Thursday, November 30, 2023

Things I Lost

 I used to have so much more 

But maybe I didn't value it anymore

So I lost it 

My life seemed so perfect and stable 

But really it was all just a fable 

No life is perfect in reality 

We all loose things and cry 

We hate having to say bye 

But loss is just part of life 

Almost nothing lasts for all time 

If I had a million dimes 

I would toss them in a wishing well 

I would wish that loss could never be 

Maybe only then would we see 

How great life could get 

With my second chance I will see 

What I have and will be 

What I wasn't in the past 


To be Famous

 What is it like I wonder 

To have everyone know your name? 

Is it worth it to be at the top

Or would I miss being at the bottom?

Does the pressure of fame drive you crazy 

Or is it a walk in the park?

When you are leading the whole planet 

What will you lead them to? 

What if you run them off a cliff 

And feel guilt for the rest of your life? 

Maybe it's better to remain a small person 

Then I won't mess up the world 


Road Trips

 Oh to set out on a long trip 

Then maybe I can get a better grip 

On this crazy life I must live 

To see new things would bring me joy 

To go on adventures with my little boy 

Someday maybe we will travel the world 

Most of life is so dull 

It can really take a toll 

On your level of joy 

Go see a new thing

Maybe you can bring 

Others to God on your journey 

Get out and explore 

Or else you just might bore 

Yourself to death someday 

Life was meant to enjoy

Instead of just finding a new toy 

Get out there and see something grand 


 When you have a ton of money 

Life always feels sunny 

But what about those still in the dark? 

Why don't you share? 

Or do you not care? 

For any who have less than you 

Give things to the poor 

Then you won't feel sore 

In your heart for those who are hungry 

Why sit on your pile of cash? 

Share a bit of your stash 

Great will be your reward with God 


 So many people feel shame 

When they realize they are not the same 

As most other people

They want the same gender 

Maybe to them it seems more tender 

But all love is a war 

You cannot find an easy relationship 

Every single kind of friendship 

Will have lots of drama 

There is no perfect set up 

You just have to get up 

And decide to make yourself happy 

No human will fill that hole 

Just make it your goal 

To be the best you you can be 


The more you love someone

The more you want to have fun

So you kiss with your tongue


The more you love God

The more you are willing to pray in tongues 

The gift of tongues can be really great

It can be like a spiritual steak

For your walk with God 

It was not meant to be a show 

We all know that God will know 

If it is real and genuine or not 

It was meant to make you feel closer to God 

Mothers talk baby talk with their babies 

To show more love 

God wanted us to talk in a new way 

To show more love to him 

It doesn't need to be public or loud

That so often makes people proud 

It is supposed to be just you and God


If you want to feel closer to God 

Be open to speaking in tongues 

It is nothing to be afraid of 


 My heavenly father who is in heaven 

Thank you for caring about me 

I believe you care for even the small things 

That worry me all the time 

You comfort me anytime I need it 

Thank you for being a great friend 

I hope to pay you back somehow 

For all you did and do for me 


 You feel like their new experiences 

Are yours as well 

Their excitement for life is contagious 

Their smile melts your heart 

Their eyes make you feel blissful

There is nothing greater 

Than hugging your sweet cute baby 

There is no better sound 

Than hearing them laugh 

You thought your life was blessed before 

But it didn't compare at all 

To having your own child 

Your own flesh and blood 

Your eyes and skin reborn 

A fresh, clean new flower 

Growing quickly before your eyes 

You constantly are amazed 

By how wonderful they are 

There is nothing better 

Than loving your child fully 

And knowing they love you 

Just as much as you love them 


 You two become one 

Your heart is undone 

With how amazing your new lover is 

You can't believe they want you 

You hope they will always be true 

And never leave you out in the cold 

Your heart opens up 

You feel like a newborn pup 

Every day with them is exciting 

You hug them as much as you can 

And say you are their biggest fan 

You promise to never leave them

You see so much love in their eyes 

You never like saying goodbyes 

And hope you will be one forever 

The Birth of Faith

 On Christmas night 

A pure and holy light 

Shone down from the sky 

The wise men traveled 

And soon unraveled 

The greatest story ever told 

A king was born in Bethlehem

The greatest gift was given to them 

Who would someday hear him preach 

He would heal the sick 

And maybe even decide to kick 

Satan away from this earth 

That is still to come 

But for now he has undone 

Most powers of the enemy 

Whoever uses his name 

And believes that he came 

Can do almost anything they believe

Never stop believing 

That you can start receiving 

Any power that you need 

You will finish the race 

Keep up your pace 

And never, ever give up  

Jesus' Sacrifice

 Away in a manger bed

Sweet baby Jesus was led 

To wonder what would happen someday 

When all the people would say 

Crucify him 

He wondered if promoting his name

Would be worth all that pain 

Why was he born 

Just so he could die? 

He hoped some people would thank him

For his great sacrifice 

He hoped some would choose him 

Over this terrible world 

Would his death be worth the pain? 

What was he going to gain? 

Lost souls and a throne by his father 

He decided it would be worth it 

And went back to sleep 


 On that holy night 

The demons got a fright 

The night our Savior was born 

They felt so forlorn 

Their evil games must end 

For we can all depend 

On Jesus coming back someday 

As all the prophets once did say 

He will come down on the clouds 

And all us Christians will be proud 

That we walked the narrow road 

And let the Holy Spirit have abode

In our hearts forever 

We will never sever

Our love for the Trinity 

Who helps us to be 

All that we can be

Maybe someday we will see 

The evil people get saved 

When they realize that Jesus paved 

Their way to heaven 

But for now their hearts stay cold 

Unless more of us could be bold 

And tell them the way to salvation  

New Things

 New things always bring joy

When life is the same every day

The boredom can get hard

Change things up

Get a new blanket for your bed

Trade bathroom decorations

Do something new with those you love

Listen to new music

Join a new app like Tik Tok

Never get stuck in a rut

If there is something you always wanted to try

Maybe it's time to try it

Just do it

Keep your life exciting 

More Poems I Will Write

 children, marriage, prayer, shame, generous, road trips, 

being humble, Satan's attacks, giving,

 my best friend, church, my family of origin, things lost a long time ago, staying happy, food, salvation, carved bears, getting famous

Creative Flare

I loved cutting out Christmas trees

From green paper or glittery red paper

Arranging leaves I had bought into wreaths

Decorating them with glittery tinsel garlands

Making angels with a gold garland

And yellow paper

To remind me that angels are watching 

 Over my child as he plays

And another angel to greet us when we walk in the door

Making presents with pictures on them

To remind me that my baby and my man 

Are the best presents I could ever want

What a great Christmas this will be

With my house representing well

The wonderful holiday of Christmas

Christmas Tree

 Oh magnificent Christmas tree

You fill our hearts with glee

You shine so bright

And give all the demons a fright

A watchtower for our home

So the darkness will not roam

I feel more safe when you are lit up

You take the sadness away, lift me up

I wish you could be with us all year round

Maybe that is a tradition that I have found

No more putting the tree away

You should be here to stay

I love you my wonderful Christmas tree

You fill my heart with so much glee


 It glitters all over the land

Once you hold it in your hand

You can eat some of it

To quench your thirst

You can throw it at someone

But make sure you are first

Before you get hit in the face

With an ice hard snowball

You can run around and make footprints all over

Build an igloo or tunnels in your front yard

Make a snowman and pretend he is your friend

Or you can sled down a hill

While you squeal with delight

Admire the snow shinning on the hill

Or sparkling on the trees

Or falling from the sky 

In its dainty and peaceful way

It looks like a white blanket covering the world

You can pretend the snow made it all pure again

Like it was at the beginning

When God created the world

Before the evil and darkness and pain got in

The world becomes pure like an untouched virgin

Like a newborn beautiful infant

Never knowing evil or stress or heartache

There is nothing more lovely

Than a snow covered country side

It looks like heaven on earth

Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Jesus Our Savior

 The virgin birth was astounding 

To this day we are abounding 

In thanksgiving for the gift 

That has caused us all to lift 

Our hands in worship to the king 

Who cares about everything 

That we struggle with and the pain 

When life feels like a non stop rain 

The clouds above us feel so sad 

But thinking back makes us glad 

To the blessed night Jesus was born 

Now our houses we love to adorn 

With lights to tell the story 

Of how Jesus brought God glory 

His light pushed away the dark 

The minute the angels said ,"Hark 

Behold today is born a king"

