Thursday, November 23, 2023


 I think the main reason God lets us endure trials is so that we will become more humble. Paul said that because he was literally taken to heaven, he was given a thorn in the flesh to keep him from becoming conceited. Most of us don't get to see heaven or have awesome visions. Maybe we just have extra spending money every week. Maybe we never have to go hungry. Maybe we have lots of people that love us. Maybe we have natural abilities that can make us arrogant. Then we start to get puffed up with pride. Watch out for that. God can tear down your life at any time. 

Regarding my ex, my brother said that I was fling too high. Meaning I never thought I could lose him and then I did. When you think something could never happen to you, often times then it does. Be prepared for everything. Never think you are beyond your life getting messed up due to your careless behavior. That is why boundaries are needed, not just with others but also with yourself. Stay under rigid self-control so you won't lose all that you have. Respect the desires of those in your life. It's not just all about you. 

I heard a great quote in a sermon once, "God sometimes cuts down a tree so it will grow back better." What has God done to cut you down? There is also a verse that says he hurts us in order for him to heal us. God doesn't always cause our life to go perfectly. Sometimes he needs to teach us a lesson about our own ego and the importance of remaining humble. God wants us to always be humble no matter what. Why? Because no one likes a prideful person. God doesn't either. Watch out for flying too high. Never assume bad things could never happen to you. Live in such a way with self-control that prevents any disasters in your life. Be careful with everything you do and say and always respect others. 

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