Monday, February 29, 2016

The Importance of Submitting to Authority

I just heard one of the best sermons I've ever heard by Jentezen Franklin on TBN.  My two favorite shows on TBN are Marriage Today at noon and Jentezen Franklin's sermons.  I also really like listening to Steven Furtick's sermons.

Tonight Pastor Franklin was talking about how being under authority ensures our protection.  When we stay under God's authority specifically we will have the best life possible.  When we submit to our boss' authority we will keep our job.  When we as wives submit to our husband's authority, we are more likely to keep our marriage intact.  When we submit to our parents' authority, the Bible says that we will have a longer life. 

As long as children obey their parents, and don't touch a hot stove for example, they will have a good life.  For the most part, parents know best how to keep their children safe and what they need to do and not do.  It is the same way with us and God.  God knows best what we should and should not do.  Thus the 10 Commandments and the teachings of Jesus and the verses by Paul of instruction for our lives.  If we follow the instructions in the Bible, we will have the best life possible. 

When we are willing to submit to God's authority, we are rewarded with life and peace.  "The law of the spirit is life and peace," Romans says.  And "the law of sin leads to death."  When we go our own way and sin, it leads to death.  "There is a way that seems right to a man but in the end it leads to death."  But Jesus said that he came to bring us LIFE and life abundantly.  We can only have that life in so much as we are willing to submit to God and God's wisdom.  Amen. 

"The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  Another way to say that is, the willingness to submit to God is the beginning of wisdom.  Amen.

May God bless you! :)

What Girls Need to Hear...

I say to my two year old, Serenity, about 20 times a day, "I love you! You're so cute!" I bet if I keep doing that she will never struggle with having insecurity issues. I hope so anyways! Those are the two most important things that any girl needs to hear from her parent. Amen. God bless! :)

Regarding Money

Here is a GREAT question to ask yourself about money, "Are you expecting money without respecting money?" Or, are you hoping that God will bless you with more money, but you don't respect the money that He has already given you?  Have you spent your money on frivolous and meaningless things without thinking twice about it? 

We all have. I know I have been guilty of this on many occasions. But we are called to be good stewards of all that God gives us, especially our money. We are called to not be greedy and to share and be generous with our money with others.

Biblical giving isn't just about giving 10% to a church. You can tithe 10%, but what do you do with the rest of your money? How much do we need to spend on ourselves and how much do we actually spend on ourselves?

A good budget to try to stick to is to give yourself $10 a day of "fun money." And anything other than that try to save or pay off bills or debt with. Or give more away, if you can. :)

This phrase was a very good reminder to me today of what God is working on me about currently. I just thought of the phrase today for basketball that I was always taught growing up; "the best offense is a great defense." The same goes for money; the best way to make money is to not spend money. As in, it's better to save more of what you make, rather than always try to make more money.

Also, a verse that I have always loved very much is, "Godliness with contentment is great gain." Aaaamen! If you can be content, you gain a LOT. Because when we are truly content; we won't keep racking up debt, we won't keep buying things we don't need, and we won't keep stressing others out with the money we choose to spend.
Soon I will be working at Outback Steakhouse. May God help me to save most of what I make or use it for good and meaningful things and not frivolous things. In Jesus' name amen!

May God bless you all!

Friday, February 12, 2016

Learning Lessons in Hard Times

People always ask the question, "Why does God allow evil?  If God is so loving, why does he let us suffer?"  And yes, I have asked that question myself about 100 times in my own life.  Why did God let me go through so much stuff?  And why does he let so many I know go through so many hard times?  My current best answer to that is that we go through hard times so that we will learn a lesson from our pain.  Just like a parent might spank their child to help them learn a lesson, God essentially spanks us sometimes.  It sounds silly, but we are God's children, and sometimes we need to be spanked.

Our family had some crazy bug issue over a year ago for kind of a long time.  I asked God why he was letting us be tortured by the seemingly invisible bugs for so long.  I felt him say to me that it was so that I would grow in wisdom.  The wisdom that I learned from that was VACUUM.  Every day.  Or at least every week.  God was trying to show me that I can't get lazy about house cleaning or else all kinds of bad things can happen.  I think the cause of the bugs was milk that was spilling out of my daughter's bottles; Dr. Brown bottles, which aren't made at well as their ratings say I found. The milk got on the carpet and that probably attracted some kind of bugs that flew in through the screens when I had the windows open.  So I grew in wisdom through that hardship.  I learned the importance of keeping the carpet clean so we won't get bugs and that I need to mop and vacuum a lot. Also, for any that might currently have any bug issues, buy some anti-fungal body wash, mix in a spray bottle with water, and spray your whole house down a few times.  That was worked the best for me. :)

