Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Aborted Babies in our FOOD

"You take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes. Remember, all I'm offering is the truth. Nothing more." Yep. -from the brilliant movie "The Matrix"
"Because these ingredients can be legally disguised with vague descriptors like "artificial flavors" and even "natural flavors," most consumers have no idea that these additives, in some cases, are actually made using the cell tissue of unborn babies that were murdered through abortion. It's sickening but true, and people must learn the truth in order to avoid partaking in what EndAllDisease.com says amounts to a satanic ritual."  Yep.

Here's why we're all crazy lol.  And all ya'll know every person has a little bit of crazy going on. lol :) It's because we eat junk food that has This in it and therefore are opening a door to Satan possibly.  It is a Satanic ritual to eat dead flesh, but we didn't even know we were doing it.  Wow.

Two men in Texas literally caught on video workers at Planned Parenthood selling aborted babies to someone for money.  What were they going to do with those babies?  This is what. Put it in our food and vaccines.  That's great.  Thanks for that illuminate people.  You are sick.  Ya'll need Jesus! Pray for them please, all of you. ;)

Please read this:


Monday, January 28, 2019

Vaccines and Demonic Possession

One reason why some refuse to vaccinate their child is because they literally put aborted baby cells into vaccines. Why? I have no idea. I think they are trying to make all children now cannibals, because apparently those in Hollywood are cannibals now. They literally eat at some restaurant now in L.A. that serves human flesh. Is that a random theory or true, who knows?

Anyways, the shots, the vaccines, might make a baby a cannibal, because they have aborted baby cells, or blood in them. My theory now is that  vaccine shots can be a spiritual act.

When witches want to gain power they have to drink human blood. That’s a real fact, not just a myth.

Maybe the crazy demon worshipping people at the top of Big pharma want to make our babies drink human blood, via vaccines, which then leads to demonic possession for some children.

Why does it only lead to autism aka. Demonic Possession for some?

If there are witches in the family your child is much more likely to be possessed. I babysat a 2 year old girl who’s aunt was literally a witch in Colorado. She did seances and everything. This girls’ eyes were black when I met her, though she had blonde hair. The mom would smell smoke around their house, which is a key sign that demons are around.  Lights would come on in her house that she had turned off. Yes I boldly went into this house to babysit this cute little girl. (This was before I had kids.) Her behavior around me was totally sweet and normal, probably because demons have to submit to the Holy Spirit in us Christians amen!

But I never saw anything odd in the house, probably because I was only there during the day.

I played Hillsong worship music every time I watched her. After a few weeks her eyes turned a beautiful blue color. The demon had left her thanks to Hillsong! Woot go Hillsong! And I prayed for her some, not a ton and not aloud but I did. 🙂

Also I gave her mom my workbook from a class I was doing then at church all about evil spirits. Maybe she read it and that helped to get the demons away from her house.

Demons are REAL. Witches are real. Mental health tries to explain away demonic possession but it is very real. So keep your guard up.

Look up the article “Autistic Kids are Magnets for Ghosts.”

Here is a quote from it: “Many, many people with Autistic children seem to experience the paranormal. In some cases it is simply a matter of a bad medicine reaction. Once the medication was changed, then the ‘ghost’ disappeared.” Really? Hm..

It is funny and ironic that schools have always termed special ed kids “special.” They are special to demons I guess. But why does no one ever try to cast demons out of them? Or at least pray for that? Because the medical field has all convinced that it’s only a minor brain disorder. Is it a brain disorder or a spirit disorder? Hm...

I was doing a quiz on special ed kids for my online credential program a week ago. One question described a kid and said “What disorder does this child have?” I was thinking “um is demonic possession an option? Because that’s what that is.” It said the kid would spit on and hit others etc. That’s possession.

One mom in a video I saw today said her autistic son would beat their dog. That’s possession people! Come on. Don’t be so stupid. “My people perish for lack of knowledge.”

The child recovered from autism. The mom thought it was because she gave him homeopathy crap to draw out the aluminum. Haha. No the kid got the demon cast out of him that’s what it was! He maybe had a youth pastor pray for him or something.

