Saturday, October 31, 2020


 Love can be painful and scary, in relationships and even friendships.  In the end we all feel it's worth it, but at times it doesn't seem worth it.  It is easier sometimes to turn your heart off and to not care about others.  The more you care about others, the more you feel their pain.  When they go through hard times then you feel like you do as well.  I remember in high school I would always say "It sucks to care."  It does sometimes.  It is much easier to not care about anyone but yourself, which is what most people choose to do.  If you care about everyone else too much it will drive you crazy.  So we all go into survival mode and just try to protect ourselves.  We try to just take care of number one, you.  But then you miss out don't you?  You miss out on good times with others.  When you give you are blessed.  People who never give anything to anyone are the most depressed people.  Of course we can also get depressed when we give too much to others too.  The key is to find the balance.  Give but don't give too much. :)

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Do You Have Faith?

 This past year has been a constant roller coaster for everyone.  First my family went on a wild roller coaster ride and then the entire world did.  It almost was like what happened in my family was a foreshadowing of what would happen in the world, like God wanted to warn me.  My ex husband went crazy and became overcome with the spirit of fear.  Then the Entire World went crazy and became overwhelmed by the spirit of fear.  In both cases I was determined to not let myself become overly afraid but to Stay in Faith.  

Do you have faith? Like do you Really have faith? 

You can choose to have faith and you can choose to not have faith. Do you really believe that God's got you?  If you don't, then why not? What is the point of Not believing that God's got you? 

There may have really been someone messing with my ex husband, and there was a real virus that made tons of people sick, but does that mean we should get overcome with a spirit of fear?  Doesn't God want us to stay in faith no matter what?  To trust him.  To believe he WILL work all things together for our good.  God wants us to cling tighter to him in the hard times.  Sometimes he brings about hard times on purpose so that we will run to him more.  

When life is crazy just climb up into God's lap and ask him to hold you.  He would love to.  He loves you more then words can express.  He cares about you tons.  Even if you don't feel like he does, he does.  

God's got you.  Don't stress.  Don't worry.  Don't get overcome by a spirit of fear.  Just trust Him.  He will protect you.  He will provide for you.  You don't need to worry about a thing. ;) 

May God bless you! :)

Tuesday, October 20, 2020


 I love Justin Bieber so much!  First of all, he is the most amazing singer I've ever heard. I remember hearing that he went to Hillsong church in NY and I thought that was super cool.  He is the only pop star going to church.  

Katy Perry was raised in a Pentecostal church but clearly she has fallen away quite a bit.  That is very sad. :(  But I love Bieber's new song Holy.  It is so cute!  

There is a series on Youtube of his story with his wife.  I hope he will make more Christian like songs that play on pop radio.  If anyone could change the world for Jesus, he could!  Go Beiber!  You are awesome! 

I think Satan made Bieber get into drugs so much because he saw the great potential he had.  He could be the next Billy Graham, like for real.  I hope he might be. I suppose in a way he is like a YouTube Billy Graham now, in a different way. :) I hope Bieber will consider preaching more.  He says some about God in interviews, but I pray that he will have the courage to say more about God.  Thank you God for blessing Bieber, and President Trump, with Tons of boldness to share the good news about you.  

Thank you God that those two powerful and very influential men will use their influence for YOU.  In Jesus' name amen!