Monday, October 24, 2016

Have the Courage to be Different

I love this sermon!  This is one of my top 5 favorite Joyce Meyer sermons.  And her necklace is pretty cool in it too. :)  God bless!

Monday, October 17, 2016

CLEAN Dance Music

Sometimes I put on the music choice movie channels like 80's or 90's when my daughter says "want to dance!" But so many of the songs have such an annoying sexual theme. It's like sin ear pollution really. So this is one of my favorite songs to put on YouTube on our TV Roku for Serenity to dance to. It has a great beat and the words are great so we can both be happy yay! Go Hillsong! Thank you for putting out some actually cool Christian music that has great beats woot!

Search My Heart

And this is my all time favorite song by Hillsong to dance to.  The drum part in this song is super cool!

Freedom is Here

Go Hillsong!  Best band of ALL Time!

And go see their movie "Let Hope Rise" in theatres now!  Woohoo! :)

I actually went to Sydney, Australia about 3 years ago because I wanted to go to the Hillsong worship college.  Didn't quite work out but it was still a great trip and I got to see their church yay!  They are awesome! :)

Stay in Peace

Isaiah 26:3   
"You keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on you, because he trusts in you."

This verse shows that as long as we trust God, we will have peace.  When we don't trust God we worry and are concerned too much.  God wants us to not worry and to trust that he has us and He is watching over us. 

"All things work together for the good of those who love God."  This is the main verse on why we can trust that God will work things out for us, no matter what happens to us.  Something that seems bad might happen to you, but you can believe that God will work it out for good and then you can trust God, and then you can have peace. :)

Another good reminder from this verse is the importance of keeping our mind stayed on God.  Like Paul said, "Set your minds on things above."  And Joyce Meyer points out that that means set your mind and KEEP it set on things above.  In Romans 8 Paul says, "The mind controlled by the flesh is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace."  We need to let God's Holy Spirit control our minds and direct our thoughts, rather than our flesh directing our thoughts.  We need to always think, "What would God want me to be thinking about right now?"  And the answer is: "Whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things."  Amen.  And if we think about only those things, we will have peace.  Worry, concern, and fear are not in that list.  Truth, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent and positive things are. :)

If we can learn to set our minds on the things of God and on good things, we will be able to stay in peace, no matter what might be going on around us. 

Joyce Meyer wrote a famous book "The Battlefield of the Mind" and the mind really is a battlefield.  Well, it only is a battlefield if we are willing to fight against any negative or fearful thoughts.  It takes effort to force yourself to think on the positive things of your life.  It's so easy to let our minds go to the negative, but we need to be diligent and intentional to focus on the good things.  Amen. 

"Do everything without complaining or arguing so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world."  Amen!  I've always loved that verse!  We can't shine like lights if we are complaining all the time, because then we look just like the world.  We are called to be thankful and positive and at peace.  Amen.  Don't complain or worry or be negative.  Stay thankful so that you can stay in peace.  Amen.  :)

May God bless you all!

Sunday, October 9, 2016

Next Living Place

Please pray for wisdom for us.  My hubby and I found a great rent house in Georgetown that I'm super excited about.  But there are so many to choose from so I hope we picked the best option.  It's by an awesome bike trial up there that's along the river.  So cool!  And we will be closer to my mom.  So I think it's a wise move but I hope it's the best possible set up for us.  Pray for us on that please.  Thanks and God bless ya'll! :)

Friday, October 7, 2016

The Way to be Saved and Go to Heaven

God says, "There is no one righteous, no, not one. For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God."  But when we were still sinners, Jesus Christ died for us! Praise God! The payment for our sin is death; but the gift of God in Jesus is eternal life in heaven!  If you confess with your mouth that Jesus is Lord and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead, you will be saved.  Whoever calls upon the name of the Lord will be saved, no matter what you have done. Believe in your heart that Jesus lived, died and rose again to pay for your sins, and you will go to heaven. And then love God with all your heart and love people. May God bless you!

Thursday, October 6, 2016

My Books

About 2 years ago I self published a bunch of books.  Here is a link to them for any interested:

You can also just search Lisa Bedrick books on Amazon.  Most can be read with the "look inside" feature actually.  So you don't have to buy them to read them lol.  I compiled them mostly from my blogs on here.  Hope some of you can benefit from some of my books or blogs on here. 

