on a drive to test the brakes but to his house. That made sense in my dream because I liked him. His house was a total dump though. We talked about living together and then he showed me his photo album. It was full of what looked like witch doctors and "church services" where kids were being molested. People were getting slain in the spirit and falling back. Crowds were breaking out and having seizures. I was appalled while looking at the pictures which came to life as if they were videos. 

In my first dream there were two demon kids trying to get in my house. They seemed to have special powers. They kept biting me and each other. They acted like possessed dogs. No matter how hard I tried, I could not keep them out. Finally I told them to go to the lake down the road and locked them out. They flew away as if they were witches and kept trying to hurt each other. 
Those were the strangest and scariest dreams I have ever had. May God watch over me. 

Monday, November 14, 2022


 I remember walking around Downtown Disney in my 20's and looking at the Ann Gedees store. She took pictures of babies in the cutest way. Every picture made you think how cute babies are and how fun it would be to have one. Maybe that's why I was excited to have a family. But finding a worthy guy is not easy. So it was a long journey to find "the one." A worthy man that I could honor and who would be the head of my home. Finally I found him, and he is the greatest guy ever. :) I love you Zach! 

Why are babies worth it? The biggest reason is it is a little copy of you. It is so exciting to see a fresh new replica of you. A pure and untarnished new life. A fresh start. It is like you reincarnated yourself into this tiny new person. You hope they will carry the torch for you. That they will go help the world after you get too tired. There is so much hope that you have for them. You hope their life will be so much easier then yours. You hope they will never get hurt or be sad. You try to make their life as happy as it can be. 

Then someday they leave. But at least you got to cherish them for awhile. At least you got to really love another person from your whole heart for a season. 

You never sacrifice for a person as much as for your baby. Newborns are like army training for moms. No matter how you feel, you have to meet all their needs. You are their only helper. They need you for a lot. It is tiring but also fun to be needed that much. You feel honored to take on such a hard task. It is nice to get help from family, but if you care for them all alone, later on you can say with pride, "I did all that all myself. Good job super mom!" 

There is nothing more exhilarating and more fun then caring for your little baby. Nothing comes close to how great it is. The delivery is hard but it is worth it. No pain, no gain right? Please pray my next labor will have very little pain. Thanks all :)

May God bless all the fellow moms out there. Keep up the great work. You can do it! 😃

Saturday, November 12, 2022


Why do so many men cheat? Ok some women do too. The main cause of cheating is discontentment. Just like Satan caused Eve to be discontent in the garden and she sinned, Satan can cause anyone to become discontent and sin. The central cause of any sin is discontentment. You think your life is soooo hard so you "need" that drug or that illicit bad thing to sooth your pain. 

Your life is most likely not as horrible as you think it is. Maybe you have lost some things and you want to feel sorry for yourself forever. But what is the point? At some point you have to let the past go. If you live in the past, you will stay depressed. Look at what you have now. Be thankful for what you have now. 

A big cause of unfaithfulness is insecurity. Maybe you naturally are insecure or your partner sadly makes you feel insecure. You then think you need the outside person to validate you. You have a hole inside that you think you need to fill. But let God fill that hole. People will only be able to help you a little. They usually hurt you more then they help you. Look to God to be your knight in shining armor or the one you adore. And if you guys think that seems gay, the Holy Spirit is actually a woman. :)

If you ever consider cheating, don't. Staying with one person forever is ideal and gives you the best life possible. Hopefully you are happy with the person you are with. 


 The most stressful but also the happiest year of my life was when I taught Junior High English. I taught it for the second half of the year after another teacher quit. First I ran the after school program at that private school. From 2 to 3pm was my time with the adorable 4 and 5 year olds. Then 3 to 5pm I ran the study hall and helped watch the kids outside after that until 6. There were about 70 kids that I was in charge of.

 My co leader was a guy named Victor. He was in my class year in high school. We went to the same church. We hung out a few times and played soccer or went swimming. I sort of liked him just for his gorgeous blue eyes, but he was only a friend. It is totally God that kept us from dating because a year after I worked with him, he molested a student and was sentenced to 10 years in prison. I always knew something was strange about him. He seemed like a kid himself.  It frustrated me a lot how he interacted with the kids. It was more like he was one of them rather then in charge of them. But some guys never grow up. 

The happy part about working at that school was that it was in SoCal so the weather was year round perfect. The school was beautiful. The kids were usually well behaved and very smart. It felt like I got to be a mom to all 70 of them at one time. I think originally the school was just a church with tons of Sunday school rooms. It felt like a very safe and happy place. Probably it was the most safe and happy place I had ever been in. 

It was a huge shock to hear about Victor being accused. I didn't believe it at first. The school shut down. The super happy place was closed. There were accusations in the past about him that our boss had ignored, the police decided the school was defective and made it close down. All good things come to an end at some point. 

Maybe in the future I will find another place like that. A place where tons of kids can feel like family and there is love and joy. May God help more places to feel like that. May God protect those in charge from demons that infect their minds. Stupid demons. They always ruin the most beautiful things. 😢

Sex Addiction

 You can't make a wife out of a hoe.  And you can't make a husband out of a sex addict. 😒

Women tend to be attention hoes. This is why women love stylish clothes and make up and jewelry. They are constantly shouting "Look at meeee." They want to be noticed by many people. To get recognized. To change the world! If her mate does not see this as an asset to do good, he will just think she will become emotionally unfaithful. He will become suspicious and envious. The more she shines, the more hateful he may get. Maybe he wishes he was more shiny then her? 😒 And then you know you are married to a gay guy. 😂

Men tend to be never satisfied sexually. No woman feels like enough. Satan starts the discontentment via porn. Men have been trained by porn from an early age to want extreme sensuality. Their mate may not satisfy them because she doesn't do all the things porn women do. Their need for kink is too high. They see anything they want in porn and wish their wife was a porn star. Well she isn't, men. She is a normal woman who wants love and romance more then crazy, wild sex. Tone your expectations down. Lower your internal demands. Maybe some days the spice and energy are there but every time is not like a porn video. Good sex is the icing on the cake. What matters is a real love connection. If you wish your mate was like all the porn stars, that will lessen your love connection to her. Be realistic and be happy with what already is. 

