Tuesday, May 30, 2017

Is Sin Connected to Pain

Here is an interesting verse John 5:14 "Afterward Jesus found him in the temple and said to him, 'See, you are well! Sin no more, that nothing worse may happen to you.”

So this verse implies that sometimes our physical pain is connected to our sin. I can testify to that actually. Sometimes my neck hurts and I get headaches because I look on Amazon on my phone too much. So my greed causes my physical pain in my neck. Has anyone else seen this connection in their life? Feel free to comment if so.

And this is a great article on the topic.  Sinless perfection is impossible, especially for us parents who have to correct our kids and get angry at them. 🙁 But we can all still try to live as well as we can amen? Amen :)


That website, gotquestions.org is great for any questions you might have about God, the Bible etc.

God bless :)

Saturday, May 27, 2017

Info on Demons

"This is the most obvious clue when someone's been invaded so to speak. You see it in the eyes, the mirrors of the soul. It can happen in a millisecond. The pupils will dilate as if the victim has taken hallucinogens." Yep.

"Do not go to new age healers or psychics either. Their abilities may or may not be given by God. If the person gets their abilities from the other side, you invite their entities into your life by consulting with them. Saved Christians with no sin in their lives, cannot be possessed, but if you are not saved, there is the possibility of succumbing to that kind of attack." Yep! I suppose a Christian who has an addiction then might be open to possession of some kind.

"There are things you can do to make your environment uncomfortable to Demons:

1) Remove and throw away any items that may draw them like Ouija boards, tarot cards, astrology books, witchcraft books, statues of gods, talismans, certain antiques(can have attachments), anything pagan, etc. Even modern stories can draw them, such as Harry Potter or Twilight. Both series(and other like them) are not demonic in themselves, but people have had demons enter their lives by being obsessed with them. Side note, the authors of both series got their stories from entities that visited them in their dreams.

2) Make your life as godly as possible. Follows His laws and try your best not to violate his commandments.

3) Spend regular time daily in prayer to God. Ask for his protection. Ask to have yourself and home filled with the Holy Spirit. Say the prayers on the "prayers for protection" section of my website.

4) Start a daily bible study. The more you get close to God, the harder is is for the entities to be in your life. If your life and home are filled with God, there is no room for them.

5) Play christian choir music in your home throughout the day and night. Even if the volume is low. They can't stand it, and will try to avoid being in the area.

6) Play audio sermons as well. There are many many free podcasts you can download (Chuck Missler, Charles Stanley,Alistair Begg, Chuck Swindoll, Paul Washer, etc.). Look for pastors that preach directly from the Bible. Avoid "message" or self help pastors. Music or sermons praising God will be very unpleasant for them."

Read more on this at http://spectralintelligencesolutions.com/how_to_protect_yourself.html

Amen! My spirit bears witness to all that! So do it! God bless :)

Possession and Black Eyes

Before I close the case file on my research on Todd Bentley, America's current biggest "faith healer," I have one final comment. Last night right after I commented on his video when he was slaying people in the spirit, "holy crap his eyes are black!!!" the person making the video abruptly shut it down and stopped recording and someone immediately blocked me from his page. I think that seems extremely suspicious don't you? If I didn't speak truth they wouldn't have been so threatened by what I said and wanted to block me. 😲

I still feel very sad though for those going to his meetings, like they are lambs about to get slaughtered and have demonic spirits put on them. :( So if any of you ever have a fiery personality when it comes to false doctrine and/or protecting people from witch craft can you comment on some of Todd's Facebook videos that he is a false teacher, or any of the things I have written about? Don't worry he won't cast a spell on you. Or even if he does God will protect you. 😄 I hope some of you might have the courage to try to stop him, or at least make his life trying to deceive people on Facebook difficult. 😉

And black eyes being associated with demonic possession is not just Hollywood. I wrote about this before but I was babysitting a girl whose aunt happened to be into witchcraft. The aunt didn't live with her though. But this little girl had super light blonde hair but black, or very very dark brown eyes when I first met her. I thought that was an odd eye color for her hair color. All I did was play Hillsong worship music when I was with her and a few weeks later her eyes became a beautiful light blue color. Praise God for that! Her behavior with dark and light eyes was about the same though. Her behavior wasn't wild and out of control when she had dark eyes and had a demon. THAT part is Hollywood. If someone is possessed they might look like a normal person on the outside, but on the inside they are not. Don't let Hollywood fool you on that. People can have normal and calm behavior but still be possessed. So always be on your gaurd.

May God bless you all and protect you all.  :)

A comment from my life first friend's mom on this ;)

"The sad thing is, Lisa, that he most definitely CAN place curses upon people.  And believers CAN receive demons. We open ourselves up to them all the time by our ignorance of the Word.  We are promised protection if we keep his commandments, but too many say that we are not under the law (his commandments) anymore, but under grace.  The enemy loves that lie. He's led so many people astray with that false doctrine. Yeshua said he did not come to abolish the law, but to institute a new covenant (see Jeremiah 31 to read the covenant.). The law is now written on our hearts -- yes, the law.  Not done away with.  God looks at our hearts, and guess what, there's the law.  We have no excuse now.  The law is with us everywhere we go.  Yet, we say we are not under it, which contradicts his word. So the enemy loves to trip us up with that false doctrine, and then  he swoops down on unsuspecting believers who think that hypergrace is the way of the kingdom.  You can see that Todd Bentley operates in lawlessness --- anything goes. This is a dead giveaway for a false teacher.  Good call on your part.  Keep up the sleuthing!"

Amen thank you!

Thursday, May 25, 2017

Christianity in Crisis

If not many people are reading "Christianity in Crisis" I could see why. It's 450 pages! Lol. It's the biggest Christian growth book I've ever seen! But it's very needed.

If you like to read a lot, and get mad about the false teachings of Kenneth Copeland etc. check this book out! Hank has a good disclaimer in the book that he's not writing against charismatics in this book, but against the word of faith teachings of speaking things into existence etc. It's very good!  I'm liking reading it a lot so far! Good job Hank Hanegraaff! You are awesome!

But the quotes from Joyce Meyer I don't agree with criticizing as much. She is not as extreme as Kenneth Hagin or Kenneth Copeland. But no one is perfect in their concept of theology. I think Joyce Meyer is spot on in everything she teaches but others might not think so. I know she came from that group originally. But I think she speaks a very good balanced truth now.

Overall it's a great book though. He talks about how word of faith preachers deify man, like turn human beings into gods, especially the teachings of Benny Hinn. And yes he does, very much so. It's very good to read what Hank wrote on all that.

Thank you to Hank Hanegraaff for writing this book! God bless :)

To Hank Hanegraaff

An email to Hank. :) Go Hank Hanegraaf! 

"Hello Mr. Hanegraaff, I am reading your book "Christianity in Crisis."  It's great!  Have you ever thought also maybe that Todd Bentley was or is still possessed?  It sounds like you read his book too, "Journey into the Miraculous."  I was thinking he might actually see angels etc. but they are fallen angels, and all his visions are from demons.  His description of the Holy Spirit coming on him after he read Benny Hinn's book "Good Morning Holy Spirit" sounded to me a lot like a scene in the movie Exorcism of Emily Rose where she gets officially possessed.  Also he described it as an electricity.  I did some research online and on youtube.  Apparently that is what people who are into the occult say it feels like when a demon enters a person, electricity or an electric shock.  Another "fire!" preacher said the same thing, that the Holy Spirit came in him and it felt like electricity.  I like what you said about the repetitive music getting people into a hypnotic state, but I think he also tries to put demons on or in people when he does his "impartation" time at the end of his services.  If you talk about him more on the radio or in writing maybe you can mention that to warn people, like warn them a lot, lol. :)  I write a blog and wrote a lot about all this.  Also if you have good writing connections for new writers let me know.  I'm cool with writing a blog but I have a dream to publish a book officially someday.  May God bless you and thank you for trying to warn people about all the false teachers out there!  My blog is orangecountyangel.blogspot.com.  God bless!"

A Warning about Todd Bentley and "Fire!" Preachers

Watch out for "Fire!" Preachers 😉 🔥 👎

Here is my final review of Todd Bentley on his Facebook page. This also applies to any pastor or teacher that you hear yell "fire!"  Why? Because they all seem to be in the same group selling the same thing, a fiery ecstatic experience with the Holy Spirit. But it's NOT the Holy Spirit, it's a demonic spirit, that will take hold of you, throw you to the floor and make you shake and cry. It's NOT God! Most of them used to be drug dealers in the world and now they are spiritual drug dealers in the church. The drug is this crazy high. But it's not from God, it's demonic. So please, please be on your guard!

And they are even doing this stuff to children! Making them shake and fall in the "spirit" which might be a demonic spirit. That really makes me mad. Those poor easily influenced kids possibly getting a demon before they ever grow up! God help us!

