Monday, July 18, 2016

Chai Tea Can Save Your Life!

I found my new favorite morning drink! Chai tea! I first tried chai tea at 14 when I went to India and loved it!  But I had no idea it could be so good for u!  Check this out :)

I normally have one or two cups of coffee every morning and one in the afternoon.  But I think I'll replace that with Chai tea now.  For one I know coffee is bad for my teeth because it's acidic.  Also, it does make me a little overly energized which might be bad for making me more on edge and easily angered. 

This chai tea mix is my favorite kind now and it's not too expensive....

May God bless y'all! :)

Friday, July 15, 2016

On Having Just Enough Money

"As for the rich in this present age, charge them not to be haughty, nor to set their hopes on the uncertainty of riches, but on God, who richly provides us with everything to enjoy. They are to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous and ready to share, thus storing up treasure for themselves as a good foundation for the future, so that they may take hold of that which is truly life." Amen!

1 Tim. 6:17-19

"God, give me neither poverty nor riches,
    but give me only my daily bread.
Otherwise, I may have too much and disown you
    and say, ‘Who is the Lord?’
Or I may become poor and steal,
    and so dishonor the name of my God." 

Prov. 30:8-9

The key, and the safe zone, is to be in the middle ground, the middle class really.  If we become poor, we might be led into sin and steal, but if we become too rich, we might forget about God and begin to lean on our own understanding.  We might think we got the money ourselves and become self-reliant, or we might let money become our God and think it keeps us secure and not God. 

1 Tim. 6:10 says, "For the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil. Some people, eager for money, have wandered from the faith and pierced themselves with many griefs."  This verse seems to imply that salvation can be lost.  What else can it mean to "wander from the faith?"  I do believe salvation can be lost.  You can also look at the parable of the sower that Jesus told.  Some seed springs up for a time and then dies.  Why?  This verse explains the primary reason; the love of and the worship of money.  Some people might start out loving God, and then start to worship money instead of God, and so loose their salvation or "wander from the faith." 

Check out this passage in Hosea 2, where God is talking about how He blessed Israel, but they then forgot about God, so he took his blessings back.

"She (Israel) has not acknowledged that I was the one
    who gave her the grain, the new wine and oil,
who lavished on her the silver and gold
    which they used for Baal.
“Therefore I will take away my grain when it ripens,
    and my new wine when it is ready.
I will take back my wool and my linen."  Hosea 2:8-9

If God blesses us and his blessing causes us to forget about him, he will then take that blessing away.  People often ask, "why do bad things happen to good people?"  This might be a primary reason.  Maybe God blessed someone because they were good, but then that blessing caused them to forget about God and turn bad or to sin in some way, so God then takes that blessing away.  As Job said, "The Lord gives and the Lord takes away, but blessed be the name of the Lord." 

On a side note, in the case of Job, most think he was relatively perfect and there was no reason for God to cause him to suffer.  But if you analyze what Job says in the book of Job, it's possible God let him suffer because he was too prideful.  "Pride comes before a fall."  When you read how he defends himself to his friends, that there could be no reason for him to suffer, one could conclude that he was a bit overly confident in his own righteousness.  Of course we all know "all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God."  Maybe Job was relatively blameless, but he was not perfect, because only Jesus was.  So perhaps he was a bit overly prideful, and God allowed his sufferings in order to humble him.   

But back to the topic of money. :) 

I have heard many times that the topic that Jesus spoke on the most was money.  Why?  Because money can be so tempting to all of us.  It is so easy for our flesh to rise up and for us to become greedy and want all the things that money can buy.  It is so easy for us to trust in money to take care of us rather than God.  And then we can make it an idol.  It is so easy for us to think about money and things we want to buy with money rather than scripture and Jesus and saving the lost.  We need to always be careful of that.  Jesus said "You cannot serve two masters.  You cannot serve both God and money."  Whatever we think about the most reveals ultimately what we serve.  So you can ask yourself, do you think money and stuff more, or God more? 

I know personally how strong the pull can be to worship things and money and stuff.  I have always had a bit of a shopping problem, which I might have inherited from my mom. :)  But we all have to constantly remind ourselves of what is most important in life.  God is most important, not money.  Never money.  It's nice to have money, but it should be never be our number one focus.  Yes we have to make money to provide for ourselves and others, but if we love it too much or think about it too much, we might make the 1 Tim. 6:10 verse true for ourselves about wandering from the faith due to a love of money.  Don't wander from the faith.  Don't loose your salvation due to loving money.  Focus on God first and foremost always.  Amen.

This is all also why the "God wants you to be rich" teaching is so, SO false and so incredibly dangerous.  God does NOT want you to be rich.  Especially if being rich will cause you to forget about God and lead you into pride and sin.  Some people can handle great amounts of money and not worship it, but most people cannot, which is why God DOESN'T most of us to become rich.  So if you aren't rich, or as rich as you might want to be, that might be why.  God might know that if he let you become rich, it might be too easy for you to worship it.  Joyce Meyer often says "Who can God bless and it not become a problem for them?"  Because any blessing from God can make us prideful, and so God is careful about who he might bless.  "God resists the proud but gives grace to the humble."  If we are humble, God will bless us.  If we are proud, he most likely will not bless us very much. 