Then recently God let me have some crazy stomach issues.  It was so bad I seriously thought I was on the verge of dying for a couple weeks there.  I asked God why again and the verse came to my mind, "The Lord disciplines those he loves."  So I'm pretty sure God was again disciplining me and trying to teach me a lesson.  I have been eating too much cheese, and too many brownies and cookies.  I know I need to eat veggies more but I have rebelled against that for literally like the last 10 years.  I think that was because I felt forced to eat veggies so much as a kid, but that was good of course.  So I'm finally going to start buying veggies and eating them more.  I've always been good about eating fruit but not veggies.  And I need to stay away from cookies and brownies, like I always knew I needed to.  God disciplined me in my eating, but that was to my benefit.  If I start eating better now, I won't have all the possible health issues I could have when I'm older.  So praise God for disciplining me.  Amen. 

So I learned lessons from my pain; be more diligent in cleaning and eat better.  Both are great lessons to learn.  Don't be lazy about my living space and don't be lazy about my body.  Perhaps going through some kind of pain was the only way that I would learn those lessons. 

It's hard to understand when the hard times are happening though, for why God lets them happen.  We know God is in control of everything, so it can be so confusing when he lets us go through hard times, especially if we think we are doing everything we are supposed to be doing to honor Him and be a good Christian.  But God is always pruning us.  We all always have ways in which we can improve and grow.  Amen.  And often times, God uses painful situation in order to help us grow better.

May God show us all where we need to improve in gentle whispers and may we listen so that he doesn't have to shout at us through painful situations.  Amen.  May God protect you from harm and help you where you need it always.  God bless ya'll! :)

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Regarding Ritalin and Adderall

I just read all the crazy side effects of Ritalin, the most "popular" prescribed drug to ADD or ADHD kids. If any parent read them I'm pretty sure they wouldn't start or continue to give their kid Ritalin.

Reading them makes my blood boil in a sense, because I know so many who had to take this as kids and I wish they didn't. Apparently even children as young as TWO are being prescribed Ritalin now.  That is insane! Parents, help your kids with their homework! Don't just pop pills in their mouth!  Just because a doctor tries to make money off of your kid with some drug that will supposedly help them in school doesn't mean you need to let them!  Protect your children and their bodies!  Don't give them drugs!  Let their little bodies be clean at least while they are children. Your job as the parent is to protect them, not hurt them. 
Please share this with anyone you know who does make their kid take it. And feel free to search the side effects of any drug on this website that you or anyone you know is taking. Everyone should know what all the drugs they take can do to harm their bodies. Get educated. Be smart. Amen.
Also check out the side effects of Adderall.  Please, please don't make your kid take these drugs. They are just being a kid, and that is ok. If they are struggling in school, help them. Be the kind of parent that they want to impress and you probably won't have any problems. If you are respectable, they will respect you. You have to lead by example. If you want them to be a hard worker, then you need to be. Show them how to be diligent. Don't rely on some pill to try to make them diligent.
Satan is trying to steal, kill and destroy our children through prescription drugs like these; please don't let him

Super Bowl Family Time

Big Brains and Small Hearts

Here's a funny observation I've made about life; those with bigger brains seem to have smaller hearts, and those with seemingly smaller brains have much bigger hearts. Kinda like the movie Forest Gump I think. It's too bad we can't all have big brains AND big hearts, but for some reason, people seem to have one or the other.

Gallbladder Attacks

I'm having a lot of stomach issues, and it's definitely making me re-evaluate what I eat. Not that I was that unhealthy before, but I had too many brownies and cookies lately I think, because I was making them so much for my Jesus packets lol. That's probably what did it, if it's gallstones that I have. One YouTube video I watched on gallstones said too much white flour and sugar is what causes gallstones. Also vegetarians are 10 times less likely to get gallstones. So going forward my food ...intake will be just oatmeal, hard boiled eggs, yogurt, cinnamon toast, v8 juice and fruit. I don't like eating veggies too much but drinking them in v8 juice shouldn't be too bad. 😃 And I might start making cabbage soup a lot. My grandma was really big on the health benefits of cabbage. And in Jesus name may that be enough to heal me and keep me healthy. I hope I don't have anymore gallbladder attacks. I could get my gallbladder out but I'm pretty sure that's overall not a good idea. May God give me wisdom in this. God bless!