Who will save you from everything

The sins you know and your fears

And all the nights you cried those tears 

Asking why God let you hurt 

Let Jesus dry your eyes

And hold you closely by his side 

He came to set you free 

And to restore your dignity 

Don't let this world kill your light 

Always put up a good fight 

In the end it will all be worth it 

When we are walking down the streets of gold


(If you love this poem, please share it)

The Nativity Setting

 Jesus looks at the people 

Who have gathered to welcome him 

To this crazy planet called earth 

The 3 wise men

The shepherds 

And his mother and step dad 

What was he thinking

When the 3 gifts were laid before him 

When everyone bowed down before him? 

Did he want to say

"Don't bow to me. I came to serve you."

He had the mind of God but the body of a baby

I can imagine that was difficult  

It is good he was honored 

And welcomed in a grand way 

Into our world 

Perhaps that made him want to stay 

And really complete his mission 


 Speeding fast down iced over snowy hills 

Feeling the cold air whiz around my face 

Building a ramp and aiming for it with my sled

Soaring high in the air  

Rolling off my sled like a wild wolf 

Running up the hill quickly 

For my next exhilarating ride 

When I was younger 

It was a saucer sled ride 

The first time I felt fear 

Was when it turned me backwards 

I didn't know what I was about to sled toward 

Why did the sled spin me around? 

To bad I wasn't always fearless 

But I always ended up at the bottom 

Safe and sound 

Realizing I had no reason 

To have felt so afraid 

The Angels

They were so magnificent 

That they had to say "be not afraid"

They brought glad tidings

About our savior's birth

Can you imagine being there?

Oh to be one of those shepherds

How lucky they were 

The first to hear about Jesus' birth

Why were they the first to hear about it?

Because they were humble

They were in the right place at the right time

Quickly they must have ran

To see the newborn baby Jesus

The godman, the lamb of God, our savior

Could they tell he was special?

Did he look different than other babies?

They must have wanted to stay there forever

But back to their duties they went

And treasured in their mind forever

The night they saw the angels in the sky


 Why was Rudolf cast out

Just for having a red nose?

Because we shun anything different from us

We don't like what is not like ourselves

Fear of the unknown

Prejudice against things we don't understand 

Instead of seeing it as special

We turn up our nose

And say you are less than

Because you are not like me

Why do we all need to be the same?

Embrace the differences

Not everyone can be just like you

The Rascals of the World

We all annoyingly know who they are

Those people who get anything they want

The spoiled, overly lucky people of the world

The con artists that milk others for all their worth

The selfish ones who never give and always take

The ones on Santa's knotty list

Don't be like them

Be a hard worker, generous, willing to share

Try to have a lot so you can give to others

Never waste your life away

Be all that you can be

Do all that you can do

Shine God's light to the world any way you can

Change what you can 

Accept what you cannot

Believe in God's power to heal

And help him fix our planet earth


Falling in love

Feeling the excitement

Of a new person 

To get close to

Having high hopes

This could be the one

That finally will last forever

Enjoying the giddy feeling

Wanting to always be with them

Giving hugs as much as is possible

Just to feel their body again

Wanting nothing but to be close to them

To look in their eyes 

And see their love shinning back at you

Christmas Decorations

Dainty little ornaments of angels

Bright red balls of joy

Long sparkly tinsel garlands

That flash brilliantly in the sun

Trees lit up that make us so happy

Nativity sets that remind us

Of the serious part of the holiday

Jesus being born into this world

Snowflakes all over the walls

Angel costumes that make us smile

What other holiday

Makes us as happy as Christmas?

Santa Clause

 Building presents for the kids

Spreading cheer all over the world

Dressing up in bright red

Smiling and laughing on his big sled

Oh to be like Santa

And love all people like he does

A servant to all, a rainbow of joy

Such a giving and wonderful guy 

Who we think can fly through the sky

Magical powers, a joyful life

Teaching the lesson

That giving brings us the greatest joy

Baby Jesus

On Christmas Jesus was so little, so small

Vulnerable in a humble horse stall

Waiting to grow up and set the world free

Not knowing what it is like to be


Missing his home up in heaven

But wanting to warn us of the leaven

of the Pharisees

Born to rule the universe

After giving us many a verse

to memorize

First he had to die for our sin

So that we might win

in the end

Now he sits next to the Father

Feeling happy that he doesn't have to bother

With walking all over this crazy earth anymore

A Christmas Poem

There is so much cheer

This time of the year

Reindeer flying through the sky

While all the people look so fly 

Dressed up in Christmas clothes 

But why do some women look like hoes? 😂

Santa is telling us all to be good 

But all most care about is the food

Decorating our trees and singing a song 

While the nights are getting way to long 

 We bake cookies and shop for presents 

While God just wants us to recognize his presence 

Who matters most? Jesus or Santa 

They both do. Say cheers and drink a Fanta. 😁




I have always had a big love of Christmas ornaments. The main thing my mom and I would do every year for Christmas was put up the tree and decorate it together. It was so cool to get out all the old ornaments we had used for the past 20 years or so. There were some angels I made in school. There were picture frame ornaments. There were some from my grandma. There was one of an old couple that reminded me of my grandparents. 

I could spend hours looking at ornaments in person or online. It is cute to see how creative people can be in making them. This year I saw Christmas tree ornaments that were colored like a candy cane. I thought that was adorable. 

I didn't buy any ornaments this year yet. I just put tinsel garlands on our tree. We are still building our stash of Christmas things for our new family. I got a tree at least, and it makes me super happy every day. 

If I get ornaments this year they will be angle ones. I love anything associated with angels. I hope you have fun buying and hanging ornaments this year!

Santa Claus

How did the idea of Santa come about? As far as I know, Saint Nicholas was a real person. He was possibly an old, rich guy who was generous with the poor. Maybe he gave them lots of clothes and blankets and food. Hence, the idea of Santa was born. 

It is a nice idea. I have always felt the fixation on Santa steals away from the glory of the nativity story, but it is a nice story too. Why not think about some old guy in the north pole who likes to build toys for kids? 

For a long time I made what I called Jesus packets. I called my table where I made the packets Santa's workshop. I even got a red jacket for the winter so I would look like Santa while dropping them off all over in front of houses. I was trying to be generous like Santa. They had Bible tracts and some candy. I also made bracelets to put in them. 

We should all try to be like Santa in some way. Give whatever you can when you can, whether it's time or gifts or giving to charity. It is way better to give than to receive. 

Trying to Eat Healthy

 For breakfast now I mix hot chocolate with coffee. Both hurt my teeth but at least not my stomach. I have a cavity I'll need to get fixed at some point. 😪  I used to have a bagel or sliced cake in the morning. The bagel hurt my stomach a lot so I cut those out. 

I will now make sure I order carrots and grapes each week for groceries. If I eat those every day I'll be more proud of how I eat. I try to eat a salad every day and have a smoothie a few times each week. I drink lots of whole milk. That is my favorite snack. 😁  When I am extra hungry I make a quesadilla with cut up chicken and salsa or tomatoes. 