May God bless you all! :)

Charismatic Church Abuse Testimony

Wow, here is an amazing testimony/story about the difficulties of certain cult churches.  Read if you have time.  It is very interesting.  This was an email to me regarding my book "On the Charismatic Movement."  I wrote about some things similar to what she talks about.

You can read most of it on Amazon with the look inside feature. :) Here is a link to it.

"Hello Lisa. My name is Samantha and I am from the UK. I love to read and have more books than I can get through! I have recently discovered your books and am waiting for some more to be delivered.

I just wanted to share some things with you, if that is okay.

I have been a Christian for just over 3 years now. I am serious about trying to follow God and get to know him better. I am also serious about coming to an understanding of the truth, as there are so many false teachings out there.

Last year I moved to a new town. It wasn't a move I wanted, and I found it upsetting. I had been attending an Anglican church prior to moving.

I felt lost and alone. I had noticed that there was a small church up the road from where I lived, so one evening I decided to go. I really felt something inside me telling me not to go, but I went.

It is a Pentecostal church, but I didn't know much about different types of churches at the time. I just knew it was very different. From day one I felt that I didn't belong there. I felt uncomfortable. People kept wanting to hug and kiss me, but I didn't like that. I was told it is not normal to not want to be hugged and kissed in a "family," and it actually upset some people. Some people wouldn't listen to me and would still try to grab me anyway.

Over the course of the year I felt intimidated by one of the leaders, who said and did things which hurt me greatly. Whenever there was an issue I was told that I am the problem.

I also struggled with accepting some of the beliefs and practices at the church. In the prayer meetings people would shout and scream and become hysterical, and everyone would speak in "tongues" all at the same time. I found it frightening and chaotic. However, I was told it is normal, and that I just didn't understand. At times though I felt the air itself shift, and there was a sense of evil. Nobody else seemed to notice anything though.

I have numerous health problems and have been told that God wants me to be healed. I have been told that I am not healed because of sin/lack of faith/etc. I have been told that I have demons and need deliverance ministry to get rid of them. These things all hurt and made me feel afraid.

I was encouraged to tell Satan and his demons to get lost, to "claim" things, etc. There seemed to be a belief that a Christian should have no health problems, no money problems, no relationship problems, etc. Anything God wants us to do should give us a sense of peace. If not, it is not from God. I was told to pray a certain prayer three times a day for a month, because it is a powerful prayer. I was told I would be a different women at the end of the month.

I disagreed with some things, but I went along with it for so long. I wanted to fit in, to belong. I was so lonely. I had also been told that if I left the church I would be following Satan, doing exactly what he wants. I was told I would be running away if I left. So I stayed. And I continued to struggle. I started to dread going to the church. It became a massive ordeal to me. I would get home and cry until I was nearly sick. I started to try and avoid the leader I felt afraid of, after talking to her made no difference. When I asked for space from her, I was accused of having a bad attitude to a fellow believer in the church, and that I should no longer attend, as it would be making a mockery of Christ and the church. I was devastated and couldn't understand why I could not request space from her, but she was free to do and say what she pleased to me. The pastor did change his mind about it though and I was encouraged to just attend.

However, I became extremely unwell due to the stress and upset. Several months ago I had to stop going to church as I was very unwell physically, and still am. My doctors think extreme stress may have damaged my stomach, and I am waiting to see somebody at the hospital. It meant I spent more time alone with God and reading the Bible. I also asked God what he wanted me to do.

God really opened my eyes, and I saw clearly that the things taught and practised in the church are not Biblical. I saw the superstition, the expectation that God will ultimately do what we want, I saw how people follow the pastor without question. I was the only one to challenge things, and it seemed it was wrong to them.

God also repeatedly revealed to me that he wanted me to leave the church. I was sad, as I still didn't want to. I still wanted to hold on. But no, God confirmed to me over and over that he wanted me to leave.

Not only that, but I will soon be moving home again, as I am still not happy where I am and am having problems with my flat. I feel positive about it. But I have been told I am running away, I am isolating myself, I am listening to the enemy, etc. They all think I am falling away from God, when in reality I am trying to follow God! I feel so much pressure to conform. I don't want them to think I am weak, cowardly, running away, deceived, etc. But I know I need to obey God, and that I can't control what people think. They will think what they will think. But to them, if they don't like it, then they think it cannot be from God.