A Very Healthy Shopping List

Here is the healthiest shopping list that I could think of and should probably be my shopping list for life.  When you start having gallstone attacks, you really start to re-evaluate what you eat. :)

green tea
mango juice
V8 juice
apple juice
frozen veggies
wheat thins
honey (to make honey oatmeal)
cheddar, or maybe white cheese
eggs (for hard boiled eggs)
cabbage (for cabbage soup)

Gallstone Tips

To others that get gallstones, here are three things that helped me a lot:

When you get that feeling like it hurts to breath and it seems like a stone is blocking a duct somewhere, drink a half a cup of olive oil followed by juice. This will dislodge the stone from wherever it seems to be stuck. It creates kind of a slip and slide I think so it can slip right out of your system. :) The oil doesn't taste too bad. Chew gum though so you don't taste the oil burps.

Also you can actually push the stone out yourself, I discovered earlier. Feel around on your stomach between your rib cage for the little stone. I actually could feel where it was. Then push down on that area and you can actually push it out of where it is stuck.

And lastly when you are having a gallstone flare up, fast for a day or two eating only crackers and drinking juice. This seems to be good to give your digestive system a break and reboot it to work correctly again. It helps to drink lots of apple cider vinegar in that time to detox. Also, then you might notice a lot of green colored pee. That is a good thing, and it means you are peeing out the bile that the gallstone was blocking. It was getting backed up in your system and that's what was causing the pain and bloating.

And when you do get that pain, may God bless you and may God comfort you. And may you have someone to help you with whatever needs to get done, because I know how much it can incapacitate you. 😟

God bless!

My Labor and Delivery Advice

(For all the moms out there about to have a baby or any who know someone who will.)

The biggest advice I have is, Don't let them break your water. They broke my water with my second baby and I think that's what caused the umbilical cord to get wrapped around her neck three times. It probably forced her to come out faster than she was ready to. Others have had more complications with this too.

Don't let them give you pictocin to speed up your labor or induce you. Google all the side effects of pictocin. They will tell you it's a naturally occurring chemical in your body and it's safe, but actually it can really mess up your liver and your digestive system. So take caution on that.

Don't let the doctor cut you. This actually can increase your risk of having a bigger tear which can even lead to you being incontinent. They like to do it to get the baby out faster but you will regret it for the next year or more if you let them cut you, because any sitting at all will prob be painful.

Don't go to hospital until you are pretty dilated. When you get there they literally put their entire arm up inside you to check how dilated you are. This is actually the most painful part, even worse than the delivery. Only go after you think you are pretty open or else this hurts really badly.

Focus on pushing instead of screaming when your baby is coming out. Screaming seems to help in that time but pushing is better of course. And take deep breaths so you don't pass out.

Put a cool washcloth on your head. This will help a lot to help you not feel super hot the whole time.
When you get contractions, ask your husband or mom to massage your back. This helps relieve the muscle tension a lot.

Have your spouse or mom lay their full upper body on your legs when you get a contraction. I'm serious 😃 This will keep your legs from getting shaky and incredibly in pain.

Tell the nurse to wrap the tape on your IV all the way around your arm so the IV doesn't pop out in labor. If it does you then get dehydrated and you might faint.

Make SURE you do everything the nurses tell you to clean and disinfect that area after labor. If you don't this might also make sitting painful for months to come.

And finally, enjoy your new baby! That time when they let you sit and hold them is oh so short, so treasure it!

And God bless and congrats new mom! We are all so proud of you for sacrificing your body and comfort to bring a new life into the world! May God bless you and your new baby tremendously and Good Job hanging in there.

Teeth Tips

Make sure you brush your gums and not just your teeth. Seems obvious but some people don't know that.

Floss twice a day or at least once a day. If you already have gingivitis this will actually make it go away and take the pain away, which will then also greatly improve your breath. It may hurt to floss but push through. It's good for you.

Don't use mouth wash. This will actually make your teeth more sensitive and in pain.

Don't chew gum very much. It may say sugarless but I believe it still damages your teeth and leads to cavities.

Go to the dentist every year. Yes fillings are no fun, but root canals are even less fun. Don't let your cavities get so bad that you need a root canal.

Try not to sip drinks slowly throughout the day, unless it's water. I read that this can cause more cavities.

Try to always brush right before bedtime. When you sleep is when most cavities form.

And feel free to comment any other tips you might have. God bless!