Are you happy with the way you eat? I hope you are. 😁

May God bless you! 

Online Life

 My name can now be found in 4 different platforms. So cool....I have about 300 videos on YouTube. That seems like an overstatement. Ok maybe it's 200 videos. I made tons of singing, dancing and preaching videos starting when I created this blog 10 years ago. Check those out. Some are fun and some are educational. Search Lisa Bedrick on YouTube to see them. I hadn't made any videos on there for 3 years. Then yesterday a video by Zauntee on Tik Tok inspired me to change the world again, so now I'm making YouTube videos again. Thank you Zauntee. :)

I am also on Twitter. I have been for about 20 years now. :) I love Twitter very much. I have considered it to be my online church ever since Covid started and churches were closed down. It has fed my soul more than I can even say. Thank you Elon Musk for keeping Twitter alive and letting free speech continue on there. I pray it will aways be a free platform, for Christians especially. 

I am now on Tik Tok also woot! My best friend is obsessed with Tik Tok so I figured I should try it too. Lots of people promote books that way so I will try to do that also. Maybe lots of my books will sell that way. How cool would that be! :)

I am also on Amazon. I have about 35 self-published books on there. Half of them I published after my first daughter was born. I suppose when you have a kid you are motivated more to make as much money as you can. The other half I published during my last pregnancy. I was hoping to sell a lot of my books and make a lot. Maybe via Tik Tok that will be possible for me. Pray for me that that could work out. To see my books search Lisa Bedrick books on Amazon. 

May God bless you all!

Monday, November 27, 2023


 If you have never watched a movie about con artists, watch Matchstick Men. That was one of Nicholas Cage's best movies. It will blow you away how it ends. Other good movies about good liars are The Hustle, Ferris Bueller's Day Off and The Step-Father.

Don't trust everybody, obviously. Most people just want either money or sex, or they want money so they can get sex. :) Every single person alive is mainly after those two things. If they are being nice to you, they probably want one of those two things. Most relationships are built off of those two things, if we are all honest with ourselves. Don't trust all people. Watch out for the scammers online. 

There are tons of fake profiles on Tik Tok, Twitter, Facebook, dating apps. Every website you go on, there are people who are saying they are someone they are not. They hope to get money out of whoever they can. Just ignore them. 

For those of you who are scamming people, McDonald's and Papa John's are always hiring. Try working at one of those places. If you are illegal, they might still be able to hire you. You all should at least try working at a real job. 

Buying Gifts

 For the past 14 years I have mostly just bought things for myself online. Now I'm finally going to order things for other people for presents. It is so much more fun thinking of what other people might like. It's fun to not be selfish for once. :)

I have bought myself so much random stuff over the last 14 years. The saddest thing is that I don't still have any of it, except a pink blanket that I have kept for like 7 years now. I have nothing that others have bought me, but that's probably because I didn't buy others anything. I heard a story of what heaven might be like. We are all seated at a table and we all can't feed ourselves, but we can feed others. That is what life is like I think. We can help others sometimes better than we can help ourselves. And then they can help us or bless us better than we can help ourselves. 

Now I am having fun looking for presents for my mom, mother and father in law, grandma in law and my man. If I would have done this in my first marriage, things probably would have gone a ton better. If you have in laws, buy them Christmas presents. :) 

I love the bear figurines for my man. There is a fishing one I am excited to get for him. Good job to whoever made those. For my mom I might get a pretty necklace and a glass rose. I have always wanted to get one of those for someone. I found some cool angel figurines for my man's family. Maybe for his step-dad I'll get a mug that says Best Grandpa Ever. Who wouldn't want a mug like that? I almost was going to get a mug for myself that says Best Mom Ever. I was thinking how funny that would be if I got that for myself. :) 

For my little guy it's easy to buy presents. There are some Christmas footie PJ's that I'll get him. He tends to kick his blanket off so those are nice to keep him cozy and warm. I also got a space heater for his room that has a built in thermostat. How cool is that! I have a heater in his room, but it gets too hot. The thermostat was a great idea whoever started putting that in space heaters. I run the central heater, but it isn't all that great. :( I might put plastic over his window to keep it warmer in there. 

I might send my big brother and best friend cards with cash in it. How much cash should I give them....Maybe $60. That will be fun. I found some cute nativity Christmas cards. We might take a family Christmas picture soon and I can print lots of copies of that for everyone woot! If it turns out good. We shall see lol. 

I hope you all have fun picking out Christmas presents too. Tis more blessed to give than to receive. I bet you have things around your house that others might like too. 

May God bless you as you bless others. :)

Sunday, November 26, 2023

Collecting Things

 I have never cared about collecting anything but Slifka makes some super cute bear figurines. It is a store in Sitka, Alaska. I'm pretty sure I went to that store when I worked on a cruise ship up there. I saw the little carved bears and thought what a super fun hobby that would be. Maybe one day I'll try carving animals too. 😁

Look them up on Those will be the best Christmas presents for my man. I might get two each week.

It is sentimental for us because I have always called him my big strong bear. One night he gave me a sleeping pill and I kept calling him that. 😂 He looks like a big strong bear. 😍😀

I hope we will enjoy seeing and getting lots of the cute bear figurines. Maybe one day we will vacation in Alaska and see some black bears in person on hikes woot! 

Friday, November 24, 2023

The Pain of Divorce

 I put colored Christmas lights on my tree but that almost made me want to cry. So then I put blue lights on instead. Why did the colored lights make me sad? They reminded me of when my life was so much happier, when my mom and dad were still together. Life before my step dad came into our lives was a lot better. 😣

Things were better I think when my dad was still in our lives. I wish my mom would have not divorced him. I remember even as a kid I corrected her for divorcing my dad. I read to her every Bible verse on divorce that I found. She had good reasons to divorce him, like him molesting me when I was younger, but it was still really sad. 

For any of you that have divorced parents,  I know how hard that must have been for you. I hope you can heal from the sadness of that. God loves you. 😌 You might feel mad at God for letting your parents divorce. Maybe it was for the best. Time heals all wounds they say, but some still hurt. Pray about the pain you still feel. Let God bring you to a whole state again. Try to find joy again in any way you can. May God protect your friends and family in the future. May you have no more big losses ever again. 😀

Spiritual Gifts

 There are always many people involved when someone is being led to Jesus. This might be why God has many different spiritual gifts that he gives to believers. It might take a person with each different spiritual gift to save someone. 

My grandma had the gift of teaching for sure. She could talk for hours without anyone asking her questions. She always told stories of how God provided for her and sent her angels, people, to help with whatever she needed help with. She would always tell people they were her angel for the day. I always thought that was sweet. 

My grandpa had the gift of administration. He was the organizer for everyone. He was the silent leader at the top. He didn't say much, but he kept us all in order. He kept us all depending on God for everything and humble. He reminded us what we were supposed to believe. 

I was the encourager of the family. I helped keep things fun for all of us. I was always happy to cheer anyone up with a smile or a song or a joke. I suppose my gift was also service. I was the dish washer of the family. :)

I have had many teachers in my life who kept me close to God. My best friend Ashley should have been a real teacher. She always taught me how to be good and smart and on top of my game in life. Thanks Ashley. :)

My mom has always been a teacher for me. She likes to play devil's advocate. She always takes the other person's side and tries to get me to see things from their perspective. It always bothered me that she did that, but it was good overall. It helped me see the other side of things. 

My brother often liked to teach me too. He kind of has an arrogant nature to him. He thinks he knows a lot more than me even though he's only 4 years older. He likes to tell me what I should have done or what I should do. It's a bit annoying, but at least he has a vision for how my life should look. He means well. I'm sure he is partly speaking out of regret. He wishes he would have done things better, so he wants me to do things better. No one lives a cookie cutter life though, do we? We all mess things up for ourselves in some way. 

