Monday, February 1, 2016

Inner vs. Outer Beauty

Ever notice how beautiful people tend to have the worst personalities? Meaning, their beauty tends to puff up their ego so much that they tend to care less about others and more about themselves.
This is why all beautiful people should go through an experiment I think. They should make themselves ugly, to a degree, for about a month and focus on cultivating their inner beauty rather than their outer beauty. This goes for both men and women. Spend a week watching sermons rather than at the gym all the time. Spend an hour in quiet time with God in the morning rather than spending all that time fixing your hair and make up. Look at God's face, not your own face. Because it's the opposite of what you think. You think looking at your own face and fixing it up will make you more beautiful. But no, the fact is that the more you gaze into God's beautiful and humble face, THAT is what will make you more beautiful. Amen!
People can get married for beauty all day, but that outer beauty alone is NOT going to sustain their marriage. Both people having a beautiful and humble heart is what will sustain a marriage for a lifetime. Amen. The BEST thing you can do for your spouse is fall deeper in love with God, not yourself. 󾌰
Building up our physical attractiveness is quite pointless, in the end. Who are you trying to impress? And why are you trying to impress them? Do they really matter all that much? If they only love you if you look beautiful, then they aren't worth you wasting any of your time on. Only those who love you no matter how you look should matter. As Dr. Sues said "those who matter don't mind and those who mind don't matter." Amen!
No matter how much you try to preserve your beauty, it will fade, because your body is dying. You can try to fool others all day long that you are still 21 but you know yourself that you're not. And anyone who sees you up close will know you're not too.
So forget about outward beauty. The Bible explicitly tells us to not wear gold jewelry and expensive clothes but we ignore that all day long lol. How I see it is that that goes for lots of make up as well, but I'm just old fashioned like that. 󾌰 But how about we stop ignoring it and do what Paul says, focus on our inner beauty rather than any outer beauty. Because the more beautiful you are on the inside is the more beautiful you really are on the outside. Amen. God bless!

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