Tuesday, February 9, 2016

On Reaping

"Everything has an equal and opposite reaction." Yes vaccines might prevent diseases but what do they do to our brains? No one ever thinks about that. Just like pain killers help stop pain in our bodies but they can cause ulcers. And Pitocin might conveniently speed up labor but it may have messed up my internal organs a lot. For every kind of comfort or convenience we will pay a price. Anything that has the power to do great good has the power to do great harm as well.

Gallstones: Please Pray

The dr confirmed I have a gallstone that might be blocking my liver or some organ. I might get a CT Scan and possibly have surgery but I'm gonna try a natural cure first yay!
Apparently 80 percent of people have gallstones, but most aren't big enough to cause issues.

So since I'm all for doing natural cures before trying surgery, I plan to do a gallstone flush today. Feel free to do it too. It will probably feel like when we all played truth or dare as kids and were dared to drink some crazy stuff lol.

So to do the flush just mix apple juice and water and Epsom salts. Drink every two hours three times. Then drink a half a cup of olive oil and chase it with grapefruit juice. Repeat after 15 minutes. Then lay down on your right side. That's important that it's your right side.

You will then most likely poop out tons of little green gall stones or your pee will be greenish.
I have been drinking apple cider vinegar the last three days and my pee has actually been greenish every time so that's a good sign. It means I'm peeping out bile and broken up gall stones yay!
I hope this works cuz surgery would really be bad. Plus I can't be bedridden for three weeks or so with two kids to take care of. No thank you. Dear God may this gallstone flush work in Jesus name amen!

Trials Can Be Confusing

"Don't let anyone tell you that if bad things are happening to you that that means God is not for you. God was For Jesus and he went to the cross! God was For Job and look at what happened to him! The Bible says Job was blameless and upright but he still lost his kids, his livestock...." -T.D. Jakes. (Love that quote)
Someone might say to that "Then what is the point of God being for you if He still might screw you over?" And that is a very good and valid question.
My answer would be, that it still pans out better overall for the person who tries to stay in God's will and honor God. "God works all things together for the good of those who love Him." Amen. Yes Job suffered for a time, but in the end God gave him twice the blessings that he had before. Yes Jesus suffered on the cross, but God then glorified Him and gave Him "the name that is above every name" Philippians says. Amen.
So "though sorrow May last for a night, JOY comes in the morning." Stay in hope and in faith. If you are suffering it does not mean that God is against you or that God has not forgotten about you. It may just be a test to see if you remain faithful to him through the trials. And if you do, you too might be glorified one day like Jesus for persevering under your own trials. You too might get double blessing for your former trouble like Job. God can make it up to you if you pass the test. So stay faithful to God and persevere.
He is "a rewarder of those who diligently seek him." But bad times still come and we have to endure them, stay in faith that God does still love us, and press on. God promises that there will be joy after the pain and sun after the rain. Amen. So stay strong.
May God bless you!

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Vaccines Gone Bad Stories

Here is someone's story on my Facebook about a vaccine gone bad:
"I grew up without any vaccinations, except the Small Pox one. I had all the ailments that come with not having been vaccinated. However, after my third child, the doctor came into the room with a needle in hand. I was vaccinated with the German Measles vaccine because he claimed that I was borderline and a danger of giving someone else the disease. It didn't matter than I was nursing. Nine days later every joint in my body was in severe pain. After this bout with such severe pain, I have had regular recurring times of pain and disability. I still many years later have the same symptoms that afflict me resulting from that one simple, harmless shot. I've had malaria meds, and some antibiotics that have lessened the reoccurring disability and pain that often has resulted in my inability to walk, or move without intense pain." So sad :(
Someone else's story on vaccines:
"My daughter is severe ADHD and my son is autistic and I also think that the vaccines gave them all learning disabilities cause it happen to all my kids."
So sad 😟 For those who might question the link, what else could it have been? It says on the warning label that vaccines can cause mental disabilities yet so many don't know or ignore that which is very sad.

On Florid:

"I know florid is bad. My oldest daughter got her front teeth pulled at 3. They tried telling me it was bottle rot but no they are wrong. Her teeth were that way when they grew out so I didn't give it my other kids and they have perfect teeth.
The dr prescribed floride when they were 6 months and told me it was good on their teeth. Well that was before I knew there was floride in the water and of course they put it on at the dentist."
So sad 😟

Hopefully I will have more to share soon.  If any of you have a story to share of a vaccine gone bad on anyone you know please e-mail it to me at  And let me know if I can share it anonymously on here. 

May God bless you all!

