Thursday, May 25, 2017

False Revivals

Were all the revivals really Christian revivals?

Here is why "revivals" only happen every 80 years or so, because people go completely crazy. I know I almost sound like an atheist in writing this but I'm just discerning what's of God and what may have been of Satan and demonic. The first and second great awakening were of God. The preaching was coherent and strong. There were actually no ecstatic experiences in either of those revivals. No one fell on the floor etc.

But the more I look into other past "revivals," the more I think they were all completely insane. Maybe people got healed but I think it was demonic power that healed people so as to lead them astray from God.

Jesus said in Mt 24:24, "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect."

Every "Revival" leader was most likely this, a false christ that led many astray. But the elect, the truly saved, were not convinced, and that's why these revivals ended. The true Christians pulled the mask back off these revivals and showed they were like ravenous wolves covered in sheep skin. They appeared to be of God but really they were of Satan.

Why did Jesus call the leaders who would come false christs? Because they would appear to be just like him, healing and having a great following, but they would lead people astray. Astray into what? Into mysticism, the occult, Hindu experiences, pagan oracle ecstatic experiences, and actual demonic possession which they call "impartation" or "being filled with the Holy Spirit" but it's actually being filled with a demonic spirit.

Many in the days of the Quakers thought they were all demon possessed. The vast majority of the public thought that.

In the Azusa street Revival many articles were written in the Los Angeles times that their noise was disturbing to the surrounding neighborhood and people thought they were all possessed.

The Toronto "Blessing" happened in Canada where people made animal noises and rolled all over the floor.

Steve Hill then tried to forcibly recreate that "electric experience" in Brownsville, Florida but the people didn't buy it at first and thought he was nuts. He was trying to yell people into falling on the floor. Really Steve Hill?

And then there was the Lakeland "Revival" where people may have gotten healed but there was no actual evidence that people did. And if they did I say it was with demonic power after reading Bentley's life story in his book "Journey into the Miraculous."

Bentley was from Canada near where the Toronto Blessing took place. But it was not a blessing, it was more like a possession. He thought he caught the "blessing" of the Holy Spirit, but he actually describes in his book becoming possessed in the first meeting he went to of theirs. He thought it was a demon manifesting from his drug days, but he never mentioned getting possessed officially in his drug days. The only accounts where it sounds like he got possessed was after he read Benny Hinn's book "Good Morning Holy Spirit" which should be titled "good morning demonic spirit" really, and at his first Toronto Blessing meeting.

He wrote..."During the worship, there was a call for prayer and Shonnah (who became his wife) went forward. I remember her bending backward and forwards like a tree swaying in the wind.  I thought to myself, 'Why is she shaking and doing the Gumby?'  Suddenly I felt an anger churn deep inside me.  I tried to squelch it but it rose from inside with violent thoughts.  Overcome by a DEMON, I threw myself at the chairs and knocked them flying.  I screamed, cursed, and writhed on the floor like a snake.  Then I rolled and screamed and tried to avoid the four or five guys who tried to restrain and deliver me." 

So this happened when he was IN the Toronto Blessing meeting.  Very odd, curious, and strange I think. 

Roswetta was Shonnah's best friend.  Bentley says that she "was a tad conservative at the time and thought Shonnah was in a cult, as did Shonnah's parents and even the pastor of our small church."  Really?  That many people thought she was but she didn't realize she was?  Hm...

And here is another red flag I noticed when reading Bentley's story.  He said, "I heard God's audible voice, clearly for the first time. 'I want you to move to Abbotsford, British Columbia,' He said. 'God, there's no Abbotsford, B.C.  I've never heard of it.  Besides my church has sponsored me to go to Bible school- I've been accepted.  They are even going to pay for it...."

First of all, if this was really God's voice speaking to him, he probably would have fallen to the floor for real.  It would not have been so easy for him to talk back to God.  Also, why would God tell him to go somewhere and miss his opportunity to go to paid for Bible school?  Because it was Satan's voice, not God's. 

This voice, that he thought was God's, was leading him to the Toronto Blessing.  He was living a bit far away from it then.  Satan, who he thought was God, knew he would need more people to push him further along into this "Holy Spirit" he received after reading Benny Hinn's book.  His current church and group of friends were pushing him into a normal Charismatic "full gospel" faith of tongues and Bible reading etc. But this voice was pushing him away from that into the "Toronto Blessing" or rather I would assert, demonic possession, which happened in his first meeting with them.

Quite scary for sure. 

Lastly here is a good website on signs of demonic possession.  I would say that Bentley went from being very, very social to then being isolative, or in isolation a lot.  Those are the soaking experiences he talks of where he is just in his room alone for hours and hours.  Also, it says, "Many people will talk about seeing a dark shadow over the bed that tries to hold them down, they will be unable to move, scream or stop what is happening."  That is exactly what happened to Bentley after he read "Good Morning Holy Spirit" by Benny Hinn.  He felt a force pushing him into his mattress for 3 hours!

And that is where I will end this blog.  Please pray about what I wrote.  May God show us all the truth more and more every day.  If you have any other knowledge or stories from friends etc. on any of these revivals feel free to comment.  Thanks and may God bless you all!

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