My strong warning about Todd Bentley. Please copy and paste and send this to anyone you know who is into this stuff. 

"Don't go to a meeting of Todd's! If you are open to it and let him, he will put an evil spirit on you when he has his impartation time! He will say it's the Holy Spirit, which he himself thinks it is, but it's a demonic spirit. I have read his life story in his book "Journey into the Miraculous." What he records as the Holy Spirit coming in him was clearly a demonic possession, but he doesn't realize that. What he thinks is God's voice is a demonic voice. He might seem to have the word of knowledge gift but he is just a fortune teller/psychic. Psychics can have that same knowledge power but it's from Satan. He also has demonic healing powers. Don't let the fact that people get healed fool you. Mt 24:24 says, "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones." This means they will look like Jesus, healing people etc., but their power is from Satan and their goal is to lead people away from God.  I know he can talk a good God talk but MOSTLY he talks about angels, which in his case are fallen angels, and surreal experiences which for him are from demons. They are not from God and the Holy Spirit as he says, but demons.  When Todd speaks of God's voice it is actually Satan's voice, he just doesn't realize it, because he is highly deceived. The angels Todd saw were fallen angels. His visions of Jesus and Paul in heaven were demonic visions.  Paul was allowed into the third heaven but he says he saw "things that no one is permitted to tell."  Isn't that interesting?  Why would Todd be allowed to talk about his visions if even Paul wasn't?  Read 2 Cor. 12.  Todd has ZERO discernment on these things, absolutely zero. Run as far away from him as you can! Demonic possession on a mass scale is what's happening here in Texas. Look up any YouTube video or article on demonic possession. It feels like electricity going through you. If you had a feeling like that in his meeting, you are now possessed. The solution? Pray a lot and listen to Hillsong worship a lot and hopefully the demon will come out of you. I got a demon out of someone, who had black eyes and then they turned blue, just with Hillsong worship music. You don't need anyone to cast it out of you in some dramatic way. Just listen to Hillsong. ;) And don't listen to Todd anymore! Unless u want to get another evil spirit in or on you! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I felt God wants me to warn everyone! May God bless you all! (and follow me on my Facebook if you want ;) God bless!"

All these teachers might say an angel visited them, and they never question the angel or their experience at all! They blindly believe it was from God because that's what they WANT to believe. But they need to test any experience they have with the Bible. Amen.  Test the spirits.  Read the word.  Pray about it and ask for godly council on anything you see or hear.  Amen.

And this is a great comment from a dear friend regarding repetitive worship music! 

"Lisa Bedrick, it's the constant repetition of the same tune, same chords, same words, that puts people into a trance. They think they're worshipping, but often, the choruses are focused on ME and not God.  For example, singing, "I'm free in Jesus", hundreds of times -- the emphasis is on ME and what I feel, rather than lifting the name of the King, as is done in most Messianic music (singing the Psalms, or about the traits of God). The enemy is so slick. He cannot lure believers into obvious sin, so lures them by doing things that appear to be good, but they are slightly skewed. Does that help?" Yes! Good to know! It always drives me crazy when they sing the same line over and over like 20 times. I knew there had to be a lot wrong with that! 

God bless!

Demonic Possession or the Holy Spirit?

For some reason it seems to be a common story among these leaders that when they THINK the Holy Spirit came upon them they say it felt like an electrical surge and they laid on the floor for hours shaking and crying or laughing.

I thought I would look into this since nothing like that has ever happened to me in my walk with Christ, and I know I'm saved. My salvation experience was 18 years ago and was more a decision in my mind and he...art to give God all that I am. I decided to serve him and love him the rest of my life. I was in worship at church and it just finally hit me that with all he did for me in dying for me, that he deserved the world from me. 

I went to India 6 months later on a missions trip and then Taiwan twice and Mexico several times.
But that was it as far as my conversion experience. I did not have some body shaking falling to the ground experience that felt like electricity running through my body. But that occurrence does happen to people who get possessed by demons hm....

One article written by someone who actually wants to become possessed, what a crazy person, says "Common sensations after invoking a Demon/ess are skin sensitivity, tingling, your insides vibrating or tingling; aching in the joints [for those who have lower levels of bioelectricity], feeling like you are glowing and/or floating, sometimes feeling anxiety, feeling heat or cold, exhilaration, intense dreams, feeling hyperactive or nervous, insomnia and other sensations."

Another article says, "In severe cases there can be a violent physical reaction from the client, which may include verbal abuse, spitting and even uncontrolled bouncing or trembling, while lying on the therapy table."


And that's what these "manifestation" look like to me.  When someone is possessed by a demon, not the Holy Spirit, they uncontrollably bounce, tremble and shake.  That was what happened all over at the Toronto Blessing, at the Lakeland Revival etc.

"Along with a complete change in their voice, speaking in an unknown language can occur."  As in people who get possessed can speak in tongues.  THAT is why the Bible says that all tongues in church MUST BE interpreted. 

And here is a GREAT video on this topic.  I love this! :) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7q5t6ZzsQd0&t=992s

And here is an interesting video of a guy who is a trained occult satanists saying, "If you're attempting to become willfully possessed in a ritual setting, You will feel the spirit entering you as an almost electric force." This is the called "mounting stage." Haha wow how crazy!


And some people say when, what they thought was the "holy spirit," entering them it felt like electricity, like they stuck their finger in an electrical socket. Amazing parallel isn't it?! Wow. Good job crazy "fire" people for describing it so closely to demonic possession. Good job. Of course they have never looked into all this so they don't realize it's the same. God said "my people perish for lack of knowledge." A great lack indeed.

God open our eyes please! Open the eyes of the church and quickly! Before all of the American and world wide church becomes possessed and thinks it's the Holy Spirit! God help us!

Feel free to comment any experiences you have heard of regarding this.  Thanks and God bless!

False Revivals

Were all the revivals really Christian revivals?

Here is why "revivals" only happen every 80 years or so, because people go completely crazy. I know I almost sound like an atheist in writing this but I'm just discerning what's of God and what may have been of Satan and demonic. The first and second great awakening were of God. The preaching was coherent and strong. There were actually no ecstatic experiences in either of those revivals. No one fell on the floor etc.

But the more I look into other past "revivals," the more I think they were all completely insane. Maybe people got healed but I think it was demonic power that healed people so as to lead them astray from God.

Jesus said in Mt 24:24, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

Every "Revival" leader was most likely this, a false christ that led many astray. But the elect, the truly saved, were not convinced, and that's why these revivals ended. The true Christians pulled the mask back off these revivals and showed they were like ravenous wolves covered in sheep skin. They appeared to be of God but really they were of Satan.

Why did Jesus call the leaders who would come false christs? Because they would appear to be just like him, healing and having a great following, but they would lead people astray. Astray into what? Into mysticism, the occult, Hindu experiences, pagan oracle ecstatic experiences, and actual demonic possession which they call "impartation" or "being filled with the Holy Spirit" but it's actually being filled with a demonic spirit.

Many in the days of the Quakers thought they were all demon possessed. The vast majority of the public thought that.

In the Azusa street Revival many articles were written in the Los Angeles times that their noise was disturbing to the surrounding neighborhood and people thought they were all possessed.

The Toronto "Blessing" happened in Canada where people made animal noises and rolled all over the floor.

Steve Hill then tried to forcibly recreate that "electric experience" in Brownsville, Florida but the people didn't buy it at first and thought he was nuts. He was trying to yell people into falling on the floor. Really Steve Hill?

And then there was the Lakeland "Revival" where people may have gotten healed but there was no actual evidence that people did. And if they did I say it was with demonic power after reading Bentley's life story in his book "Journey into the Miraculous."

Bentley was from Canada near where the Toronto Blessing took place. But it was not a blessing, it was more like a possession. He thought he caught the "blessing" of the Holy Spirit, but he actually describes in his book becoming possessed in the first meeting he went to of theirs. He thought it was a demon manifesting from his drug days, but he never mentioned getting possessed officially in his drug days. The only accounts where it sounds like he got possessed was after he read Benny Hinn's book "Good Morning Holy Spirit" which should be titled "good morning demonic spirit" really, and at his first Toronto Blessing meeting.

He wrote..."During the worship, there was a call for prayer and Shonnah (who became his wife) went forward. I remember her bending backward and forwards like a tree swaying in the wind.  I thought to myself, 'Why is she shaking and doing the Gumby?'  Suddenly I felt an anger churn deep inside me.  I tried to squelch it but it rose from inside with violent thoughts.  Overcome by a DEMON, I threw myself at the chairs and knocked them flying.  I screamed, cursed, and writhed on the floor like a snake.  Then I rolled and screamed and tried to avoid the four or five guys who tried to restrain and deliver me." 

So this happened when he was IN the Toronto Blessing meeting.  Very odd, curious, and strange I think. 

