Sunday, November 12, 2023

The Hustle

 This movie is so great! I love con artist movies. Matchstick Men was a total eye opener for me. Also Wild Oats was super great. Those movies were a good reminder that most people will hurt you. Most are just out to get anything they can for themselves. Very few people are really, actually good. Very few people are generous. Most are incredibly selfish and greedy. 

In this movie two girls are conned by a guy. You really think he is good the entire movie and then find out he conned them while they tried to con him. That is how a lot of relationships are it would seem. Men mainly want sex and women want provision aka. Money. There is always that exchange of sex for money. Overall, every woman really is a prostitute. 😂

The worst relationships are when a woman gives sex but gets no money. I don't understand women who are retarded enough to stay in those relationships for very long. Likewise men who give money but almost never get sex are in a very uneven relationship. They are essentially being conned by their woman. There is not the nice even exchange of money for sex. That is why they feel robbed, because they are. 

We all want things we want and our survival skills make sure that happens. What's love got to do with it? It has a bit to do with it some of the time. But most relationships are just this even exchange. Each person conning the other to get as much as they can of what they want without giving much in return. And that is the ugly truth. 😪

May all the broke women stand up for themselves, and may all the sex starved men say something and get what they want. 

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