Sunday, May 21, 2017

Seeking the Truth

My next project for myself is that I'm going to read a book by hank hannegraff called "Christianity in Crisis" and one by Todd Bentley called "The Journey into the Miraculous" and see which one God seems to be in more. I'm glad Hank speaks out against Rodney Howard Brown and the "holy laughter" thing cuz I don't get how that could be of God. But then it seems Todd really is getting people healed just 4 hours away from me at his current Revival. I watched 2 hrs of a mtg of his on the live feed and it looks good. His talk is good. People really are feeling better. Here's my overall comment to him on his Revival, "I would say overall Todd that you do legitimately have the gift of healing that Paul talks of in 1 Cor. 12. That gift can still happen today and You really do help God heal people. But Todd, do less pushing people to have them fall in the spirit cuz a lot are resistant to that, turned off by it and don't get it. You might end up being like Joyce Meyer, who started out doing deliverance ministry etc but she said most of the time the demons would jump right back in the people before they got to their chair. Now she has a message that appeals to more people because she doesn't force tongues on people anymore, which I think is only a gift for like one eighth of Christians, and she doesn't talk too much about the supernatural. Yes God can still heal today but the rest like glory clouds and gold dust seems unnecessary for helping save people. Healing is great! Jesus healed people to help save them and I really think you do too. People need healing. I recommend you just focus on healings Todd and make healing ur main ministry. Forget about trying to copy Rodney Howard Brown or Benny Hinn etc. Be an individual. You have the gift of healing so please just focus on that. I hope you will and may God bless you!"

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