Roswetta was Shonnah's best friend.  Bentley says that she "was a tad conservative at the time and thought Shonnah was in a cult, as did Shonnah's parents and even the pastor of our small church."  Really?  That many people thought she was but she didn't realize she was?  Hm...

And here is another red flag I noticed when reading Bentley's story.  He said, "I heard God's audible voice, clearly for the first time. 'I want you to move to Abbotsford, British Columbia,' He said. 'God, there's no Abbotsford, B.C.  I've never heard of it.  Besides my church has sponsored me to go to Bible school- I've been accepted.  They are even going to pay for it...."

First of all, if this was really God's voice speaking to him, he probably would have fallen to the floor for real.  It would not have been so easy for him to talk back to God.  Also, why would God tell him to go somewhere and miss his opportunity to go to paid for Bible school?  Because it was Satan's voice, not God's. 

This voice, that he thought was God's, was leading him to the Toronto Blessing.  He was living a bit far away from it then.  Satan, who he thought was God, knew he would need more people to push him further along into this "Holy Spirit" he received after reading Benny Hinn's book.  His current church and group of friends were pushing him into a normal Charismatic "full gospel" faith of tongues and Bible reading etc. But this voice was pushing him away from that into the "Toronto Blessing" or rather I would assert, demonic possession, which happened in his first meeting with them.

Quite scary for sure. 

Lastly here is a good website on signs of demonic possession.  I would say that Bentley went from being very, very social to then being isolative, or in isolation a lot.  Those are the soaking experiences he talks of where he is just in his room alone for hours and hours.  Also, it says, "Many people will talk about seeing a dark shadow over the bed that tries to hold them down, they will be unable to move, scream or stop what is happening."  That is exactly what happened to Bentley after he read "Good Morning Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn.  He felt a force pushing him into his mattress for 3 hours! 


And that is where I will end this blog.  Please pray about what I wrote.  May God show us all the truth more and more every day.  If you have any other knowledge or stories from friends etc. on any of these revivals feel free to comment.  Thanks and may God bless you all!

Brownsville "Revival" Con Artists

On the Brownsville Revival

First of all this is nuts.

"John Kilpatrick, began directing his congregation to pray for revival.[4] Over the next two years, he talked constantly about bringing revival to the church, even going as far as to threaten to leave the church if it didn't accept the revival." Wow.

The leaders in the church where the Brownsville Revival took place were investigated for 4 months by reporters. They mainly investigated how the great amounts of money they received in the Revival were being spent. Here is part of their explanation. These numbers do seem quite excessive. Anyone think these numbers are possible? I think the part about spending $19,000 on security people to watch the cars sounds totally nuts lol...

"FACT: Pastor Kilpatrick does not and has never owned a Rolex watch, contrary to the Journal’s claims. The diamond ring he wears cost $382 and was purchased for him by his wife Brenda as a gift for their 29th anniversary.
FACT: Rather than the church becoming rich through the revival or hoarding its resources and neglecting missions, as suggested by the Journal, it has expended itself sacrificially in order to host the revival and its guests – including missionaries, struggling pastors, and lost sinners – from around the world. 2 The church staff has expanded from 23 to 110; custodial supplies have gone from $600 a month to $3500 or more monthly; security, which in the past was unnecessary, now amounts to more than $19,000 monthly – all to watch over the cars and property of those attending the revival. Whereas before the revival, there was no need for paid nursery workers during the week, the nursery worker budget averages $10,000-12,000 a month – all to take care of the babies and small children of the guests of the revival. Such expenses could be multiplied almost ad infinitum (e.g., just cleaning the church carpets now amounts to $4,500 monthly), but this sampling is sufficient to indicate the enormous cost involved in hosting this revival, a huge missions project in itself."


And the details on the pastor's new house are a bit crazy..."FACT: After living in the same house for 14 years, Pastor Kilpatrick moved to Alabama for privacy’s sake. He would have stayed in his present home if not for recurring invasions of his privacy. His new house, which should cost approximately $270,000 upon completion, is being financed on the basis of his church and outside ministry salary, and not a dime of the construction cost is being funded through the nightly revival offerings. 3 Note also that the square footage of heated and air-conditioned living space in his new home totals 3543 square feet, not the 5557 square feet reported in the Journal." Oh just 3,543, yeah that's nothing lol. No wonder he threatened to quit if the Revival didn't happen; it funded his retirement mansion home. Oh my goodness.

The Forced and Crazy Brownsville "Revival"

This article is very very interesting. Check it out. 

Copyright 1997 The Pensacola News Journal. All rights reserved
Pastor orchestrated
fist revival
By Alice Crann
staff writer
For 2 1/2 years, the Rev. John Kilpatrick, pastor of Brownsville Assembly of God, and evangelist Steve Hill have promoted the Pensacola Brownsville Revival as a spontaneous arrival of the Holy Spirit on June 18, 1995. Kilpatrick also has repeatedly described the arrival of revival that day as "a mighty wind" that suddenly blew through the church. Everyone who was there felt it, he says.
But videotape and statements of numerous people who were there indicate that nothing like that happened and the congregation in general was far from overwhelmed.
In addition, say present and former church members, the revival did not suddenly arrive. They knew what Kilpatrick was setting up because in the months before the revival:
  • He talked persistently about bringing revival to Brownsville and threatened to quit if the church did not accept the revival. 
  • The pastor's wife, Brenda Kilpatrick, and a number of Brownsville church officials traveled to Canada and observed revival crowd-control techniques and prayer-team methods at the phenomenally successful ongoing revival there, the Toronto Blessing. 
  • Kilpatrick showed the congregation a video of a Toronto Blessing service, in which people fall to the floor, "slain in the spirit," as they feel the Holy Spirit taking over them. 
  • Kilpatrick had followers of evangelist Rodney Howard-Browne attend a Brownsville service, where they functioned as an example of highly expressive worship. Howard-Browne, a dramatically energetic evangelist who calls himself the "Holy Ghost bartender," is known for promoting the "holy laughter" phenomenon in which people succumb to hysterical convulsions. His followers did that at Brownsville. 
  • Kilpatrick invited Hill, an "on fire" evangelist whom Kilpatrick knew to be in search of a place to conduct a long-running, big revival to give the sermon on Father's Day 1995. 
The video shows what happened after Kilpatrick turned the stage over to Hill.
Hill says: "Everyone who would like a refreshing from the Lord you'd like God to touch your life I want you to come forward, just stand right in here."
Hundreds move into the area in front of the stage.
Hill: "Now if someone falls next to you, work with me, OK? Just work with me. If someone falls right in front of you, help them down to the ground."
Hill goes into the audience, touches people on the forehead with one or two fingers. In some cases, he uses his whole hand or puts his hands along side of people's heads as he shouts: "Now Lord! More! More! More! Jesus! Now Lord! Fire! Fire! Fire! Fire! Now! Now Jesus! Fire! Now! Now!"
Hill continues this for several minutes. He touches dozens of people. Most stand still. Nine fall down.
Just a trickle
Hill gets back on stage, gestures to the choir to stop singing and says:
"Listen, this is happening exactly like every one of our services. What is happening? It's just a trickling going on. It's almost like there's a river going by and some of us are doing this (he demonstrates treading water).
"Stay with what the Lord is doing. We've had the Lord move like this gently, and then the power of God hits, friends, and I want to tell you, it is the most spectacular presence of the Lord!
"How many of you believe in the power of God? There's people already down here, receiving from the Lord! Wait on the Lord right now! Go after the Lord!"
Hill goes back in the audience and repeats his anointings and chants for several more minutes. No one moves or falls down.
He gets back on stage.
Hill: "The Lord just spoke to me right here in this section. I want everyone right here to go after the Lord right now. Go after the Lord."
Hill again goes back down into the audience and rapidly moves around, touching dozens of people on the head. Six fall down. Most watch curiously or continue praying.
Confusion reigns
Kilpatrick takes the microphone from the pulpit and announces he is seeing something wonderful occur. "I've never experienced anything like it!"
Many in the audience look confused.
Hill hurries back on stage and says:
"Pastor! Some of you, if you had any idea what the Lord is about to do for you! Just get back! I've had God hit people already in this place thrown them to the ground! They're in heaven right now! They're not in Pensacola they're in heaven right now! Just stay open to the Lord!"
A number of people start to leave the church.
Hill shouts: "Don't leave! Don't leave!"
He hurries into the audience and again begins laying on hands. Four people fall down.
He gets on stage again and says: "Hey! It's getting deeper, friends! It's getting deeper! Getting deeper! Don't leave! We've had the Lord pour out His Holy Spirit en masse! He just came down in the meeting! Don't leave! Sweet Jesus! Sweet Jesus!"
Hill goes back into the audience. Two men and one woman fall after his touch. He takes hold of a man, puts one hand on his head, the other on his shoulder, and shakes him.
Kilpatrick falls
It is at this point that Kilpatrick falls down. The videotape shows that he trips as he steps backward up onto the stage. He puts out a hand to break his fall, drops into a sitting position, pauses a moment, then lies back. He does not get up until after the video ends.
Hill pays no heed. He goes up to a man who is shaking and shouts into his face, "More, more!"
Hill leads the man up onto the stage and backs away from him. He waves his hands at him, and yells: "Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! Jesus! More! More! More! More! More! More! Fire! Fire! Fire!" for several minutes.
The man does not fall down. Instead, with his head bowed he walks past Hill toward the steps. Hill and another man grab him and take him back to the pulpit.
Hill asks him: "What's happening?"
The man, eyes closed, speaks unintelligibly.
Hill walks away, and the man leaves the stage weeping.
Hill then says: "Friends, let me explain something. We may pray with you, and you think, 'Well, nothing happened.'
"No, no, no, no, no, no! No, no, no, no, no, no! That's not what God is into."
Hill talks some more, referring to some of his previous services when people did not think anything was happening but "the voltage of electricity was just flowing there."
"Some of you are thinking, 'The way this thing is going, I'm never going to get prayed for.' Friends, let me tell you what I've seen happen. As the people wait on the Lord as they wait on the Lord there have been times when I have turned to a crowd, and literally just walked through, and everyone was just hit everywhere by the power of God, 'cause they waited on the Lord.
Hill talks some more, touches a child and she falls down. He immediately lifts her back to her feet and says: "Did you lose all your strength?" The girl nods. Hill gets back on stage and motions the singers to stop.
Hill says: "I want all the children! Make room right here for all the little kids.
"Now, kids. I want all you children to look at me. ...OK, I'm going to be praying for you, OK? Some of you are going to be filled with the Holy Spirit!
"One little girl who was 8 years old her parents brought her to me I touched her, she went to the ground, her hands went up, she began speaking in tongues, and her mom and dad went bananas! I mean they just they were sitting there watching her, filled with the Holy Ghost instantly!
"I'm going to pray for you, you're going to fall to the ground. Don't worry about it. You're going to love it. The Lord is touching your life.
Hill begins touching the heads of the children, occasionally touching some adults. After several minutes, five adults and one little girl fall down.
Hill leaves the children and goes back to the adults. This time, more people begin to fall.
The crowd has thinned. Many have left the building or returned to their pews.
Hill suddenly falls down with a loud cry. He moans and cries out, then quickly gets up. After some more anointings he goes back to the platform.
He says: "I like it when the crowd starts thinning out. Then the Lord starts coming down.
Praying for the people
Pointing to his left, Hill says: "God has just moved over here! Lord, have mercy! I want to pray with every single person now! How many of you kids have been prayed for? Did God touch your life?"
Nobody responds.
Hill points to someone out of view and says: "Reconstructed his life!"
Again, he goes back into the audience.
Since Hill began, two hours have passed.
Most of the congregation has left.
The tape fades to black.
Kilpatrick and Hill's ecstatic reports about the wonders of that day have gained nationwide attention and since that time have brought hundreds of thousands of people to the revival.
Kilpatrick says: "When I fell on the floor, it was the most life-changing experience. Steve was beside himself because he was under a powerful anointing.
"It may look foolish when watching the video, but a nation will not come to a place if the Lord is really not there.
"Every night we walk into that church we say: 'Lord. Will you do it one more time?' If we could manufacture that, we would be really hot items."
Albert James Dager, who writes Media Spotlight, a Christian watchdog newsletter, based in Redmond, Wash., said he closely viewed the video of the Father's Day service and observed that "nothing really extraordinary happened."
Media Spotlight is nondenominational, nonprofit and independent. For 20 years it has been providing a Biblical analysis of Christian messages appearing in the media. University religion departments, Bible scholars, theologians and some 5,000 pastors of many denominations subscribe.
Dager said that viewing the tape, "I felt sorry for Steve Hill. He was working so hard to get something to happen, prompting the people, telling them what great things they were going to witness and experience.
"Any objective person would have been embarrassed for him."

Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Good comments

Here are some great comments from friends regarding false teaching:

"First time I saw him (Todd Bentley) in a video I could feel evil spirits off of him. He is a truly an evil man. This was an excellent post. Way to discern!"

"Lisa Bedrick, when we measure a person's talk and action against the Word of God, they'd better match up!  I totally agree with you about your assessment.  I've never heard, nor heard of, the man.  But if someone is "soaking" all day, but not immersing themselves in the Word, they can easily open themselves up to doctrines of evil.  These "holy" men give the true holy men a very bad reputation.  That's the intention of the enemy - to cause confusion, so we get baffled and befuddled and deceived.  I attended a meeting very recently where the leader (whom I respect) was up on stage praying and asking God's Spirit to move in our midst.  However, there was someone else leading the worship music, and it was a hypnotic drone of the same chorus and same chords, over and over and over and over again, putting people into a trance.  Then the worship leader started twirling around, and said that everyone else should be twirling too, or else they were not free in the Spirit.  Everything in me said "NO WAY!  This is a post-hypnotic suggestion!"  The Lord gave me a vision -- I saw a portal opened to the spirit realm, and demons were entering into the room through the portal.  My husband, who has a very keen discernment, nudged me and said, "I've got to get out of here!  There are demons all over this place!"  So we left.  The next day, a pastor friend of ours (who had been sitting behind us that night) asked us for feedback about the meeting.  We told him our experience.  He said he left five minutes after us, because he was feeling evil, and felt like he was having a heart attack.  Sadly, the leader is someone we respect, and yet, she did not sense what was going on in the spirit realm.  Mind you, all three pastors (the one I mentioned, and my husband and I) are "charismatic", if you want to label us.  Being charismatic is not the issue.  It is operating outside the Word of God that is the problem.  The enemy is very, very subtle and sly, and even the elect can be deceived.  TEST EVERYTHING against the Word!"

"You're absolutely right about Todd Bently, Lisa.

At one time I was quite impressed with Bentley. At the time I was attending a non-denominational church that leaned toward Word of Faith. I had bought a teaching CD of Bentley's called "Baptisms of Fire" from Rick Joyner's MorningStar Ministries. I don't recall why I bought that teaching because up to that point I had never heard of Bentley. This was around late 2006 or early 2007. At the time I was really impressed with the teaching and began following Bentley's ministry online. I never did read the book you referenced, though I recall it being advertised on Bentley's ministry website, and I ate everything up that he wrote in his ministry blog and listened to a lot of his mp3's. Looking back it is a little embarrassing because I just believed all kinds of kooky things he said about hanging out with the Apostle Paul in his log cabin in heaven, or having visions of King David dripping with oil. I suppose now that at the time I was hungry in an unhealthy way for supernatural experiences, and I wanted more, just as you describe Bentley.

I was not at all surprised by Bentley being the central figure in Lakeland. The NAR/Elijah List types I followed then had been hyping some new revival on the horizon (as they always are). I and some men at my church discussed visiting the revival.

Our senior pastor was suspicious of Bentley from the start. Of course, he turned out to be correct. Bentley's adultery and drunkenness was exposed shortly. The positive outcome was that I became much more discerning of who I listened to, and became interested in apologetics and theology."


Todd Bentley

I have never been so confused about a Christian leader ever.  People either absolutely love him or absolutely hate him.  At surface value one might think they just love him because of the healings or they hate him because of the tattoos.  But no, it goes deeper then that. 

People love Todd Bentley because he pretty much claims to be God himself.  Look at this passage in his book "The Journey into the Cloud."  "Shonnah, my wife, was washing dishes while a friend was visiting, suddenly went down under the power as I walked into the kitchen.  Her friend screamed, "Your face is glowing!" 

The thing that drives me nuts about this is now it's not people falling under the power of God's presence but that people fall under the power of HIS presence, Todd Bentley!  How incredibly arrogant!

And he says, "When people visited me at home, they'd get zapped by an invisible, electrical force field in whatever room I was in, (where does that happen in the Bible?  Horror movies, yes, the Bible, no)  and then bounced back.  I'd say 'Hey what happened?' and they'd say that something 'zapped' them.  There were also time people couldn't even get close to me without falling."

Wow.  Really?  In saying this he is pretty much declaring that he is God.  I don't get why most people don't see that. 

The Lakeland Revival didn't just start in some church in Florida, it started with THIS book.  This book was published Jan. 1st of that year, 2008.  The "revival" began April 2.  Most likely the pastor invited Todd to his church because he read this book.  I can tell from the Documentary he wasn't a very intelligent person. Sorry. Any intelligent person reading this book would clearly see that Todd is essentially claiming himself to be God if people fall under just HIS presence.  What an amazing and insane claim!