Who have your teachers been? I hope they have helped you a lot to grow wiser in life. Tell them all thank you. :)

May God bless you!

Thursday, November 23, 2023

Happy Thanksgiving

 I hope you all have a great Thanksgiving. Remember to respect your family members. They made you who you are today. 

I have many happy memories of my grandpa having us go around the table and say what we were thankful for every Thanksgiving. I always liked sharing and hearing what everyone said. It used to be my mom, step-dad, grandparents, two uncles and cousins that would get together. That was years ago. Ever since I was 25, I've had much smaller Thanksgivings, usually with the family of whatever man I was with. It was always a bit awkward but fun too. It can be good to have new experiences and make new friends.

My step-dad used to always make a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. He was the chef in our family and he probably wanted to make it all just like his mom did. It was always terrific. We also used to get take out for holidays from various places. He is the only one who really enjoyed cooking in my entire extended family. I don't know what the rest of them did for food. TV dinners perhaps? :) I mostly have always made sandwiches and tacos for myself. 

Thanksgiving is the one day each year where everyone really enjoys food. Most other days I think we just eat so we won't be grumpy, depending on what you were taught to think in regards to food. It is the day when everything tastes better. It is a day really to celebrate that we even have food. I think most of the time we take food for granted. We just expect that we will have it. 

The first Thanksgiving was caused by the Native Americans bringing the English settlers food so they wouldn't starve. Maybe the real Pocahontas had a hand in that generosity. The English had ran out of food. I don't know why they didn't just sail back home. They may have died on the journey if their food was gone. They learned to make friends with the Native Americans and got food in return. It is too bad that relationship didn't stay friendly. 

Remember to be thankful this season. Don't forget about being thankful once it's the Christmas season. You have more than you need, probably. Remember to always give God thanks for all you have. 


 I think the main reason God lets us endure trials is so that we will become more humble. Paul said that because he was literally taken to heaven, he was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him from becoming conceited. Most of us don't get to see heaven or have awesome visions. Maybe we just have extra spending money every week. Maybe we never have to go hungry. Maybe we have lots of people that love us. Maybe we have natural abilities that can make us arrogant. Then we start to get puffed up with pride. Watch out for that. God can tear down your life at any time. 

Regarding my ex, my brother said that I was fling too high. Meaning I never thought I could lose him and then I did. When you think something could never happen to you, often times then it does. Be prepared for everything. Never think you are beyond your life getting messed up due to your careless behavior. That is why boundaries are needed, not just with others but also with yourself. Stay under rigid self-control so you won't lose all that you have. Respect the desires of those in your life. It's not just all about you. 

I heard a great quote in a sermon once, "God sometimes cuts down a tree so it will grow back better." What has God done to cut you down? There is also a verse that says he hurts us in order for him to heal us. God doesn't always cause our life to go perfectly. Sometimes he needs to teach us a lesson about our own ego and the importance of remaining humble. God wants us to always be humble no matter what. Why? Because no one likes a prideful person. God doesn't either. Watch out for flying too high. Never assume bad things could never happen to you. Live in such a way with self-control that prevents any disasters in your life. Be careful with everything you do and say and always respect others. 

Sunday, November 19, 2023


 I was thinking how seldom I have received presents from others. Only one guy that liked me gave me a present. It was Curve perfume on my 16th birthday. No bf nor my ex husband ever got me a present. That is quite odd really. No jewelry or clothes. Most were very tight with their money and complete jerks so that is probably why. 

My mom gave me money for my birthday every year. For Christmas my presents were usually a new Bible and a Christian CD. For my college graduation she got me an IPod. That was a great present!

My big brother gave me a 100 CD changer stereo one Christmas. That was my best present ever. He also has given me an IPod and a car. What a nice brother huh? :)

I guess most people I've known just didn't know what to get me or they were all too selfish. They had no idea what to get me because they only thought about themselves. 😪 Yes feel sorry for me. 

To be fair I have not give that many presents to others. The best one I gave was a cool leather jacket to my first serious bf. I got a Sooners blanket for my ex husband. For my man now I got shirts, shorts, slippers, an "You're an awesome dad" blanket and pants etc. for him. I have done the best in getting things for him. 😁 For my mom, I can only remember giving her a number one mom necklace one year for mother's day. I don't know why I haven't given her more presents, but that is quite sad of me. It is probably because she had a lot of things already. I gave my brother 2k one time. He bought a car with that. I felt very good about doing that. 

Try to actually get presents for those you love this Christmas. Why not even wrap them up? Have some fun with it. 😀 Be generous. It is more blessed to give then to receive. 

The Joy of Christmas

 Why is Christmas the happiest time of year? The word Christmas means more of Christ. That is the main reason I would think. We are all thinking about Jesus more yay! Here are other reasons...

The color red is the happiest color. More of us are drinking hot chocolate which boosts your mood. Mint M and M's. Lights all over. Buying new things for your house and giving everyone a change of scenery. The idea of giving things to others makes us all happy. The exercise of shopping. Thinking some old guy named Santa loves us. The cold weather is refreshing. 😁 All the Christmas movies we have watched for years that bring back lots of happy memories; Elf, Home Alone, It's a Wonderful Life, Fred Claus, 4 Christmases...

Going to see family. Warm fuzzy Pjs and warm slippers. Decorating the tree. The happiest music ever made is Christmas music. 

What other joyful things about Christmas can you think of? 

Saturday, November 18, 2023

Jingle All the Way

 This is such a well done movie. The themes are a father neglecting his son for work and then going shopping. The idea I think is that he is always making money or spending it. He neglects his wife too, and another man tries to steal her away. 

No dad is perfect. No husband is perfect. It is a miracle that any family stays together in our modern world. All you can do is cut each other some slack. Maybe your mate doesn't behave perfectly, but neither do you. "Judge not lest you be judged" right? 

The majority of the movie is the madness over the dad trying to find a sold out toy. He goes everywhere he can, and competes with another dad in crazy ways to get the toy. In the end the kid gives the toy away to the other dad. He says, "Why do I need the toy when I have the real thing at home?" Isn't that life. We think all these other things will make us happy. What we have at home already is all that we really need. But we buy and buy and search endlessly for that next thing that we crave. It is a never ending hunger that we think we need to satisfy. What object will make me happy next? 

May we all be happier with what we already have this holiday season. May we see that the people in our family are the best presents we could ever receive. May the greed we may feel fade away. May we just relax and enjoy the things we have. May we learn to be content and stop always searching and getting more and hungering for more. May we learn to be fully satisfied with less.  

Getting in Shape

 It is hard to get in shape in the winter when it's too cold to get outside and exercise. Here are my tips for you, only eat two meals a day. Cutting out breakfast helps. I'm just having coffee mixed with milk for breakfast now. I order banana bread with my groceries now. That is a healthier snack than a whole bagel. 

There are videos on youtube called Just Walk. 👏 They are fun to use for getting exercise when the weather is lame. 

Try drinking hot chocolate only when hungry. Our bodies digest anything liquid much easier and faster then solid food. 

Go to a gym if you can. But always wash your hands and change clothes after. Germs are everywhere at gyms! 😬

May God give you peace about the weight that you are while you try to get in shape. God loves you no matter what size you are. 😀


 I am progressively decorating my entire house with Christmas things. So awesome! We are on a budget, as most are, so it is a slow and steady process. :) I put candy canes out front. I thought they were solar powered but no they needed an outlet. We have no outlet out front. I know, cry me a river. 

I have a red nativity shower curtain coming in 2 weeks. Woot! I'll get red towels to match that. Look it up on It's so cute! Just search Nativity shower curtains. 

I made my living room mostly red. My baby boy threw up on my teal rug yesterday. I was sad about it at first. But this morning I told him thank you, because it clashed with all my Christmas decorations anyways. So I put a red rug in the living room. 