It’s not autism or a little “mental health” issue, it’s demonic possession.

Please get wiser people. Please. So we can start healing America and get demons cast out of all these kids!

Mystery solved. Some kids get autism from “vaccine” shots because some kids don’t have the Holy Spirit over them protecting them when they get vaccines that are infused with aborted baby blood. Vaccine shots are not just shots. They are a demonic ritual! They contain aborted baby blood!

Open your eyes and see people!

You know why pro-vax people can be so incredibly mean? Because they are possessed and they WANT all your kids to become possessed too via vaccines.

God I pray for anyone reading this. Give them eyes to see and ears to hear! Give us all your eyes God! We all don’t want to look into evil but you call us to be wise! God increase our wisdom! Help us all to really SEE things for what they are!

God start a REVIVAL in America where children will be set free from these Demons! God please set the children free! And give parents wisdom! I pray that a million people will read this blog! In Jesus’ name amen!!!

May God bless you all! 😁😉

Saturday, January 5, 2019

My Best Advice About Life

I hope to teach junior high or high school English in a couple months or at least by next fall. :)
Here is all my best advice that I will give to my future students on the first day of school :)

1. Go to a community college.  Don't spend thousands on any other kind of college when you could spend only hundreds at a community college.
2. If you don't want to go to college, get a 1 month long college CDL lisence and make a lot of money as an over the road truck driver or another kind of truck driver.
3. Find a mate who respects God.  If you don't, you will seriously regret it, because if they don't respect God, they won't respect you. :(
4. Be a hard worker in everything and anything you do.  Always give 110% even if it's just at doing the laundry.
5. Eat healthy.  Eat a salad every day and go on a walk every day.
6. Talk to people in your family instead of just watch TV all day.
7. Save up for a car and a house.  Interest on a loan is very annoying.
8. Be thankful for everything you have.  And don't be greedy.
9. Believe at least in God, and J.  (But I won't say Jesus so I won't get fired.  I'll just call Jesus, J lol :)
10. Care about people and care about yourself
11. Have Boundaries with others.  Know when to say no.  Say no if it would wear you out to much to say yes.
12. Take a shower every day.  Showers are important.
13. Don't quit, but if you do, don't beat yourself up to much over it.  Sometimes in life you have to quit at things.  Not everything can be done forever.
14.  Listen to sermons, whatever religion you are.  You need to listen to great teachers teaching great spiritual lessons.
15. Don't be bored, listen to music.
16. Be careful what kind of music you listen to. Bad music can influence you more then you think.
17. Do a job that you really love, not just a job for money.
18. Always respect your boss at work.
19. Respect your parents.  Always do what they tell you to do and take their advice. Unless they are crazy. lol :)
20. Don't judge others to much or they will judge you later on.
21. Life is not black and white.  There is  alot of grey.
22. Watch out for bugs; make sure you vacuum your house every week.
23. Know who you are; don't let other people tell you who you are.
24. Ride a bike and go for a drive as often as you can. Seeing new scenery brings the most joy.
25. Do all you want to do before having kids. Like travel everywhere you want to travel.
26. Have fun with your family, play frisbee and board games.
27. Don't get too prideful on your birthday. Or on any day.
28. Eat eggs and oatmal so you don't have crazy blood sugar rushes.
29. Don't be too egotistical about your clothes, make up, your parent's money etc.
30. The most important thing in life is.....kittens. :) And helping others.
31. Don't wait to do something perfectly before you do something, or you will never do anything.
32. Embrace change.  Sometimes change can be really good.
33. Stay away from doctors, unless you need surgery.  They won't help you very much and will probably just create more problems then you had to start with.
34. If a pain doesn't kill you, it will make you stronger.  Sometimes pain can be good.
35. Don't follow the crowd; be an individual.
36. But submit to authority.
37. Be a hard worker; don't be lazy.
38. Travel to as many different places as you can.
39. Do the best you can, that's all you can do.
40. Don't let others lay overly heavy weights on your back.
41. Don't be a doormat.
42. Take care of your teeth, floss and use mouthwash.