And the thing people don't realize is he's NOT a normal charismatic person.  He got saved, read the Bible a lot, then he got the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" and prayed in tongues.  But that wasn't enough for him.  He went to his leaders at the full gospel church and asked "what's next?"  They said, "That's it.  You have been filled with the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues."  As in, in the Christian faith, that's as good as it gets, that's the end of the road.  But I think, due to his drug past of seeking one high after another, he wasn't satisfied and wanted more and more.  So someone gave him the book by Benny Hinn "Good Morning Holy Spirit."  He then prayed in this room, "Holy Spirit I want you to come into me in the exact same way you came to Benny Hinn."  The next day he was being pressed into his mattress for 3 hours by some force.  He said it was the Holy Spirit.  I say that sounds just like what I saw in the movie "Exorcism of Emily Rose" when she gets possessed by a demon. 

So after this he has hours every day of laying on the carpet and just "soaking" in this spirit.  He doesn't say anything about reading his Bible anymore, he just "soaks" for hours and hours every day.  He doesn't even say anything about praying, just soaking. 

So he is NOT the same as normal charismatic people.  Even Charisma magazine was critical of his Lakeland Revival.  But most thought that he was just another Charismatic person, but no, he went beyond that.  He wanted more and I think, entered the demonic world even though he THOUGHT it was God's spiritual world. 

I have seen many videos where his eyes are black when he is preaching or saying "bam!" and making people fall back in "the spirit."  I know from personal experience, that I wrote of in another blog, that black eyes always indicate someone is possessed.

He might really have power to heal, but it's demonic power, as I asserted at first.

His talk is so good though that for about a day I was convinced too that he was from God!  Like really convinced.  But now I see the truth after reading his book and the story of his crazy "conversion." 

So watch out.  He might heal you but DON'T let him anoint you with oil, lay hands on you and do his "impartation." That impartation is most likely imparting an evil spirit. 

It's all a ploy of Satan, make Todd appear like an angel of light, give him healing powers via black magic, but then he puts evil spirits on people.  But people are so blinded by his good talk that they probably start to worship him rather then God, and that is what causes their downfall.  Then they become open to him putting evil spirits on them.

I didn't get how Benny Hinn had a giant following.  I could tell he was demonically possessed. 

Totally nuts.  They are both totally nuts.  Please don't get swayed by Bentley and his good-seeming God talk.  He is possessed.  He thinks he's saved.  He thinks it's the Holy Spirit giving him power to heal people but it's and evil spirit.

Just read his book "The Journey into the Miraculous" and most likely you will see what I see. 

God bless

Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Journey Into the Miraculous

Chapter 4 through 7 in the Todd Bentley book "Journey into the Miraculous" has to be the most tripped out stuff I have ever read. He said even just him walking into a room made his wife "fall under the presence" and her friend said his face was glowing. What?! Like Moses. It seems to me he makes up a LOT of his stories, based on Bible stories. He says he had a couple demonic deliverances AFTER he was saved and makes them sound like a horror movie. I was and am pretty sure a Christian can't have an evil spirit in them. Like not to the point where you are "writhing on the floor like a snake" as he describes. Pretty crazy and weird stuff. I wrote about 10 question marks in my book next to various paragraphs. He describes a filling with the Holy Spirit much like a scene in a horror movie of a demon possessing someone. Reading all that was like the craziest literary roller coaster I've ever been on. I think he made up the wild stories to increase book sales. That's my overall thought on the book. And it seems like a red flag to me that his wife's parents, best friend and pastor felt she was involved in a cult in going to a Toronto Blessing thing. And also it's very sad to read about how in love he was with his wife and first child but then later he cheated and divorced her. Ah what a crazy life, from start to now. So crazy I think. Yes maybe he heals people, but I'm back to thinking maybe more by Satan's power. He says he read the Bible when he first got saved but doesn't mention any time of reading it after that, just that he would lay on the floor for like 10 hours, even when he had a new baby in the house he should have helped with. And he keeps saying he didn't desire to work much. No wonder his wife didn't want to marry him much at first! I can't believe she did marry him when he didn't have a job! Such a tripped out story really, just all of it.

A comment from a friend: "Wow I just had a weird thought: what if the words they are saying in tongues are actually witchcraft spells or incantations."

To which I said, "Yes that's why all this stuff can be so scary and dangerous. That's why Paul said in the Bible that tongues HAVE to be interpreted." Amen

God bless!

🍪 Cookies

Thank you! To whoever the angel person is who dropped cookies 🍪 on my door step. They are delicious! 😉👌🏻👏🏼👋🏼✌️🎉👍🏼🤗

Recommended Books

Here are some books 📚 that have helped me ❤️ over the years a lot and that I highly recommend that you read. :) 👌🏻👍🏼☝🏼👏🏼🎉😁🤗🎯


Lies Women Believe 

Every Woman's Battle 

Wild at Heart 

The Bondage Breaker 

Battlefield of the Mind 

Beauty 🌺 for Ashes 

Crazy ❤️ Love  

Speaking the Truth in Love ❤️ 

And the next one I want to read is Authentic Fire: A Response to MacArthur's book 📚 Strange Fire 🔥 Woot! 

And one titled "Is Ok to Pray in Tongues in Church?" 

Both can be found on Amazon 😉👍🏼☝🏼🔥👌🏻👏🏼❤️✌️🎉🙏

God bless! 

Monday, May 22, 2017

What a Church Service Should be Like

Here is what the Quakers did in some services and I love this idea! They would have random worship services where God's spirit would lead rather then a program. 

"Unprogrammed worship (also known as waiting worship, "silent worship", or holy communion in the manner of Friends) is based on the practices of George Fox and the Early Friends, who based their religious beliefs and practices on their interpretation of how the early Christians worshipped God their Heavenly Father. Friends gather together in "expectant waiting upon God" to experience his still small voice leading them from within. There is no plan on how the meeting will proceed, and actual practice varies widely between Meetings and individual worship services. Friends believe that God plans what will happen, with his spirit leading people to speak. When a participant feels led to speak, he or she will stand and share a spoken message of ("vocal ministry") in front of others. When this happens, Quakers believe that the spirit of God is speaking through the speaker. After someone has spoken, it is generally considered good etiquette to allow a few minutes pass in silence before further vocal ministry is given. Sometimes a meeting is entirely silent, sometimes many speak. These meetings lasted for several hours in George Fox's day. Modern meetings are often limited to an hour, ending when two people (usually the elders) exchange the sign of peace by handshake... Those who worship in this style hold each person to be equal before God and capable of knowing the light of God directly. Anyone present may speak if they feel led to do so."  THAT is what church should look like.  I think anyways :) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Quakers#Unprogrammed_worship

This is like what Paul says in 1 Cor. 14:26, "When you assemble, each one has a psalm, has a teaching, has a revelation, has a tongue, has an interpretation. Let all things be done for edification."  Amen! If I ever start a church, like my husband and I maybe could someday, I would run it like this!  And I hope all ya'll could come. ;)  I have always felt like a sermon by one guy just doesn't make sense.  Like in my spirit I have always felt that, that that is not what God wants to have happen in a church service.  That's why everyone is so bored with church, because they never get to participate!  It's like school where we are all told "sit down and shut up" essentially.  I mean no one says that but that feeling is there, in school and in church.  But my favorite classes in school were my English classes where everyone got to talk and participate.  Isn't that a beautiful thing when every voice in a group of people can be heard and gets to be heard?!  Amen!

In church we really need to all be able to participate, then everyone would want to go to church!  But as it is now it's just a concert and then a one-man-show.  I really don't think that was how God intended church to be.  Why?  Because then people end up worshiping the pastor rather then God.  People might not admit to it but that happens ALL the time.  Yes there are gifts of teaching, but each church has more then one teacher, and there are OTHER gifts besides just teaching.  Why can't the other teachers teach too?  And why can't the other gifts of the spirit get to participate to?  No wonder the tongues speakers try forcing tongues on everyone, because it's a push back of them being ignored in the church for so long!  Everyone just cares about those with the gift of teaching, but what about those with other gifts?  Amen?

God may you open our eyes and hearts to this idea and may we love others who are different from ourselves.  May your church in America BE different, as Francis Chan always talks about that it needs to be.  It really does!  Amen.

I actually initiated this type of random worship in my college choir group.  Before our concerts when on tour we would have a time of testimony and prayer.  I gave my testimony one night but it was very short so I then opened it up for an open time of silent prayer, speaking aloud prayer, or worship.  Anyone could pray or start singing a song and we would all join in.  It was absolutely beautiful!  God was SO THERE with us!  I felt God so much more in that setting.  We were all listening to hear from God on what to pray or what song to sing.  It was like heaven on earth! 

I got the idea for that from the church I was raised in.  It was called "the local church."  That was their style of holding meetings.  Each would take turns suggesting a song or sharing what God was teaching them or praying.  There weren't any tongues speakers there though.  I loved the random type of worship services.  I was only 0 to 6 in that church but I somewhat remember how they were ran.  It was great!