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Alex Jones is great

I watched a few of the Alex Jones shows on vaccinations. For those who don't know who he is, he is a conspiracy theorist, but I think most of his theories are actually facts. The reason why I listen to him and greatly respect his opinion is because he is a very good Christian and he just wants to help people and inform them.

The most interesting statement was that doctors actually want vaccines to make us sick for life and patients for life so they can make more money off of us.

I actually could totally see that as being true. The average doctor might have good intentions, but the higher ups might have a shady agenda. It's all about the money when it comes to pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Yes vaccines have helped prevent diseases in the past, but the facts are it sometimes causes a person, or a baby, to actually GET the disease. It's supposed to just give a tiny dose of the disease, which for some is too much I guess and so they actually get measles etc after the vaccine.
Definitely check out more of Alex Jones' videos, on vaccines or on any topic. He is a highly intelligent guy who knows a lot about a lot. 😃

Also Alex Jones talks about how boys are much more sensitive to vaccines than girls. That might explain all the ADD and ADHD in boys these days. ADD and ADHD didn't really exist until probably around the time they started giving every single kid 10 or 15 vaccines. Now I guess it's up to about 50 vaccines per child. Why increase the number so much? What are they up to? They are up to something that's all I know.:)

Here are some great videos that I highly recommend you watch, dear reader.  :)  May God bless you!


Conspiracy Theories

I have a Hunger Games, 1984, Alex Jones theory that just dawned on me. If you haven't read the book 1984 check it out. Supposedly that is the future of America. And Alex Jones is a very intelligent guy who has several videos on YouTube that you can check out if you want. He seems to know a lot about the possible future of America. Also a very interesting movie to see is "Conspiracy Theory" with Mel Gibson. And the movie Manchurian Candidate might be along these lines as well.
My thought is, perhaps the reason why the government has allowed medical costs and college tuition costs to completely sky rocket is because they want too keep us unhealthy and uneducated so that they can control us better in the future. High tuition costs might discourage a lot of people from going to college, which can then cripple their career for life as well.
I have no idea if that's what's going but it's possible.
And I think they want to prevent us from having more children, and possibly kill or disable the kids we have through harmful vaccines, so there are less people to control in the future.
Why else legalize millions of abortions? Why else did a delivery bill used to be like $20 and now it's around 10k? Why else is tuition debt over 100k for some?
Just some theories I have.
The take away is don't let yourself get uneducated or unhealthy so that you need doctors.
Another theory that I have is that the government will somehow use our medical debt and college tuition debt to control us in the future.
And my last theory is that they charge so much for college and medical costs now because that money actually partly goes towards building crazy expensive weapons and technology that the government will use for who knows what.
And that's the end of my conspiracy theories.

Persecution Can Light a Good Fire

It's funny the more I get attacked and persecuted the more I know I'm on the right path about something, because I know that's just Satan trying to stop me and discourage me. For some people it would work and they would get discouraged and give up, but all the attacks do for me is light a fire under me to do more. 😃 It is only a signal to me that I must be on to something.

I always felt there was something fishy about vaccines and flu shots with how hard they try to push them on people. Everywhere you go you see signs telling you you have to get a flu shot pretty much. Every time you set foot in a doctors office they try to get you to take the latest five vaccines it seems.

Get this, a friend I know ended up in the ER after a flu shot. It was the only time in his LIFE he had to go to the ER and it was right after a flu shot. So is the flu shot really good? Does it protect us from the flu or give us the flu? Hm...

I myself was greatly persecuted I felt by my nurses after my first delivery for refusing to take various vaccines but I stood my ground. Most people cave or believe all the silliness. I tend to question things. The more someone is trying to control me about something the more I want to know why. I don't know why most people don't have that reaction. If someone is almost not giving me a choice about something red flags and red sirens go off VERY loudly for me. That's socialism! That's communism! Is what I think. That's not the freedom that we are so proud to have in America. In a communist dictatorship country they force people to take things and do things. In America we are supposed to have freedom.

But when it comes to vaccines we are NOT as free as we think we are. If some people could just see how odd it is how MUCH the higher ups want to force vaccines and flu shots on us that would be great. 😃 It's NOT ok to take away someone's freedom to choose. That is never ok. "Where the spirit of the Lord is there is freedom" and where the spirit of Satan is there is control.