I got our tree up in the dinning room a few weeks ago. I made a nativity scene on the wall. It looks pretty cool. I probably will leave the bedrooms as they are. Not every room has to have Christmas in it. :)

Yay for Christmas decorating! 

Yesterday I tried putting other candy canes in our backyard. It took a while to get the stakes in and connect the electrical cords. I plugged them into the outlet we have back there. But then I was hosing off the rug that got thrown up on and it killed the outlet. Very sad. :( No light up candy canes in the backyard. Oh well....

I probably am done with decorating. Well next is our tree in the backyard. I plan to totally cover it with tinsel garlands. Maybe red around the trunk and silver and gold ones on the branches. It will look so awesome!

I hope you all are enjoying your time of decorating for Christmas. God bless!

Friday, November 17, 2023

Jesus' Birth

 Why did God choose to send his son to be born as a baby in our world? It was such a vulnerable thing to do. God must have trusted Mary a lot to put her in charge of his only son. 

I think mainly God did that so we could feel that Jesus understands us. He lived the life we live from beginning to end. His feet probably got tired from walking all over the place. His mind suffered what we call mental health from dealing with the crazy people of this planet. He got thirsty and hungry and probably had headaches. He may have dealt with heartbreak. We all know Mary Magdelene was hard after him. Poor Jesus. He lived our life so he could empathize with us now. The Bible says that he is an intercessor for us to God the Father. Since he has felt everything we have felt, he knows how we feel. The father may not be as sympathetic to our pains since he never felt them, but Jesus knows how hard life can be.

The next time you think that God has no idea what you are going through, remember that Jesus probably does. May God bless you and minimize your pain. :)

Wednesday, November 15, 2023

Love Yourself

 "There is a difference between loving yourself and being in love with yourself." 

I think all the humble people in the world are scared to even respect themselves in a healthy way. 😟 Perhaps they think it will escalate into being in love with themselves. You can see yourself as attractive without being egotistical. Have a balanced view of yourself. 

Most of us are at least a bit attractive but not the hottest person in the world. We all have good features. Try to focus on the good rather than the bad. 

Lately I have felt down on myself about neck rolls I seem to have gotten from my last pregnancy. It kind of bothers me. But I still have pretty eyes. Yay 😁😂 We all get some good things but not all the good things. I can sing mostly good, but I probably wouldn't make a dancing video. 😣

Try to notice the positive things about yourself instead of the bad. But if you are in love with yourself, maybe you should realize you are not perfect. 😏

Tuesday, November 14, 2023


 This is the creepiest movie you will ever see, if you watch it. It reminded me of the book Crime and Punishment that we read in school. That was the creepiest book ever. In both a man kills an old woman. Then the guilt over the murder eats them alive. Bernie keeps hallucinating thinking he sees the old lady he killed. I can imagine the guilt would be crazy when a person kills someone else.

The craziest thing is that Bernie was pretty much the worship leader in his church. It reminded me of my dad. He was just a good actor. He looked like a good man, but he wasn't in actuality. It was all just a mask. 

So many people are good at pretending that they are Christian. They put on a great show but it's all talk and no action. They know how to play the game. Beware of such people. 

How to be a Good Spouse

 Show your spouse respect and love always, even if you think they don't deserve it. 

Let them sleep when they want to. Let them eat when they want to. The best thing in relationships is giving each other freedom to do whatever they want to do. No one likes being controlled. The more you can let them feel free, the better. 

If you want your sleep to be long and peaceful, let them have a long and peaceful sleep too. If you want them to not abuse you for what you eat, be nice to them in what they want to eat. 

Hug every day. Offer to give a massage every other day. 😁 Get it on at least 2 times a week. 🎉

Don't spend too much money. We all deserve a reward for work we do, but don't overdo it. Stick to a budget of what you both will spend each week. 

Don't be on your phone around them. That's rude. Give them your full attention. 😌

Feed them every day at least one meal. Some women like to cook for their man. Some guys prefer to go out and get fast food or some form of take out instead. As long as you eat a meal together every day, that is very good so you can talk. The best time to talk is while eating with your mate. 

Watch funny movies together. The best thing about life to enjoy is funny movies. 

Watch music videos together. Send them a love song every few days, because that is a cute thing to do. 

Text them to encourage them when they are at work. Tell them good job for working so hard and I love you. It can feel repetitive, but no one gets tired of being encouraged, even if it's the same words on repeat. 😁

Ask them how their family is doing and about their co-workers. 

Talk about things you might buy with them, especially if it's their money from working hard. 😀

Men, tell your woman good job for all she does. If you don't say it, show it in things you do for her, like getting her yummy food. Either she is taking care of your kids, or at least keeping your house clean, hopefully. Show her a thank you somehow. 

Make sure you show the other person you love them every day. Don't fake it. We can all tell when someone really loves us. If you don't really love them, get saved by Jesus or see a marriage counselor. Check out my previous blog on how to be saved. May God bless you all in your relationships!

I wrote a book on marriage titled "Imagine a Perfect Marriage." Go check it out on Amazon. Search Lisa Bedrick books. 😁

May God bless you!

Monday, November 13, 2023

How to Get Saved

 So many people have no idea how to find God and how to get to heaven. Jesus said, "I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the father except by me." Was that the truth? Is that the only way to get to heaven and know God? I think occasionally God makes exceptions. Not just Christians will be in heaven, but generally God wants people to believe in Jesus. You need to believe that Jesus died, rose again and paid the penalty for your sins. First you have to admit that you have sinned and that you need to be saved from your sins. Accept Jesus' free gift of paying for your sins when he died on the cross. Then ask the Holy Spirit to come be your best friend. That is essentially all it takes to know God. How you live after that matters. You can't just think praying to receive Jesus is all you have to do. James said, "Show me your faith without deeds, and I will show you my faith by what I do." Jesus said, "If you love me, you will keep my commandments." Paul said, "Walk in a manner worthy of your calling." Shine God's light to the world in any way you can, anytime you can. At the end of your life, if you are still serving God and treating others well, you can mostly know you are saved. It is all about how you finish your life, not just how you begin. 


 It is hard to raise intelligent human beings. It's hard enough to cover the basics of keeping your kids warm enough and fed and clean. Then you add in training them for school. I had no idea anyone would care about the intelligence of a 2 year old, but my mom did. This is one of the hardest events of my past family. My mom started saying when my daughter was 2 that she needed to go to speech therapy to learn to talk better. What I am thinking now is, why couldn't she learn how to do speech therapy with her? It's like my entire life my mom would say I needed to go to counseling. Why couldn't she counsel me? That is usually what families do. They counsel each other instead of saying, "Go see a professional." The reason she said that a lot was because my dad molested me, and she didn't know how to handle me after that. 😪

So my ex and his mom got concerned about my oldest daughter. My mom made them worry that my oldest girl was behind. She was only 2. My goodness. The world these days is harder I would say. Why can't we just let kids be kids? Let them just have fun until school starts. 

I will say I already knew she might end up a little slow. My ex, her dad, was very much like Forest Gump. 😣 I think that is a common thing in our modern world. Not everyone is a genius. Oh well. I don't know what the reason for that is. Vaccines maybe? Vaccines are evil. 😟

So when my daughter was around 3, I finally took her to a speech therapist. The lady made me feel like I was not a good mom, so that was a sad experience. She said my daughter should be putting her own clothes on. I was still doing that for her. I didn't see that as a big deal, but these days everything is a big deal with kids. Serenity's comprehension was spot on. She just didn't try talking a whole lot. It might be because my mom tried to correct her any time she said anything. Very sad. I have heard that Serenity has struggled in school. I hope she will do better in the future. But why is school considered so incredibly important for girls? They probably will just have kids someday. 😌

In the hospital 6 months ago, CPS got involved with us and our new baby. God keeps telling me it was mainly a racist issue. Our city is mostly Mexican. We were the only white family in the hospital at that time. I think they just wanted to pick on the white people. I turned to my current man and his mom and said, "Are you still glad you had a kid?" 😁 It seems like everyone feels a right to attack you when you have kids. It's not easy. It can feel like a battle. You always get advice on what you need to be doing, and it can be very discouraging. Maybe some moms don't care, but I was a straight A student. I aim to please. I want to be on top of everything that I can be. To think I wasn't doing a perfect job with my two daughters, that was too much for me. 