  And that is my dream for the church today, that we would allow freedom for God to move!  And that churches wouldn't just be focused on one man, the pastor or the worship leader, but that all the people would get to participate, like Paul says we should.  Otherwise what is the point of gathering together?  You could just watch the same worship and sermon online at home. 

What really is the difference between being a spectator at church or at home?  Nothing really.  Except you might talk to a few people before you leave, maybe.  But church needs to be different amen?!  It needs to be open to let God move.  It needs to bring everybody in so everyone feels heard and important.

And may that be how church in America and around the world can start to be.  In Jesus' name amen!

May God bless you all!

My Holy Spirit Experiences

I have been unbelievably confused by things that people say are the Holy Spirit since right after I first got saved at 14.  For one I have always wondered why some of the followers look so odd, as far as tattoos and crazy hair etc?  But there is the verse, "God does not look at the outer appearance but at the heart." As was said about David when he was a boy anointed to be king.  And Paul said, "God chose the foolish things of the world to confound the wise."  So those two verses make me think about why I think the way I do and maybe I shouldn't judge too quickly about people in a movement.  I was thinking of those two verses while watching the movie "Lakeland Revival: A Documentary" on YouTube.  It's very good.  You should watch it. ;) It will definitely make you think.  I like how the maker of the movie stays neutral the whole time.  Well he seems a little bit against it but his tone of voice came about after the whole revival ended on a bad note, the divorce of Todd Bentley from his ex-wife.  My thoughts on that were that he got so burned out at the revivals every night healing people that he had no energy left for his family.  So either his wife felt neglected or it's possible she felt jealous of all the people getting healed.  It would be hard to not feel jealous.  It seems in this video that his worship leader and staff got jealous of Todd too towards the end.  Check it out ;)  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UDEsXVUQeLo

 I was first introduced to possible Holy Spirit things when I was about 15.  I went to a church with a guy friend I played basketball with.  He was African American and the church was all African American people.  I was the only white person there.  Needless to say I now have compassion on anyone of another race amidst a group of all white people, because now I know what it feels like to be the only one.  But it was a "spirit filled" church.  The pastor was yelling a lot.  I didn't feel like he talked too much about the Bible though; it was mostly emotion.  I was used to my home church Mariners in Irvine, CA.  They call themselves "spirit filled" but overall it's just non-denominational.  Most of the church members are/were extremely rich people from Newport Beach, CA and the surrounding areas.  It wasn't Baptist though.  It was a very grace filled church and very happy.  It grew extremely fast.  Over the course of the 10 years I went there it went from 2,000 to about 10,000 praise God!  I even got to give my testimony on stage once.  That was pretty awesome. :)  The worship definitely brought you into God's presence, but Pastor Kenton always taught a very logical and great well thought out sermon.  So that's what I was used to.

Then I was in this church that was mostly emotion and yelling.  At the end of the service almost every single person went to the front to get anointed with oil.  As soon as the pastor touched their forehead with oil they fell back and started to have literal seizures, pretty much every single person.  After the service the leaders herded me and another visitor into a back room.  They tried to convince us, I guess, that their way was right.  I kept pointing out the verse "God is a God of order, not disorder."  They pointed to the verse where Paul says, "My spirit prays, but my mind is unfruitful."  I guess that was them justifying that when they did anything their mind could be unfruitful.  I don't know. 

Anyways, it freaked me out a lot.  This friend who invited me to that church gave me a video of a Benny Hinn service.  I watched it and the whole time I was shocked.  I was thinking, "How could any of that be of God?! Why would God do stuff like that? Why would God make people fall back and possibly get injured?"  I had, just before this, seen my best friend have a seizure and that was what I was seeing these people go through.  Benny Hinn was basically inducing seizures for people!  I knew every time my best friend had a seizure it greatly hurt her neck or she might bite her tongue etc.  It was not something she wanted to have happen to her.  I didn't get why God would do something like that to people.  Benny Hinn was saying it was God, but I didn't get it at all.  I suppose anyone who hasn't seen someone have a seizure in real life wouldn't have the perspective that I do though.  Benny Hinn has since then been kicked off of TBN so praise God for that.  At least TBN finally got some discernment about him. 

Then a year later I went on a missions trip to Taiwan.  We went to a Pentecostal church there called Banner Church.  I saw lots of excitement in worship, people jumping up and down.  I didn't see any getting slain in the spirit though, praise God.  There was some tongues praying, which I found odd a bit, but it didn't scare me. 

And since then I hadn't seen too much.  I had a boy friend when I was 23 who tried to convince me I wasn't saved because I didn't pray in tongues.  That was interesting.  Needless to say, that relationship only lasted a few months.

And then now Todd Bentley is holding more ngs in a city 4 hours away from me.  People really are getting healed, and my husband wanted to go see it last week.  I freaked out because of these experiences I wrote about, but it's possible that was just spiritual attack and Satan trying to stop us from going.  But now I'm considering going this Wednesday, if they have some form of child care there. :)  I have no idea if I should or should not go or if God would want me to.  I find his online newsfeed videos compelling for sure.  But the Lakeland Revival video makes me doubt more if all that is from God.  Some things in the video were convincing that it is God and some things seemed odd like the laughing on the floor thing.  I did have a thought last night though about the laughter, that I like tickling my two girls and making them laugh so it's possible that's what God is doing with the "holy laughter" thing.  Laughter can greatly increase health in many ways.  So it could be from God.  There is also the verse "Do not get drunk with wine but instead be filled with the Holy Spirit."  I have always wondered for about 15 years now if that verse means being filled with the Holy Spirit appears like someone is drunk. 

And that is where I will leave off on this.  Feel free to comment any thoughts you have.  If God really is more present at Todd Bentley's revivals then that would be exciting to see in person.  May God bless you all!

(I did not decide to go after reading his book "Journey into the Miraculous" which tells his completely insane life story.)

How Affairs Happen: "Just Friends"

This is a very good article.  😉 It's good to read the story of Todd and Jessa Bentley. This is why I've always said men and woman shouldn't be close friends, unless they are both single. 😉Read this story if you have time. A plus about what happened though is it probably humbled Todd quite a bit, which may have been good after seeing all the things he did. "Pride comes before a fall." He was most likely overly puffed up from his healing and word of knowledge gifts and the visions of Jesus he saw, which hopefully were actually Jesus. Possibly he thought he had too much of God in him to sin or fall, but when we think we could never do something we often then end up doing that very thing. We should never think we are immune from any sin. We can all sin in any way at any time, that's why we all need to be very careful and always stay humble. Amen. God bless!

Charisma Magazine: Benley's new wife breaks the silence


Sunday, May 21, 2017

To Be Non-Denominational is the Best

You might think, "Hey!  How can you say your denomination is the best!?"  But hold up, I said non-denominational, as in not having a denomination.  lol.  I will explain why: 

Personally I think every Christian should be non-Denominational.  I never understood why we have denominations.  How about we just go by what the Bible says on different things rather then what the extra teachings of PEOPLE say?

I don't believe in Calvinism, that people are predestined to be saved or go to hell.  I think that takes away any free will, and God gave man free will since the beginning in the garden.  If that were true God would not be just and fair in sending some to hell.  So I don't like the "high church" denominations that teach that.  I think it is very arrogant to think of oneself as picked and elect and chosen and that other people simply aren't and never will be.  The verse where Jesus says "You did not choose me, I chose you" they take out of context all the time.  He was speaking to his disciples and just about his disciples.  I know the verse "No man can come to me unless the father draws him."  I think everyone at some point in their life God does draw; God reaches out to every single person with a Bible tract or a friend etc., and they can say yes or no to God.  Some get several chances where God tries to draw them to himself.  But God will not force himself on anyone.  He will not violate our free will, because he wants our yes to him to really be yes and not us forcing our love for Him.  Would you want to marry someone who was forced to marry you or someone who wanted to?  Exactly.  If they were forced to marry you every day of life would be miserable.  That is the same as how it is with us and God. 

And then you have the other side of the charismatics.  I believe what they do, in that the gift of tongues is for today, but just for some Christians, not all.  So I disagree strongly on their arguments that the only evidence of the filling of the Holy Spirit is tongues.  It happened that people spoke in tongues when filled with the Holy Spirit sometimes in Acts, but not every single time.  The fact is, most Christian don't pray in tongues and never will because they have other different gifts.  But each gift is equally important and equally useful to our own Christian walk and helping to save others.  Amen.  So your gift is the perfect gift for you!  Whatever it is.  Don't worry about what gift other people have.  Your gift is perfect for you!

I heard once that humans tend to live in extremes on one side or another but God can be found in the middle.  God is in the balance. 