Marriage is about understanding, contentment and gratitude. It is meant to be a beautiful friendship that lasts forever. Think what can I give, instead of what can I get? You get out what you give. "He who sows sparingly will reap sparingly." If you want more love, give more love. 😍😃

A Perfect Day

 This week I had the perfect day. My hubby and I went out for lunch at Olive Garden. Their soup is the best ever! Then we went on a walk around the lake here. And then watched movies the rest of the day. There is nothing better then that. 

Someday I hope we will get to own a beach condo. Then we can go walk along a beach every day. That would be so cool! 

Maybe we can own a beach restaurant someday and eat there every day. I've always wanted to own a restaurant and running one on a beach would be extra awesome! Someday....

Thursday, November 10, 2022


 At age 10 I was singing special music at churches. It was to help a homeless mission raise money. I made $50 each performance. I spent it all on cat toys and candy. ☺

I wanted to be the next Mariah Carey my whole childhood. The song Hero really inspired me to come up with a similar song to encourage others. 

As an adult I won a karaoke idol competition on a cruise ship. That was a very special day. 

 I have written songs at various times. Mainly when I feel very emotional. 

I still dream of having a song on the radio. Maybe someday. 

What is your biggest dream? Never stop believing. It could happen. 😃

Wednesday, November 9, 2022


 All my life I have loathed meds. They took my mom away and made her a zombie. She was there but not really there. They made my dad and brother go crazy. Both of them "had" to take Ritalin. My dad supposedly had ADHD and my brother had ADD. Really my dad was just addicted to coffee and my brother was sad a lot because my dad had molested me. 

I never was put on anything. Thank God. As an adult I have never done drugs or meds, and meds are drugs. Just want to remind you all of that. 😉 Just because it is from a doctor, that doesn't mean you should take a ton. One pill isn't enough for a lot of people. They always want MORE.... Meds can kill you just as much as street drugs can. Of course if you read the side effects for any medication and you still take it, maybe you want to die. I can understand that. We all feel like dying could be better. But suicide is a major sin. God said if you destroy your body he will destroy you. Does that mean all people who kill their body, either at once or slowly are bound for hell? Only God knows. 

 God only gives you one body. You reap what you sow. If you want less pain later on, take excellent care of yourself. 

I am against any and all meds. You can cure your body and mind just by eating healthy. You don't need drugs to feel better. That is a lie from the pit of hell. I hope and pray you will have the wisdom to quit any drug you are doing. God can help you if you ask him to. Just say no to drugs. 

Friday, November 4, 2022


 Most little girls love to color and write in a journal. Most women love to paint and write books. We just get more sophisticated with age and our projects get bigger. We hope no one will read our journal. Then we hope everyone will read our books. At least we get more open and daring with age. We find out we have something to teach the world and we hope they will care and listen. 

When I was a kid I colored Pocahontas coloring books and did paint by numbers. I was super into Lisa Frank stickers, because they were so happy and colorful. :) I probably wrote in 50 journals. I had them all until a few years ago. My dream was for my daughters to read them. But that might never happen. 

What do boys do? All the boys and men love to play their video games. I played a little with my big brother as a kid. They were fun. The graphics got better and better. But mostly I resented how enamored he was with them. Then I hated how addicted my step dad was to them. Then I hated how enthralled my ex husband was by his football video game. A lot of marriages fall apart because men can't give up their fun time. Men, if you want fun time, just stay single. When you choose to be with someone, your time is important to someone else. It can help someone else. You can't be selfish any more, unless you want a disgruntled spouse and a failed marriage. 

Ladies good luck having patience in your marriage. Hopefully your lover tries to keep you happy. Be thankful for what he does do. And men, love your wife as Christ loved the church. There is no other way to have a great marriage.

May God bless you all, especially you who are with a mate.  😃

Tuesday, November 1, 2022

Benny Hinn

 The most hated man in history, and also the most loved man, by some. He did do some good. He held massive services in stadiums and people actually got healed. God healed them though, not Benny Hinn. I was watching a healing service of his. Basically people got healed during worship, because that time really was anointed in his services. Then those who already got healed by God came up on stage and told what happened. That then increased the faith of people in the audience and their faith healed them too. As Jesus said a few times, "Your faith has healed you." It was a domino effect. The sad thing is how much Hinn made from these services. Supposedly he made 100 million a year. Of course, to give him credit it took some effort to be on stage in front of crazy large groups and share healing stories. 

What I don't get is why did he cause every person who came on stage to fall backwards? Did they fall simply because they wanted to? Was a force compelling them to fall, and was that power from the Holy Spirit or from demons? No one will ever know. 

I was asking God what was happening. He said sometimes the true Holy Spirit was the anointing power over Benny Hinn. But sometimes it was demonic powers. He himself is not actually filled with the Holy Spirit so any force can take him over. When he preaches you can tell it is scripted. It is not from his heart. He is just a good actor. He probably didn't even believe most of the people who shared their healing stories. He may have thought they were faking it just as much as he was, to put on a good show. He doesn't actually believe God heals people. He doesn't even believe in God. It is all just an act. He is merely acting in order to make tons of money. 

Hopefully someday he will truly be filled with the Holy Spirit. May God save him. And may he give half of all he earned to Pastor Jentezen Franklin, because he deserves it. :)