Wednesday, May 24, 2017

Todd Bentley

I have never been so confused about a Christian leader ever.  People either absolutely love him or absolutely hate him.  At surface value one might think they just love him because of the healings or they hate him because of the tattoos.  But no, it goes deeper then that. 

People love Todd Bentley because he pretty much claims to be God himself.  Look at this passage in his book "The Journey into the Cloud."  "Shonnah, my wife, was washing dishes while a friend was visiting, suddenly went down under the power as I walked into the kitchen.  Her friend screamed, "Your face is glowing!" 

The thing that drives me nuts about this is now it's not people falling under the power of God's presence but that people fall under the power of HIS presence, Todd Bentley!  How incredibly arrogant!

And he says, "When people visited me at home, they'd get zapped by an invisible, electrical force field in whatever room I was in, (where does that happen in the Bible?  Horror movies, yes, the Bible, no)  and then bounced back.  I'd say 'Hey what happened?' and they'd say that something 'zapped' them.  There were also time people couldn't even get close to me without falling."

Wow.  Really?  In saying this he is pretty much declaring that he is God.  I don't get why most people don't see that. 

The Lakeland Revival didn't just start in some church in Florida, it started with THIS book.  This book was published Jan. 1st of that year, 2008.  The "revival" began April 2.  Most likely the pastor invited Todd to his church because he read this book.  I can tell from the Documentary he wasn't a very intelligent person. Sorry. Any intelligent person reading this book would clearly see that Todd is essentially claiming himself to be God if people fall under just HIS presence.  What an amazing and insane claim!

And the thing people don't realize is he's NOT a normal charismatic person.  He got saved, read the Bible a lot, then he got the "baptism of the Holy Spirit" and prayed in tongues.  But that wasn't enough for him.  He went to his leaders at the full gospel church and asked "what's next?"  They said, "That's it.  You have been filled with the Holy Spirit and pray in tongues."  As in, in the Christian faith, that's as good as it gets, that's the end of the road.  But I think, due to his drug past of seeking one high after another, he wasn't satisfied and wanted more and more.  So someone gave him the book by Benny Hinn "Good Morning Holy Spirit."  He then prayed in this room, "Holy Spirit I want you to come into me in the exact same way you came to Benny Hinn."  The next day he was being pressed into his mattress for 3 hours by some force.  He said it was the Holy Spirit.  I say that sounds just like what I saw in the movie "Exorcism of Emily Rose" when she gets possessed by a demon. 

So after this he has hours every day of laying on the carpet and just "soaking" in this spirit.  He doesn't say anything about reading his Bible anymore, he just "soaks" for hours and hours every day.  He doesn't even say anything about praying, just soaking. 

So he is NOT the same as normal charismatic people.  Even Charisma magazine was critical of his Lakeland Revival.  But most thought that he was just another Charismatic person, but no, he went beyond that.  He wanted more and I think, entered the demonic world even though he THOUGHT it was God's spiritual world. 

I have seen many videos where his eyes are black when he is preaching or saying "bam!" and making people fall back in "the spirit."  I know from personal experience, that I wrote of in another blog, that black eyes always indicate someone is possessed.

He might really have power to heal, but it's demonic power, as I asserted at first.

His talk is so good though that for about a day I was convinced too that he was from God!  Like really convinced.  But now I see the truth after reading his book and the story of his crazy "conversion." 

So watch out.  He might heal you but DON'T let him anoint you with oil, lay hands on you and do his "impartation." That impartation is most likely imparting an evil spirit. 

It's all a ploy of Satan, make Todd appear like an angel of light, give him healing powers via black magic, but then he puts evil spirits on people.  But people are so blinded by his good talk that they probably start to worship him rather then God, and that is what causes their downfall.  Then they become open to him putting evil spirits on them.

I didn't get how Benny Hinn had a giant following.  I could tell he was demonically possessed. 

Totally nuts.  They are both totally nuts.  Please don't get swayed by Bentley and his good-seeming God talk.  He is possessed.  He thinks he's saved.  He thinks it's the Holy Spirit giving him power to heal people but it's and evil spirit.

Just read his book "The Journey into the Miraculous" and most likely you will see what I see. 

God bless

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