Satan loves to make us to go to one extreme or another.  I love how Joyce Meyer said once, "Satan will either keep you from going to church altogether or he will make you think you need to go EVERY night of the week."  Can I get an amen to that?  lol.  Yep. We all tend to be in one extreme or the other.  And both are wrong.  Balance is always key. Why is going every night wrong?  Because then you neglect your family.  Trust me I know.  I grew up with my mom going every night and it made me mad a lot.  And then you have not going to church at all, but then we don't get connected to the body and the vine and apart from Christ we can do nothing.  There are online sermon videos and Hillsong YouTube worship is awesome, but being in a church body is much more powerful and you will bear more fruit.  Trust me.  Amen. :)  So go to church but don't go every single day.  Don't forget God and the body of Christ but don't forget your family either. 

So it's not "high church" Calvinism that's right, that's how they like to refer to themselves, and it's not the out of control Charismatics that are right either, it's THE BIBLE that's right.  What does the Bible say? Neither extreme group really reads the Bible verses they use in context.  They both take verses out of context all the time, or they blatantly ignore verses!  They both make the Bible say what they want the Bible to say, what other people have told them that it says.  And they stay MORE LOYAL TO THEIR TEACHERS THEN TO GOD AND THE BIBLE.  Shame on them for doing that. :(  Neither have good "hermeneutics," a term I heard in college a lot.  Neither get it totally right. 

So I try to just seek the truth and just see what the Bible says for itself, not what anyone else tells me it says.  And I pray you will do the same.  Just pray for God to show you the truth and he will.  Stop reading commentaries or books about the Bible, JUST READ THE BIBLE.  Amen. The Bible says tongues need to be interpreted if used in church meetings, period!  If not there is just chaos.  And the Bible says "WHOEVER calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved."  Amen! Anyone can be saved because we all have free will.  God can still give people gifts of healing and I actually now do think Todd Bentley has a legitimate gift of healing.  After watching his three hour revival meeting via Facebook online feed I am convinced.  I went into it very skeptical, mainly because of all his tattoos probably lol.  But then I felt he really is from God and the people really are getting healed.  I still think he needs to not say "bam" and "fire!" so much and just say Jesus more but oh well.  There is the most power in the name of Jesus amen?  Amen!  Pray that he will think about some of my many suggestions to him via my comments on his meeting.  :)  Thanks.  But also, maybe if the "educated Christians" would accept him and his gift more he wouldn't feel the need to go to the extreme crazy Charismatic side and be influenced by people like Rodney Howard Brown etc.  If all the "smart Christians" would stop thinking all the supernatural gifts ceased then that would be good.  That's simply not the truth.  The Bible doesn't say anywhere that they will cease.  They use the verse of "when the perfect comes" but that is referring to heaven, NOT the canonization of the Bible.  Honestly guys, you claim to be smart but you still read into the Bible what you want to!

John MacArthur would be a prime example of this.  He had his Strange Fire conference and I agreed with most of what he said, except that he completely ignores that Paul DID say "I thank my God that I pray in tongues more than you all."  For the record, I have never prayed in tongues and don't really want to cause it freaks me out honestly lol, but I'm tired of the "smart Christians" being so mean to the "tongues Christians."  :(  Just let the Bible say what it says and not tell the Bible what you think it should say, essentially that's what people do.  And don't teach some verses but totally ignore others. 

But then the tongues speakers make the Bible say all Christians should pray in tongues because maybe they feel insecure about not all Christians speaking in tongues.  But you guys just need to be ok with Christians being different.  We all have different gifts and that is OK.  Amen.  :)

The issue is people with the gift of tongues are essentially kicked out of normal churches so they go to these churches that don't teach the Bible correctly.  But we need to have BOTH.  Churches that teach the whole Bible and use their minds to DISCERN and believe ALL gifts are still for today.  May God make that happen. 

Oh God help us all to teach the Bible for what it says!  And NOT what we want it to say!  Amen.

If you are looking for balanced teaching like that, pastors on YouTube that do this are Bob Utley, and John Piper, and Francis Chan and I think Joyce Meyer is always pretty awesome, even though she bought her own private jet lol.  I still think she's great and has a great balance to her teaching.  So praise God for all of them!  And may more pastors imitate them in their balance and not be on one extreme side or the other. In Jesus' name Amen!

And now I have to stop writing because my one year old likes to crawl all over the table and stop me lol.  May God bless you all!  And be balanced!

(that makes me think of how this blog reminds me of how I have to break up my 3 year old and 1 year old all the time from fighting.  That's what is happening in the church between the high church people and the Charismatics, it's just a bunch of God's children fighting over stupid stuff all the time.  Well leave it up to mama bear to stop the fighting right? lol. Maybe that's what Paul says women will be saved through child bearing, in that when we have kids we will see things we didn't see before.  Not that all women need to have kids to be saved, :) but having kids helps us understand God's heart more because we are his kids.  Ok peace out ya'll.  lol Amen and God bless!

God I pray for your divine blessing and favor on this blog!  I think this is the most needed piece of writing in the entire world today!  I think it can stop a lot of the fighting and blindness and anger and in-forgiveness that your children in the church feel for each other.  I think it can stop the confusion that the world feels when they look at the church.  God I pray that THIS BLOG would become my MOST read blog.  I pray that people would email forward it to everyone in their email contact list!  I pray that you would supernaturally make the words that I wrote sink deep into people's hearts and transform their minds and change how they think.  God please renew our minds!  We need to love others purely and whole heartedly as you would love them.  We need to be a united group of people as you want us to be! Please God I pray for a miracle, that every Christian in every country all over the world would read this blog! In Jesus' awesome and holy name Amen! 

If you can and feel led to by God's awesome Holy Spirit please share this.  Thank you! And may God bless you:)

! :)

Seeking the Truth

My next project for myself is that I'm going to read a book by hank hannegraff called "Christianity in Crisis" and one by Todd Bentley called "The Journey into the Miraculous" and see which one God seems to be in more. I'm glad Hank speaks out against Rodney Howard Brown and the "holy laughter" thing cuz I don't get how that could be of God. But then it seems Todd really is getting people healed just 4 hours away from me at his current Revival. I watched 2 hrs of a mtg of his on the live feed and it looks good. His talk is good. People really are feeling better. Here's my overall comment to him on his Revival, "I would say overall Todd that you do legitimately have the gift of healing that Paul talks of in 1 Cor. 12. That gift can still happen today and You really do help God heal people. But Todd, do less pushing people to have them fall in the spirit cuz a lot are resistant to that, turned off by it and don't get it. You might end up being like Joyce Meyer, who started out doing deliverance ministry etc but she said most of the time the demons would jump right back in the people before they got to their chair. Now she has a message that appeals to more people because she doesn't force tongues on people anymore, which I think is only a gift for like one eighth of Christians, and she doesn't talk too much about the supernatural. Yes God can still heal today but the rest like glory clouds and gold dust seems unnecessary for helping save people. Healing is great! Jesus healed people to help save them and I really think you do too. People need healing. I recommend you just focus on healings Todd and make healing ur main ministry. Forget about trying to copy Rodney Howard Brown or Benny Hinn etc. Be an individual. You have the gift of healing so please just focus on that. I hope you will and may God bless you!"

Saturday, May 20, 2017

Counterfeit Revival

This is the BEST sermon I have ever heard in my life!!! Amazing!!! This definitely lit a fire under me to go drop off more Jesus packets. I keep thinking "Oh we have 5 more months renting this house so it can wait." But I felt like maybe God just said, "but they might not have 5 more months." You never know when it's the end for any of us. All the more reason to get out and witness! As much as we can! Pls pray for the people who get my packets. Thanks 😉



Pentacostalism vs. Charismatic

I love this video so much! This has been one of my main motivations for writing everything I do on charismatic topics. Check it out. It's great! 😉🤗🔥🌆🤔👍🏼👏🏼👌🏻👆🏻🐉🔥🍺💒📺💸💵💊🔐❤️♨️📢🇺🇸


And for those who like to read this book looks really good! Counterfeit Revival by Hank Hannegraf

What is a Faith that Pleases God?

Here's some food for thought. I believe in faith; I just don't believe in selfish faith. Like faith that seeks to get only what I want...

I was watching some old Oral Roberts sermons from his early teaching days and it got me thinking. He is the founder of the "Word of Faith" movement. But it made me think about what I have always considered to be the essentials of faith.

   Does God want us to have faith that He will do anything we ask for?  What does God want us to have faith about or in?

Hebrews 11 says, "Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see. 2 This is what the ancients were commended for.
3 By faith we understand that the universe was formed at God’s command, so that what is seen was not made out of what was visible.
4 By faith Abel brought God a better offering than Cain did. By faith he was commended as righteous, when God spoke well of his offerings. And by faith Abel still speaks, even though he is dead.
5 By faith Enoch was taken from this life, so that he did not experience death: “He could not be found, because God had taken him away.”[a]For before he was taken, he was commended as one who pleased God.6 And without faith it is impossible to please God, because anyone who comes to him must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who earnestly seek him."