So all that was pretty much why I gave them up to my former mother in law. I guess I was like, "Ok here maybe you can do a better job. Everyone seems to think I am not doing it perfectly, so maybe you can." But no mom is perfect. No person is perfect. 

To all the fellow moms out there, take a break and remember to enjoy life. Go watch the movie The Hustle. That will make you happier and remind you to have some fun. And then go to a good Bible teaching church. 😇

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Fun Influence

 I might never get to influence millions of people, but of late I seem to be influencing those who do influence millions of people. I have been sharing my blog all over on Twitter. In Jay Shetty's interview with Jada he asked her what the stages of her relationship with Will were, if they were madly in love. I had just written a blog about that. 😱 

I noticed Victoria Osteen wrote, check out my blog. I was like ah...that's the phrase I use all the time. 😱

Steven Furtick said in a sermon a week ago "Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith." I had just written that phrase in a blog. 😁

If you 3 read my blog and enjoy it, can you publicise it for me? Like can you possibly mention it in a video or on stage? 

Thank you for reading! And keep up the great work of trying to make the world a better place! You 3 are super great! And I admire you all a lot. 😁


The most attractive thing about a man is when he is generous to his woman. My ex was ridiculous when it came to money. He had 50k saved, which to me was a ton, but he never gave me cash for anything. He did buy our food occasionally. He lived with me for free. That little bastard. He never gave me cash for the bills. I essentially took care of him like he was my child off and on for a year. But I kept kicking him out because he wasn't helping me with money. It blew my mind the entire time that he could have that much saved, but he refused to help me. He was the biggest miser I had ever known. 

Here is a sweet story. My current man one day just handed me $1,000. That was really funny to me, and I loved him more for it. Our dryer was broken, and I seemed frustrated about it. He went to the bank and got 1k for me to get a new dryer. That amazed me. He is so sweet!

Currently my budget is $300 a week for food and fun things. To some that seems like a lot. To others that seems like not much. I am happy with it. This week I plan to get some Christian shirts and new bathroom things. I have never had a complete bathroom. I know, feel sorry for me. Like where the curtain, rugs and toothbrush holder and soap dispenser all are matching. I have always wanted to do that. My theme will be under the sea for my bathroom. :)

I had non-stop issues with my ex-husband in regards to money. He would always say I didn't have to work. I just had to stop buying things online. I would get mad about that though, because he spent a lot every week at IHOP and on fast food and on his cigarettes. I always thought, "But what about me? Why don't I get to have fun money too?" That was a big cause of our divorce. He was super stingy our entire marriage. I was in charge of getting the bills paid, but he kept changing banks so I couldn't access the money. That was insanity to me and so annoying. He complained to his dad one time about me spending money. His dad just said, "That is just marriage my boy." I don't think I spent too much. His parents only had to help us with money for bills 2 times in 7 years. I think that was really good. I got everything paid on time usually. 

If you are married, let your wife have spending money. If she is caring for kids, she works harder than you could ever realize. She deserves some fun money. Make sure she feels rewarded for how hard she works. And ladies, use some of that to buy things for your man. Don't just spend it all on yourself. :)

May God bless you all with money so that you will stay happy and serve the world as well as you can. 


 My brother and I both have our birthday on the 30th of the month. Mine is November 30th and his is September 30th. I always figured God did that so we would feel closer. I liked my birthday being on the 30th, because it was like I was a 30 on a scale of 1 to 10. :) I don't know if I'm that high anymore now that I'm 38, but oh well. 

My ex's birthday was on the 13th. I always saw that as a bad sign. He had a 13 number sign that he stole from Whataburger, which was annoying. I always didn't like seeing that. One for remembering that he liked to steal things and that 13 is a creepy number. 

My bf now was born on the 7th, which is the number of completion and perfection. God created the world in 7 days. That made 7 a very meaningful number. It is a perfect number. God finished the world and said that it was good. It was perfect, at the beginning at least. :) My first daughter was also born on the 7th. To me that meant she was perfect. She was a very cute little baby. 

My parent's birthdays together makes 69. Hahaha. They had a lot of passion I think, so that makes sense. 

I think numbers can mean a lot. The address for my current house has a 22 in it. My grandma bought about 8 houses toward the end of her life. Just from running garage sales almost non-stop she got super rich. Also my grandpa taught high school math and directed church choirs. Every house they bought had 22 in the address. My grandma saw that as a sign that it was meant to be. I felt that when I moved in here too. How nice. :) 22 was also the age for me when I fully felt love for the first time. Awe....

The number 3 is holy since the Trinity is 3. 12 is significant since Jesus picked 12 disciples. 

Whatever your birthday is, I hope you like the number of it. :)

The Hustle

 This movie is so great! I love con artist movies. Matchstick Men was a total eye opener for me. Also Wild Oats was super great. Those movies were a good reminder that most people will hurt you. Most are just out to get anything they can for themselves. Very few people are really, actually good. Very few people are generous. Most are incredibly selfish and greedy. 

In this movie two girls are conned by a guy. You really think he is good the entire movie and then find out he conned them while they tried to con him. That is how a lot of relationships are it would seem. Men mainly want sex and women want provision aka. Money. There is always that exchange of sex for money. Overall, every woman really is a prostitute. 😂

The worst relationships are when a woman gives sex but gets no money. I don't understand women who are retarded enough to stay in those relationships for very long. Likewise men who give money but almost never get sex are in a very uneven relationship. They are essentially being conned by their woman. There is not the nice even exchange of money for sex. That is why they feel robbed, because they are. 

We all want things we want and our survival skills make sure that happens. What's love got to do with it? It has a bit to do with it some of the time. But most relationships are just this even exchange. Each person conning the other to get as much as they can of what they want without giving much in return. And that is the ugly truth. 😪

May all the broke women stand up for themselves, and may all the sex starved men say something and get what they want. 

Saturday, November 11, 2023


 "Momma used to drag me to church Sunday mornings and Wednesday nights." Lines from one of my favorite songs. 

I think a big reason moms do that is so their kids will make good Christian friends. In school you never know who you will make friends with. At church, you almost know for sure they will be good people. Then when that habit is formed as a child, usually you keep it up as an adult. At least at church people are trying to please God. That is their main objective. 

Paul said, "Do not give up meeting together as some are in the habit of doing." Now church can be online, which is nice for moms of little ones. It can just be an excuse but kids get sick at church often. Clean those toys more if you work at a church. Bleach water spray all over. Yep. :)

What are the good things about going to church? You get to connect with others who want to honor God as much as you do. It can get discouraging seeing the world and how dark it is. In church there is the light of God and Jesus and the warmth of the Holy Spirit. You get recharged, like recharging your phone. 

If you ever went to church and stopped going, try to go again. And hopefully you like going again. 

Friday, November 10, 2023


 My grandma used to say if you eat a handful of cabbage every day, you will have almost no health problems. 

Here is a new fun taco idea. Get the pre cooked chicken that is cut up from Wal-Mart. Warm it up for 45 seconds with cheese on top on flour or corn tortillas. Add on cole slaw salad mix. And the great toping of thousand island dressing. So good. 😁

Or if you hate cabbage, use the spring mix lettuce. 