Monday, February 1, 2016

On Vaccines

It seems that both sides of the argument over vaccines are speaking out of fear. One side fears their kid will get measles, while the other side, like me, fears the vaccines will make their kid autistic, dead or have seizures. The facts are that the CDC lists seizures and fevers as possible side effects of vaccines. They also list possible permanent brain damage as a side effect, which can be autism. Personally I think the risks are too high of harming a child for life more by vaccinating them. I don't want to make any parents feel guilty about vaccinating, but that's how I feel on the subject. Fevers are very serious. Fevers can kill babies. Seizures are very serious. A baby can bite their tongue off in a seizure. I have seen both a seizure, in a friend, and dealt with a few kids with autism. Most have not seen either. Both are very traumatic experiences. I think personally that vaccines are to blame for both, given that the CDC website

Worship is Only About God

Worship is Only About God
One thing I observed at church today is that worship leaders lead not just physically with words but in their spirit as well. The degree to which a worship leader's heart is reaching for God in worship is the degree to which the people in the congregation will as well. If the worship leader is just singing songs like they are any songs, the people will as well. But if the worship leader really seems to mean what they are singing, the people are more likely to as well.
People can tell when someone is just up there to perform. People can also tell when someone is up there really wanting to connect with God in worship.
Worship isn't just about singing, it's about chasing after God, wanting to fall deeper in love with God. Worship is about reaching your heart up to God and waiting for Him to reach back. This is why reaching our hands up to God is popular, because it is as if in that we are reaching our hearts up to God and holding them up to him as a sacrifice. It is a physical sign of us surrendering all that we are to God. Amen. It is saying "I don't worship man or the opinions of man. I worship you Lord and you alone."
Worship is not a show and it's not meant to be a rock concert. I get so annoyed when you can tell the attitude of a worship leader is "hey look at how great I am. Look at how great my voice is." I just want to smack them and say "no look how great GOD is. You are up there to bring attention to God, not yourself. Never forget that."
But I know how big of an ego people can get about singing well, since I always have. But they forget that it is GOD who gave them that voice. And to come into pride with worship counteracts it or negates it. We can't try to glorify ourselves and God at the same time! And really, that goes for anything we do for God. Either God gets the glory or we do. It can't be both.
Like with my Jesus packets, I want God to get the glory of course. That's why I prefer to drop them off secretively. I'm not trying to be some Christian Rock star, lol just want to show others the love of God.
If we try to get the glory for anything, like leading worship well, the world is then only more turned off to us Christians. Pride is not attractive. Pride is not a very good testimony. The world has plenty of prideful people. What is attractive and different about Christians is when we can be humble and selfless. That is what the world is hungry to see, people that care about them and not just themselves.
May we always stay humble as Christians and seek to point people to God and not ourselves. May our objective be that people only worship God and not us, ever, for anything. Amen. God bless!

Inner vs. Outer Beauty

Ever notice how beautiful people tend to have the worst personalities? Meaning, their beauty tends to puff up their ego so much that they tend to care less about others and more about themselves.
This is why all beautiful people should go through an experiment I think. They should make themselves ugly, to a degree, for about a month and focus on cultivating their inner beauty rather than their outer beauty. This goes for both men and women. Spend a week watching sermons rather than at the gym all the time. Spend an hour in quiet time with God in the morning rather than spending all that time fixing your hair and make up. Look at God's face, not your own face. Because it's the opposite of what you think. You think looking at your own face and fixing it up will make you more beautiful. But no, the fact is that the more you gaze into God's beautiful and humble face, THAT is what will make you more beautiful. Amen!
People can get married for beauty all day, but that outer beauty alone is NOT going to sustain their marriage. Both people having a beautiful and humble heart is what will sustain a marriage for a lifetime. Amen. The BEST thing you can do for your spouse is fall deeper in love with God, not yourself. 󾌰
Building up our physical attractiveness is quite pointless, in the end. Who are you trying to impress? And why are you trying to impress them? Do they really matter all that much? If they only love you if you look beautiful, then they aren't worth you wasting any of your time on. Only those who love you no matter how you look should matter. As Dr. Sues said "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." Amen!
No matter how much you try to preserve your beauty, it will fade, because your body is dying. You can try to fool others all day long that you are still 21 but you know yourself that you're not. And anyone who sees you up close will know you're not too.
So forget about outward beauty. The Bible explicitly tells us to not wear gold jewelry and expensive clothes but we ignore that all day long lol. How I see it is that that goes for lots of make up as well, but I'm just old fashioned like that. 󾌰 But how about we stop ignoring it and do what Paul says, focus on our inner beauty rather than any outer beauty. Because the more beautiful you are on the inside is the more beautiful you really are on the outside. Amen. God bless!