Charismatic teachers refer to this last verse all the time regarding faith, but what does it really mean? We are to have faith simply that God exists. That faith alone pleases God. And faith that God rewards us if we seek him. What rewards? Well for Abel here we see that was simply God looking with favor on his offering. For Enoch that was not dying a physical death.

Then going on in Hebrews, for Abraham the reward was his family being saved because he had the faith to build the ark. Abraham's reward was a new land to live in.  Sarah's reward for her faith was having a child in old age...

The point is that the reward is not always money or perfect health, as some teach.  Faith can simply give us peace of mind.  It can help us have hope in hard times etc.

Granted Mt. 21:21 does say, "Truly I tell you, if you have faith and do not doubt, not only can you do what was done to the fig tree, but also you can say to this mountain, ‘Go, throw yourself into the sea,’ and it will be done. 22 If you believe, you will receive whatever you ask for in prayer.”

I don't think anyone can say they perfectly understand this verse.  No one has actually ever thrown a mountain in the ocean, so it was an overstatement that Jesus made.  The idea of this verse is that God CAN give us big things if we would just believe.  I have always felt we need to first, have faith that God exists, and then also that he wants what is best for us.  This is the faith that pleases God.  And when we ask for things we still must always submit to his will and ask humbly for things.  If we ask for something that would not be best for us, like winning the lottery and the money might cause us to forget about God, then he won't grant that prayer.

Overall the greatest power in faith is when we have faith that God can change our hearts. That he can take away our heart of stone that is uncaring and give us a soft loving heart that can love the whole world!

A truly changed and godly heart is more important than any miracle or sign or wonder, because it makes us more loving to others and love is the great commandment. Truly, humbly and selflessly loving others is the greatest thing we could ever do! Amen. So any prayer of faith that would make us a more loving person to others or would help us love God more, those are the faith prayers that please God the most. Our life goal should always begin and end with loving God with our whole heart and loving people. Amen. May God bless you all!

Oral Roberts: The Father of the Charismatic Movement

Who started the Charismatic Movement?  Where did it's teachings come from, that are so different from what the Bible teaches? 

Oral Roberts was the founder of our current charismatic movement.  Every single charismatic teacher's teachings can be tied back to Oral Roberts.  He was the one who started all the false teachings that are taught now; like that God wants you to be rich and never sick, that you can name it and claim it and treat God like a Jeanie, that signs, wonders and miracles are meant to be a normal every day thing in the Christian life etc.  Here is something also scary and shocking, he wrote a "Holy Bible with commentary by Oral Roberts." Meaning he has footnotes essentially telling people what the Bible means on almost every verse. That might explain why a teacher I just heard said 1 Cor. 12 is meant to say "spirituals" rather then spiritual gifts and that changes the whole meaning of the passage. I wonder if he got that concept from the Oral Roberts Bible. :(  He was an Assembly of God pastor arguing that a person cannot get any other spiritual gift until he gets tongues.  That was probably a teaching of Oral Roberts that now every charismatic person copies without even thinking about it. 

Here's my theory.  Roberts started out genuinely saved, but then started to love money more than God and then lost his salvation due to loving money.  Then he may have seen visions of Jesus but it was most likely demonic spirits telling him to teach all these things.  Or then what he thought was God's voice telling him things because demonic voices in his head.  Why would Satan tell him to preach the things he did toward the end of his ministry?  Because it's a false gospel.  It teaches people to believe in a god that isn't God.  It teaches people to please themselves rather than take up their cross daily.  Even at the beginning, when he was probably truly saved, he most likely still had a desire to get rich, as we all somewhat do.  So he acted like he was doing miracles to get people to give to his ministry more.  But he knew he was just acting.  He was a very good actor for sure, but his miracles were not genuine.  He knew people weren't really getting healed, but he acted like they were, in order to get more money from people. 

I watched a tent meeting of his from 1955 where he is in Billings, Montana on YouTube. Of all the places to go why Montana? But to his credit he definitely was a great speaker. No one was convulsing and shaking at least in his "healings." But the healings he attempted were very minor, like a sprained ankle or healing partly deaf people. He asks after if they can hear and of course they can. They weren't totally deaf, just partly deaf. He prays for alcoholics to not be alcoholic anymore but of course no one will know if they keep drinking or not. I don't get why massive crowds could be that gullible back then. Partly the people just cheered because they were on television I'm sure. Maybe they were told to cheer. But he didn't actually heal anyone from what I could tell in that meeting. Anyways it still seemed from his preaching that he started off truly saved, as all charismatic preachers seem to, but then they get insanely rich from all the donations and I think they loose their salvation then due to loving money more than God. Paul warned about this: 1 Tim. 6:10 "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs." I'm guessing that's what happened with Oral Roberts and Todd Bentley and Benny Hinn etc.  For this reason I am quite glad I have never been rich and have never really wanted to be. I have always had slightly more then I needed, but not way more than I needed and praise God for that I think.  Because it seems to happen a lot that when people are relatively poor and start out with God they are on fire, but then they get rich because they don't give away as money as they probably should, and they start to love money more than God. 

Here is some about the life and work of Oral Roberts from an article online,

 "Oral Roberts proclaims the Word of Faith doctrine, associated with the prosperity gospel. Oral Roberts and his family lived for over fifty years of donations from Christians, given for the work of God. How much of that money given to the work of God, is used for the personal benefit of Oral Roberts and his family?

Roberts had a luxurious lifestyle, he wore expensive suits and shoes, rings with diamonds and solid gold bracelets. He had a house in Tulsa and in Palm Springs ($ 1,000,000), flew in a plane through the country of 2 million and was a member of elite club (membership $ 20,000)

He taught that God wants all believers to be rich, healthy and happy. He declared that if you give money, especially donations to his ministry, that you would get a financial reward from God. He supported the Toronto Blessing and the "bartender" of the Holy Spirit Howerd Rodney Brown.
He is a great example for people in the deliverance ministry and healing ministries. He claims many cures, but there is no evidence of an apparent cure. (Deformities, missing limbs, Down syndrome, etc.) All of his healings are mysterious and undetectable, during his healing campaigns were the blind, wheelchair users and terminally ill not healed . More than fifty years of false claims, but the Christian world still has Oral Roberts in high esteem, despite the failures they find him a great man of God.

He said God gave direct revelation to him to support his ministry. Many prophecies that he expressed have not come true.

 Oral Roberts claimed in 1977 that he had received a vision from God telling him to build the “City of Faith Medical Center”. He claimed that he saw a 900 meters high Jesus, who said that the city of faith would succeed. Four years later, in 1981, he opened the city of faith.

Oral Roberts said in 1983 that Jesus Christ appeared to him in person (not a vision) and told him to find a cure for cancer. 1986 Oral Roberts said God had told him "I want you to use the ORU medical school for my medical presence on earth." That he had to get $ 8 million for the institute because God would otherwise take Oral home. In January Oral made the call to the faithful and Roberts said on April 1 that he had received $ 9,100,000 from God.

In 1988, however, he stopped giving scholarships and in 1989 he closed the city of faith because of bankruptcy.

In 2004 Oral Roberts was in the program of Benny Hinn - This Is Your Day – in which he said that he had seen in a vision a dark cloud over New York. That would be a wake up call, in order to tell people that Christ would come soon. Oral Roberts was a regular guest on Benny Hinn and others on God TV.

All in all, he was nothing but a heretic who preached the Word of Faith doctrine, which gave a large contribution to this doctrine and the charismatic movement."

So from that I think it's clear he may have started out saved but lost his salvation due to loving money.  Because if the real Jesus had appeared to him his projects would not have failed. It was most likely a demon that he thought was Jesus that appeared to him.  "Satan masquerades as an angel of light." He lost his discernment probably when he lost his salvation due to loving money. 

Jesus said in John 15:5, "Apart from me you can do nothing. If you do not remain in me, you are like a branch that is thrown away and withers; such branches are picked up, thrown into the fire and burned."  I think that was what happened to Oral Roberts.  He gained the whole world but lost his soul. 

I pray, dear God, that anyone who has been greatly influenced by Oral Roberts will read this blog and will think twice about his teachings.  I pray the blinders will fall off of people's eyes so that they will have eyes to truly see.  I pray they will see past the 120 books he published and anything he did accomplish.  I pray they will see the truth and the truth will set them free from all the lies that he taught.  I pray that teachers who teach what he taught will stop and will teach the true gospel rather then the pleasing prosperity gospel.  I pray you will open the eyes of everyone and anyone who reads this blog and that it would be passed on to many, many people.  In Jesus' name amen!

May God bless you all!