Live Forever

 A few weeks ago my man said he wants to live to be 80. I said, "Then why do you smoke so much and drink so much? You make no sense." A few days later he quit smoking. My remark worked. 😳 Also he only drinks one beer on his day off now yay!

If you know someone who lives unhealthy, say that to them. Ask them how long they want to live, and help them see what they need to do to live that long. He even started eating carrots lately. It's a miracle! 😁

If you want to live to be 80, take good care of your body. You only get one. 

Here is my best health advice: 

Go on a walk twice a day. Eat a salad and make a smoothie every day. Never drink soda. Get enough rest. Do things that bring you joy. 😇

The Stepford Wives

 Watch this movie if you haven't yet. It is about what every man wants, in theory. The women who are career driven are turned into barbies with long hair, cute clothes, a spotless house And they can cook too. And they make lots of noises during sex. If you have ever wondered what men want, watch that. It's free on YouTube. The best part is when all the women are exercising wearing super cute clothes. 

I saw it a few times before I lived with a guy. It made me happy that I was single, because what woman can do all that? What woman is everything that a man wants? None of us are. But oh well. We can try our best and if it's not good enough, it's time for the guy to change his needs and wants. Fantasy worlds only exist in a person's mind. Real life is not fantasy. 

The ending is really crazy. You find out the entire society was the idea of the head woman instead of the man. She was tired of women being stressed out at work. It doesn't make sense though, because the original movie meant the women were killed and replaced by robots. Very odd. 

Marriage is never what we all expect it will be, but we just have to accept reality as it is and find joy in the shortcomings. Every cloud has a silver lining. 

Happy Days

 What I am grateful for...

My clean and organized house 

The flowers and grass in my back yard 

That I own a car, even though it's 20 years old

My baby boy and getting to hear him laugh 

My man and how kind he is 

This blog so I can keep myself entertained

My comfy bed

Sunny weather, very few rainy days in my city 

My mom, that she cares about me 

My friends that care also 

My cats that are super friendly 


 It keep us happy

Music makes us feel more alive

It helps us forget all our troubles

And numbs us to any pain we had

It takes us to a happy place

Like the end of the rainbow

And we find our pot of gold

The party never ends 

As long as the music is on


 So I am hoping to become the most famous person in the world via Twitter. Ego....I know. But hey, the entire world is on Twitter. It could happen. Just have faith right? :) 

My objective is to save the entire world. It's not just like hey look at me. That has been my goal ever since my first baby girl was born. I wanted to make the world better for her future. I wanted to make every single person good if I could. So I started making packets and left them all over, in stores, on doorsteps etc. They had a Bible tract, a bracelet and a muffin that I made and candy. I made about 10,000 of them. That seems like an over statement but it's not. Stay at home moms get really bored. :( I wanted to save everyone. I guess I won't know until heaven if they actually saved people.  

I got to be on the Odessa news about my packets. They interviewed me on my birthday 10 years ago. Hey my birthday is in 3 weeks. Maybe something really cool will happen again then. Maybe Jay Shetty could interview me. That would be so cool.....cuz I want to be world famous! 

Thursday, November 9, 2023

August Rush

 This is the only movie with a great and happy ending about homeless kids. That is the saddest thing ever, when kids are homeless. I did a ministry through my college with kids who were homeless. It was literally on Skid Row in Los Angeles. We would tutor them and then serve dinner for the kids. It was a wonderful experience. 

The whole movie you feel the longing every mother has for her child and how exes can be missed and sought after. Someone in our past that we can't let go of. 

You see the exploitation of children. In this movie it was exploiting musical skills. Everyone tries to invest in and make bank on a talented person. That can cause insecurities. Then the person might think they are only loved for their ability, rather than just for themselves. 

Overall it is a wonderful movie. It will make you laugh and cry and give you a sense of awe. I wonder if Justin Bieber got his initial inspiration from this movie. 😁💖

Talking to Jesus

 Have you talked to Jesus? It is a very gratifying experience. You are never alone. Did you realize that? God is always right there with you. The Holy Spirit is near all of us, ready to help us. Whether you are truly saved or not, you can talk to God any time you want to. He always wants to listen to you. That is why he created you. He wants to talk to you. So talk to him. :)

I could not have gotten through this past 4 years of being without my girls without talking to Jesus. He has been my constant friend. He has kept me happy. He has kept me from feeling lonely. God is good. :)

Wednesday, November 8, 2023

Shall We Dance

 This movie is so cute. It is about a husband who decides to take dancing lessons. His wife thinks he is having an affair, so she has him spied on. She comes to his dancing competition. When he realizes that she is there, he messes up his performance. She asks him why he never told her that he was doing dancing lessons. He says, "Because I was ashamed that I wanted to be happier when we already had so much." 

To be happier. It is easy to think we will happier if....but the key is to create happiness where you are. Maybe your life is as good as it gets. Maybe you have all you need and all you could want too. If you want more, just ask for it from those who are in your life. 

It is a wonder why the husband didn't take dance classes with his wife. Maybe he wanted to have a secret hobby for a time. Maybe he needed some space from her. It was a very happy ending though, because he brought her into that other happy world that he had found. 

A lot of people have their own private world that they don't bring their mate into. Bring your mate in. Maybe that will make the escape even more fun. Escape from the world, but try to not escape from your mate. 


 It is impossible to get a full night of sleep with a baby. My boy sleeps from 7pm till around midnight when he wakes up for a feeding. Then he wakes up around 2, 4, 5, and 6am for a bottle. Wake up time for a day is usually around 6 or 7am if I'm lucky. 

For any who want to have a baby, consider the effort it will take. Being a mom is not an easy job. The night time hours are the hardest. During the day though I can watch whatever I want all day, so that is nice. 😁 I can hug my squishy little man anytime I want to. Awe.....I get an allowance of $100 cash each week to spend on what I want. Yay 👏

There are ups and downs to motherhood just like any job. Overall I am very happy being a stay at home mom. I love my sweet little baby boy. 😁


 When I was pregnant about a year ago, I had thought of working at a Michael's craft store. I interviewed with a woman and I couldn't really tell if she was a woman or a man. That made me not really want to work there. Granted I could have helped her to embrace her womanhood possibly. It is a bummer though that that bothered me, because I could have made a lot working there. I could have a bigger savings now. 

Who has the problem in that situation? Me for being freaked out by someone looking gay, or the person who pretty much wants to freak everyone out by looking strange? Most people in our world now would say I have the issue. "Just let people look however they want to." Ok, but in customer service, you are supposed to look nice and presentable. You are supposed to look good to the general public. You can't look odd when dealing with customers. I guess I foresaw that not going well in dealing with customers. 

Either way, it just freaks me out, and it freaks out most people if they are honest, when you can't tell what gender someone is. Women should look like women, with long hair and feminine clothes. Men should look like men, with short hair and only guy clothes. No more wearing pink men. Honestly. I wish that everyone would look the gender that they were born with again and that our great nation could go back to being normal again.  

Instead of working at Michael's, I wrote tons of self-published books that are on Amazon. Search Lisa Bedrick books to check them out. :)

Appearing Gay

 There are two worship singers that have appeared gay for a while now and it bugs me. Brandon Lake needs to cut his hair, unless he wants to look like he's gay. A female leader for Hillsong needs to keep her hair long, unless she wants to look gay. "Avoid the appearance of evil." 

Tuesday, November 7, 2023

If My People...

This verse has been on my mind since Covid hit us 4 years ago. If we will seek God's face and humble ourselves, then he will heal our once great nation.

Did we need to be humbled?  Yes we did. Do we need to seek God, more than stuff and cars and better houses and pleasure? Yes we do. 

