Thursday, May 25, 2017

A Warning about Todd Bentley and "Fire!" Preachers

Watch out for "Fire!" Preachers 😉 🔥 👎

Here is my final review of Todd Bentley on his Facebook page. This also applies to any pastor or teacher that you hear yell "fire!"  Why? Because they all seem to be in the same group selling the same thing, a fiery ecstatic experience with the Holy Spirit. But it's NOT the Holy Spirit, it's a demonic spirit, that will take hold of you, throw you to the floor and make you shake and cry. It's NOT God! Most of them used to be drug dealers in the world and now they are spiritual drug dealers in the church. The drug is this crazy high. But it's not from God, it's demonic. So please, please be on your guard!

And they are even doing this stuff to children! Making them shake and fall in the "spirit" which might be a demonic spirit. That really makes me mad. Those poor easily influenced kids possibly getting a demon before they ever grow up! God help us!

My strong warning about Todd Bentley. Please copy and paste and send this to anyone you know who is into this stuff. 

"Don't go to a meeting of Todd's! If you are open to it and let him, he will put an evil spirit on you when he has his impartation time! He will say it's the Holy Spirit, which he himself thinks it is, but it's a demonic spirit. I have read his life story in his book "Journey into the Miraculous." What he records as the Holy Spirit coming in him was clearly a demonic possession, but he doesn't realize that. What he thinks is God's voice is a demonic voice. He might seem to have the word of knowledge gift but he is just a fortune teller/psychic. Psychics can have that same knowledge power but it's from Satan. He also has demonic healing powers. Don't let the fact that people get healed fool you. Mt 24:24 says, "For false messiahs and false prophets will rise up and perform great signs and wonders so as to deceive, if possible, even God's chosen ones." This means they will look like Jesus, healing people etc., but their power is from Satan and their goal is to lead people away from God.  I know he can talk a good God talk but MOSTLY he talks about angels, which in his case are fallen angels, and surreal experiences which for him are from demons. They are not from God and the Holy Spirit as he says, but demons.  When Todd speaks of God's voice it is actually Satan's voice, he just doesn't realize it, because he is highly deceived. The angels Todd saw were fallen angels. His visions of Jesus and Paul in heaven were demonic visions.  Paul was allowed into the third heaven but he says he saw "things that no one is permitted to tell."  Isn't that interesting?  Why would Todd be allowed to talk about his visions if even Paul wasn't?  Read 2 Cor. 12.  Todd has ZERO discernment on these things, absolutely zero. Run as far away from him as you can! Demonic possession on a mass scale is what's happening here in Texas. Look up any YouTube video or article on demonic possession. It feels like electricity going through you. If you had a feeling like that in his meeting, you are now possessed. The solution? Pray a lot and listen to Hillsong worship a lot and hopefully the demon will come out of you. I got a demon out of someone, who had black eyes and then they turned blue, just with Hillsong worship music. You don't need anyone to cast it out of you in some dramatic way. Just listen to Hillsong. ;) And don't listen to Todd anymore! Unless u want to get another evil spirit in or on you! Sorry to be the bearer of bad news but I felt God wants me to warn everyone! May God bless you all! (and follow me on my Facebook if you want ;) God bless!"

All these teachers might say an angel visited them, and they never question the angel or their experience at all! They blindly believe it was from God because that's what they WANT to believe. But they need to test any experience they have with the Bible. Amen.  Test the spirits.  Read the word.  Pray about it and ask for godly council on anything you see or hear.  Amen.

And this is a great comment from a dear friend regarding repetitive worship music! 

"Lisa Bedrick, it's the constant repetition of the same tune, same chords, same words, that puts people into a trance. They think they're worshipping, but often, the choruses are focused on ME and not God.  For example, singing, "I'm free in Jesus", hundreds of times -- the emphasis is on ME and what I feel, rather than lifting the name of the King, as is done in most Messianic music (singing the Psalms, or about the traits of God). The enemy is so slick. He cannot lure believers into obvious sin, so lures them by doing things that appear to be good, but they are slightly skewed. Does that help?" Yes! Good to know! It always drives me crazy when they sing the same line over and over like 20 times. I knew there had to be a lot wrong with that! 

God bless!


  1. Please amend the gal's enthusiastic promotion of Hillsong; Hillsong is an apostate movement as well despite it's rapid growth and joyful acceptance by many sincere but misguided believers.

  2. Agree,
