Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Alex Jones is great

I watched a few of the Alex Jones shows on vaccinations. For those who don't know who he is, he is a conspiracy theorist, but I think most of his theories are actually facts. The reason why I listen to him and greatly respect his opinion is because he is a very good Christian and he just wants to help people and inform them.

The most interesting statement was that doctors actually want vaccines to make us sick for life and patients for life so they can make more money off of us.

I actually could totally see that as being true. The average doctor might have good intentions, but the higher ups might have a shady agenda. It's all about the money when it comes to pharmaceuticals and vaccines. Yes vaccines have helped prevent diseases in the past, but the facts are it sometimes causes a person, or a baby, to actually GET the disease. It's supposed to just give a tiny dose of the disease, which for some is too much I guess and so they actually get measles etc after the vaccine.
Definitely check out more of Alex Jones' videos, on vaccines or on any topic. He is a highly intelligent guy who knows a lot about a lot. 😃

Also Alex Jones talks about how boys are much more sensitive to vaccines than girls. That might explain all the ADD and ADHD in boys these days. ADD and ADHD didn't really exist until probably around the time they started giving every single kid 10 or 15 vaccines. Now I guess it's up to about 50 vaccines per child. Why increase the number so much? What are they up to? They are up to something that's all I know.:)

Here are some great videos that I highly recommend you watch, dear reader.  :)  May God bless you!





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