May we all return to our roots. We all, for the most part, were raised in good Bible based churches. May we remember to seek after God more than the things of this world. "If anyone loves the world, the love of the father is not in him." Love God. Love people. More than you love things. I am saying that to myself as much as to you. 

Fix your eyes on Jesus, the author and perfector of our faith. 🙂

Monday, November 6, 2023

My Best Buddy

 Every time something major happened in my life, my best friend Ashley has been my guiding light. After I told my ex to leave, she suggested that I rent rooms out, so I did. Then I met my next boyfriend who was very cool. The night my ex, Roger, died I was on the phone with her. We were talking about our other friend who was pregnant and had to get shots in her stomach. I think it was while I was talking with her that Roger went to a bar and drank too much. Overall, it was better that he died so that I could experience having kids. He had fixed himself. 

She has been my wise counsel in most major events of my life. She told me to start this blog after Roger died. She mentioned how cool Kindle was and publishing books for Kindle, so I started writing books again because of us talking about that. 

She has always been the wisest and most grounded person I have known. I am glad to have been great friends with her for 24 years now. 

She used to have seizures, which was very sad. Please pray for her regarding that. She is taking seizure meds which means she can't have kids while on them. Pray for her that she will find a great guy at some point that won't want her to have kids. I have always hoped she would find a good guy. I know she will someday. :)

Saturday, November 4, 2023

Decorating for the Holidays

 I got my tree up yesterday as soon as it was delivered. That was fun. It just has gold garland around it for now. It was pre lit so that was nice. I am tempted to get a pre lit one with colored lights. I got one with white lights. I love Walmart!

I decided to create a giant manger scene on my wall. I had plenty of red garlands, so I used that for the outline of the barn. I put a Christmas tree in the barn because why not. I used gold garland to outline the Christmas tree. I cut up some of our pictures to use as ornaments. I used part of our green table cloth to make the tree green. Then I made a manger. I had to look up pictures because I had never tried making a manger before. :) Then I put big pictures of my man and I to be Mary and Joseph. I thought about making paper bodies for us but it might look retarded. A picture of our baby is in the manger as Jesus. :) So that was fun. 

Today maybe I'll do a wall in the living room. I'm not sure what I'll make yet but that will be fun. 

You should make a giant manger scene on your wall too. You never know how creative you can be until you try being creative. 

Friday, November 3, 2023


 Halloween is Satan worship. 😣😪 Thanksgiving is food worship. 🍗🍞🍰🍛 Christmas is tree and stuff worship. 😬 Valentine is mate worship. 💖 Easter is chocolate worship. 🍫 St. Patrick's Day is beer worship. 😟 And July 4th is Firework worship. 🎉

I know why we worship trees at Christmas. Because all the outside trees are dying. 😭

What you worship becomes your master. Don't let anything master you other than God. 😁


 My goal for Christmas is to order only 5 Christmas items each week. I will try my best to do that. I went a bit over this week because Walmart has this

A 6 feet pre lit tree for only $40. Amazing! I love Walmart! 

I can't wait to start decorating for Christmas. I think when you have a child it is all more special. You remember how fun and great Christmas was for you as a child and you want it to feel special for your kid too. 

Have fun shopping, but beware of tree worship at Christmas. And Santa worship. And presents worship. It's just stuff right? Nothing should be an idol for us. Keep Christ in Christmas and try to not over spend this holiday season. 😃

Thursday, November 2, 2023

What Happens in Vegas

 This is one of the cutest movies ever made. I forgot how great it is. I must have watched it the 1st time over 10 years ago. I think I saw it before I was married. I didn't even know how true all of the things in the movie were back then. The toilet seat thing yep. I have fallen into a toilet at least 8 times. It is not fun. Men, put the toilet seat down. It is very nice to do that. Your woman will love you more if you can do that for her. 

Marriage is hard for everyone. You have to have patience with each other. If your mate wakes you up, you just have to forgive them. If they don't do everything you want, you have to get humble and decide to not care. Maybe it doesn't matter as much as you think it does. 

I think the main cause of fights in marriage is having too high of expectations. No one is perfect. You will never get everything you want, and you will never give someone everything they want either. Learn to let it all go. Whatever you wish would happen, realize it is not as big of a deal as you think it is. I love how Joyce Meyer says, "Any of you married ladies who are frustrated with your man, I know plenty of single ladies who would love to take him off your hands." That is very true. Just be grateful you have someone. Who cares if they aren't perfect. Just let the expectations you have for them go. Be happy that you have someone and love them as well as you can. 


 Who has known guys like Moon dog in the movie Beach Bum? We all can be like him if we aren't careful. We can be irresponsible. We can not value money we get. We can waste our lives away doing nothing meaningful. 

Don't be like Moon dog. Value your assets. Take good care of things you own. Take good care of your body and mind. Live your life according to Biblical guidelines. You can't just do whatever you want. We are meant to do what God wants us to do. 

At the end he says, "You know what I love about being rich. You can treat people like crap and they just have to take it." I have never known people like that. Thank God. Well I guess my ex was kind of like that. A lot of men think they can treat their woman any way they want and the woman will never leave. No they can't. Most women will break free if they are not treated well. 

Treat everyone you know well, no matter how much money you have. It will affect you later if you don't. 

De Clutter

 I watched a great mom tip video today. She said how important it is to declutter. So I cleaned off my counters and moved things to new places on the walls. I am so happy from those two little tasks that I did. It's amazing how little changes to your living space can make a big difference. 

Clean and organize your living space today. You will probably feel so much better. 😁

Wednesday, November 1, 2023


 What things has Jesus redeemed me from? Greed would be the main thing. It has been a process to realize money isn't the only thing that brings happiness. Also I used to be a bit wayward. I am finally rooted and grounded. We are all wayward and confused on what we want at times. We don't know where we want to be. Always thinking the next change will make us happy. It is better to find the joy in where you already are. 

Jesus has redeemed me from my past. I used to think I was messed up forever because of my dad molesting me. Now I know I can be normal. And I have come to realize that all people are messed up in some way. It doesn't matter what happened in the past. What matters is what you do in your future. 

Jesus has redeemed me from the curses in my family. I think on both sides there were a lot of generational curses, but that won't affect me anymore. I am saved, sanctified and purified. I am not cursed anymore. Maybe I was, and that messed up my life, but it won't mess up my life ever again. 😁

I have let go of the greed on my mom's side of the family, for the most part. I have let go of the anger and substance abuse on my dad's side. All I did was drink a bit and smoke but still, that could be viewed as bondage. 

Praise God for helping me to get free. May I stay free forever and enjoy his beautiful peace and wholeness. Amen. 

I pray you can get yourself free of any curses or bondages too. "He who the son sets free is free indeed." :)

Hallmark Movies

 If you ever need a mood boost, watch a Hallmark movie. There are tons of free ones on YouTube. It's funny how they always follow the same plot. Whoever writes the movies must really want to send the same message repeatedly. It's usually a woman who left her nice home for a big city job. Her boss is usually mean and way too strict. You think, "Why is she acting like a slave when she is so pretty? She could get any man she wants." Then 2 minutes later she meets a tall, dark, handsome man and they gradually fall in love. Then you get excited for them possibly having children together next. Weeee! 

The movies teach the message that feminism is a dead end road. That is how I see it too. Forget that crazy job that gives you a headache. Leave that jerk face boss who doesn't appreciate all you do. Go enjoy nature and find a hot man to breed with. That is the best thing any woman can do with her life. 

That actually is my story. I was a Papa John's manager, assistant manager, but my boss was a total jerk. So I found a tall and handsome man to breed with. 😃 That is what all women should do. I will never regret my decision to do that. I thank God every day for my sweet son who I love so much and my handsome man. 

I hope if you hate your job, you will do the same. And may you enjoy breeding and raising a child. 😁