Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Teeth Tips

Make sure you brush your gums and not just your teeth. Seems obvious but some people don't know that.

Floss twice a day or at least once a day. If you already have gingivitis this will actually make it go away and take the pain away, which will then also greatly improve your breath. It may hurt to floss but push through. It's good for you.

Don't use mouth wash. This will actually make your teeth more sensitive and in pain.

Don't chew gum very much. It may say sugarless but I believe it still damages your teeth and leads to cavities.

Go to the dentist every year. Yes fillings are no fun, but root canals are even less fun. Don't let your cavities get so bad that you need a root canal.

Try not to sip drinks slowly throughout the day, unless it's water. I read that this can cause more cavities.

Try to always brush right before bedtime. When you sleep is when most cavities form.

And feel free to comment any other tips you might have. God bless!

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