I have also been incredibly hurt at the judgement I have received. I have been judged and berated for not going to church, no matter how many times I told them I was sick. Not one person offered to visit me or help me get to church. All I felt was judgement. And now that I am moving, they think I am running away.

I am praying to God to open my eyes even more, and to give me discernment. I am grateful to him for opening my eyes to the deception.

But I just feel so alone, and so exhausted from trying to explain and defend myself. I can see that nothing I say will change their beliefs or what they think about me. I would really like to remain friends with some of them, but how can I when our beliefs differ so much? How can I when they believe in "name it and claim it" theories? How can I when they look at my health problems and see lack of faith and active sin? How can I when I know they think I have demons that need to be cast out?

I feel that I have been dying inside over this past year at the church. I have never experienced anything like this. It actually reminds me of a cult in some ways. Even though I am starting to see the lies, it is still painful.

I also feel quite apprehensive about finding another church when I move. I am worried it will be hard to trust again.

I know God can work everything for good though, and I know he has been using every situation to draw me closer to him.

I just wanted to share this with you. I guess I feel quite alone with my experience.

Thank you for reading this."

Jesus Purses

I often make something I call Jesus purses.  I started off making them with canvas lining and any kind of fabric for the outside.  Now I make them from oil cloth fabric, which you can find on Amazon, if you want to make some too. :)  It is kind of a material like a thick plastic table cloth, which is good so then they are waterproof. 

There are inexpensive purse straps you can buy on amazon, or one time I used climbing rope, like the flat and wide kind.  That looked pretty cool too.  The one inch wide kind is best. 

The purses can be a great craft to do with children also. :)  Basically just cut oil cloth or any fabric into a rectangle and seal the two sides, either with a hot glue gun or even clear packing tape can work.  You could also sew the sides if you want, if it's a soft fabric.  And then write on the front encouraging things like "Jesus Loves You" or "Saved and Loved" or "Forgiven" or "Fear Not, God Loves You."  :)  The best is dimensional fabric paint for this; white or black shows up best. 

And for the straps, glue them on the inside of the two sides, or sew them into the sides.  It helps to put hot glue gun glue on the insides of the top before the straps to take some of the weight stress away from the straps. :)

And then drop the purses on doorsteps or give them to friends!  Or you can leave them in bathrooms wherever you go, which seems odd, but personally I prefer more subtle ways of witnessing. 

And put Bible tracts in them!  And candy or cookies, if you feel led to. :) 

May God bless you all!

Amazing Life Story

Here is a phenomenal life story/testimony for any who haven't heard it yet.  One of the best testimonies I've ever heard for sure!  God bless!

Cinnamon Fruit Muffins

I created a new recipe which I now make to give out in my purses or Jesus packets with my bracelets :)  I call them Cinnamon Fruit Muffins.  Here's the recipe for any interested in making some.  They taste great!

5 cups flour
3 cups sugar
3 tsp baking soda
4 eggs
3 cups milk or water
1 cup raisins
1/2 cup canned sliced peaches
1/3 cup cinnamon

And you can add butter or veg oil if you want, but they taste great without either.  And then they are more healthy woot!

Enjoy!  :)  May God bless ya'll!

Monday, October 3, 2016

Song 10: You are Deserving of Praise

You are glorious, marvelous
Radiant in your holiness
You are powerful, the risen king
Very deserving of all of our praise

Holy, amazing, wonderful
You are
Fabulous, magnificent, brilliant
You will always be

You are righteous, perfect
Lifted up over all of us
You are all knowing, our kind father
Totally deserving of all of our love

Sunday, October 2, 2016

Halloween Witnessing

Happy almost Halloween everyone!  And yay for fall!  Here are some good Bible tracts to hand out on or before Halloween or to leave everywhere you go!  How amazing would that be to leave a trail of Bible tracts in every place you go woot!  God would think that would be totally amazing of you. :) The Bible says, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."  That good news being that God loves all and sent Jesus to die for all!  Praise God :) 

Also these tracts can help you combat all the evil of Halloween by sharing the gospel more than ever!  Satan is advertised a TON around Halloween time; shouldn't God be advertised even more?  If you have a desire to do that, these tracts are great!  And may God bless any of you in an extra big way that buy these and pass them out or leave them all over!  May God bless you all!