Sunday, November 26, 2017

Beware of Vaccines

Here's an email from a friend who is a nurse:

 ""When my kids were tots, a pediatrician told me the risks of vaccines according to his point of view, and I listened.  Before that, the subject never crossed my mind.  He explained the risks of mercury based vaccines and the link to Autism, especially in the pertussis vaccine and he even recommended that I not get the pertussis vaccine, as long as my kids were not in daycare (they weren't).  I did avoid the pertussis vaccine for all three of my kids.

In recent years, although mercury has been removed from most vaccines, I have heard that another preservative, aluminum, (a neurotoxin) has been substituted.
However, some have reported that aluminum is more dangerous than mercury.

Another vaccine I avoided was the Measles vaccine, after a co-worker lost her middle-school age son after he was given the measles vaccine.

When my kids got to high school and I had to turn in their shot records, I soon received a phone call from the school nurse, demanding that my kids receive their missing vaccinations.  I told her that I had refused them on religious grounds.  I never got another phone call from the school again about their vaccinations.
This was in 2000-2004.

I don't know if the schools would accept the "religious grounds" excuse today or not, however many colleges in the U.S. will not admit students without vaccinations.  My sister's youngest daughter, now 24, and a college graduate, had to receive a ton of missing vaccines just so she could get admitted to her college.

I have heard that a good rule of thumb for parents is the following;

No vaccines before age 2
No vaccines containing mercury (thimerosal)
No live vaccines
Give the DPT  (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus) and polio, as 4 separate shots, on separate doctor visits."

I would say though, don't give your kid any vaccines. If a kid as old as a middle school kid can die from a vaccine, why is any vaccines safe for any aged kid?

Saturday, November 25, 2017

Thanksgiving Texts

I have a Thanksgiving suggestion for you all! πŸ€— Text each person in your phone contact list who has ever done anything for you and start with "a thankful message for u" and write out all the things u want to thank them for. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ It's fun! And God will bless you more for doing so, lol maybe πŸ˜‰. God bless!

Here's mine to my mother in law who has done a ton for us! "A thankful message for u :) Thank u so much for all the sheets u have given us! And all the clothes for the girls and the beds! πŸ€—πŸ‘πŸΌThank u for watching the girls so ben and I could have an awesome vacation! 😁 Thank u for anytime u have babysat so we could go out to eat. We appreciate so much all that u both have done for us! Thank u!!! πŸ€— And for all the times u helped us move! We all love u very very much! Thank u! :)"

Confront Your Past

Here is a link to The BEST Joyce Meyer sermon I've ever heard! She says "It is time to stop running." Ironically I always used to have night mares that I was scared and running away from a man. It was always a stranger in my dream but I knew psychologically it was my dad who abused me as a kid. We all try to run from pain in our past and try to ignore it, but I love how she says we have to confront things before we can move on and have a good life. Amen. I confronted my abuse pain through 3 years of counseling. If you have something painful that you haven't talked to anyone about, find a friend to talk to or go see a pastor or counselor about it. And may God help you heal well and quickly. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‰ May God bless you all!

Sermon title: Chasing Your Future By Confronting Your Past, by Joyce Meyer

Wednesday, November 22, 2017

My Awesome Muffins

Here is my cinnamon raisin muffin recipe for any interested. :)

I start with a package of Oatmeal cookie mix
Then I add a cup of plain oatmeal
A cup of flour
A cup of raisins
3 eggs
A half cup of cinnamon
Tsp. Of salt
Tsp. Of baking powder
A cup of milk
And syrup if you want it sweeter :)
And add water until it is a good consistency

And then you get to make your house smell wonderfully like cinnamon! Woohoo! :)

These muffins have the three best things in life I think; oatmeal, raisins and cinnamon. Oatmeal keeps you full a long time. Raisins prevent constipation. :) And cinnamon helps maintain your blood sugar levels. :)

And finally my 4 year old likes my muffins too so that's great!

They are the best snack for on the go mom's who don't get to sit down and eat meals much. And hey, no preservatives! Yay πŸ€— my muffins are the best snack in the world I think! lol

God bless!

No Pain, No Gain

Both my girls, my 2 and 4 year old, had a cold this last week. I got thrown up on about 5 times lol, ah the joys of motherhood. And my mom got thrown up on. At the beginning of it all I was thinking "Why does God let us get colds and flus? Why does he let us suffer like that?" But now that it's pretty much over for them both I realize, it's so that we can sing some serious and excited praises when it's all over. πŸ‘πŸΌπŸ˜‰πŸ˜ woohoo! Praise God it's over!

I guess that is like any hardship in life, God let's us go through hard times so maybe when they are over, we can appreciate the peace after the storm 100 times more! Before a storm of sickness or being short on money etc we tend to take calm, peace and having plenty in our lives for granted. We might even feel bored with it. But then after a storm we appreciate the calm so much more! 😁 Praise God for delivering any of us from hard times, when he does! And praise God for his grace and love to us always! Amen! :)

May God bless you all!

Wednesday, November 15, 2017

Jesus Packets

Making my Jesus packets is the perfect blend of standing and sitting, :) cuz after I make 50 muffins and I need to sit, I make 20 bracelets or so. πŸ˜πŸ‘πŸΌ Mainly my packets have a bible tract, cinnamon raisin muffins and a bracelet that says "thankful" or "God's angel" etc. and sometimes a bible verse coloring card. :) I got the idea because I was thinking putting something with a bible tract might make it more effective and make people want to read it more. :) May God use my packets to make a difference in many people's lives! In Jesus name amen!

I think by now, after 3 years of making them, I have made about 5,000 packets or more. Praise God for giving me the energy to do that. Lol. May God bless you all!

Friday, November 10, 2017

Jarrell Churches

I went to two great churches by our new house here in Jarrell the last two nights! Wednesday our whole family went to the service at New Hope Baptist. It was great! Then last night I went to a women's study at a church like 3 minutes from my house called The Ridge. That was great too! The ladies there were so much fun! :) Now which one should I go to Sunday with the girls one is having a big potluck. :)