We all know the verse, "It's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter heaven."  Why?  I think it's because sometimes when we hoard money, we might then ignore all those around us who are in need and our heart might become more and more callous and unloving.  I have always thought this verse was interesting, "Whoever shuts their ears to the cry of the poor will also cry out and not be answered."  Prov. 21:13  As in, when we ignore those around us who need money, even homeless people that walk by your car, God might ignore you when you cry out for help.  "Give and it will be given to you, pressed down, shaken together and running over."  But if we don't give to others, God might be less inclined then to give to us or to bless us.  Also Paul said "My God will meet all your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  But who did he say that to?   He said it to the Philippians, who had just given him a large generous gift of money.  When we give to others, God gives back to us.  But when we don't give to others, God may not give us as much.  

The focus in the prosperity gospel reaching is all wrong.  The focus with that is always on one's self, praying for your own blessing or for God to give you money.  But our focus should always be on others and giving to them, because the more we give to others, the more God will give to us.  Amen. 

And it's important to note, giving doesn't always have to be money.  It can also be time, effort, talent, writings like this etc.  Any way that you try to invest in others is giving.  The church focuses too much on just giving money when they should mention all the other ways we can give to others such as: tutoring kids, taking sick people food, giving away clothes or other things you don't use, making things for people, writing, making videos to educate people about the Bible etc.  There are a hundred different ways we can give.  :)

I digressed again lol

And back to the topic of money. :)  Saving up some money can be good, so that we won't become a burden on other people, but saving too much might not be biblical actually.  Think of the story of God raining down mana from heaven for the Israelites.  He told them to not gather more than they needed for each day and if they did, it became moldy and not edible.  That could have been an illustration for us in regards to not hoarding too much money now.  We are to ask God for our daily bread, as Jesus said in the Lord's prayer, but we should not expect too much beyond that from God.  God will meet our needs, but not necessarily all of our wants.  Why?  Because if he gives us too much, we might then forget about Him.  :(  Which would be the worst thing in the world of course. 

I personally have always felt conflicted about saving money in general.  It can be good for emergencies, but if we save at the expense of ignoring those who need money, how can we say we love others?  Something to think about. 

May God bless you all!  But more with peace and joy rather than money, unless you can handle it lol :)  God bless!

And here are some other great verses on money:

Deuteronomy 8:17-18   
 "Beware lest you say in your heart, ‘My power and the might of my hand have gotten me this wealth.’ You shall remember the Lord your God, for it is he who gives you power to get wealth."

Proverbs 23:4-5   
"Do not toil to acquire wealth; be discerning enough to desist. (meaning take a break) When your eyes light on it, it is gone, for suddenly it sprouts wings, flying like an eagle toward heaven."

Luke 12:15   
"And Jesus said to them, 'Take care, and be on your guard against all covetousness, for one's life does not consist in the abundance of his possessions.'"

Ecclesiastes 5:10            
"He who loves money will not be satisfied with money, nor he who loves wealth with his income; this also is vanity."

1 John 2:15-17   
"Do not love the world or the things in the world. If anyone loves the world, the love of the Father is not in him. For all that is in the world—the desires of the flesh and the desires of the eyes and pride in possessions—is not from the Father but is from the world. And the world is passing away along with its desires, but whoever does the will of God abides forever."

Ezekiel 7:19   
"They cast their silver into the streets, and their gold is like an unclean thing. Their silver and gold are not able to deliver them in the day of the wrath of the Lord. They cannot satisfy their hunger or fill their stomachs with it. For it was the stumbling block of their iniquity."
(This verse might refer to us Americans.)  :(

1 John 3:16-18   
 "If anyone has the world's goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God's love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth."

James 2:14-17   
"What good is it, my brothers, if someone says he has faith but does not have works? Can that faith save him? If a brother or sister is poorly clothed and lacking in daily food, and one of you says to them, “Go in peace, be warmed and filled,” without giving them the things needed for the body, what good is that? So also faith by itself, if it does not have works, is dead."

Thursday, July 14, 2016

Marriage Today Notes

I LOVE watching Marriage Today every week day at noon with Jimmy Evans on TBN.  He is great!  Best Christian speaker I have ever heard I think actually!

Here are my notes from today's sermon.  :)

The 7 Tips to Emotional Healing are:

1. Depend on the Holy Spirit to Empower You

God will give his personality away for free to anyone who prays for it. :)  That would be the fruit of the Spirit.  Amen. 

2. Understand Satan's access to unhealthy emotions and we need to resist him ( Amen!)

Don't go to bed angry or you are opening a door for Satan to talk to you about whoever you are angry at.  (or if it happens in the morning, don't sit on your anger all day.  Talk to the person about it and resolve it calmly.  Texting can be a good way to discuss things that are hard to discuss in person.) :)

Satan's perfect disguise is your own voice.  He makes you think that his thoughts in your mind are you own.  But Satan gives you thoughts and we have to recognize which thoughts are from Satan like the Bible says we are to take "every thought captive."  Amen!

Satan tries to give us messages in our pain like "where was God?"  And we need to ignore that and combat it with truths from the Bible.  Like God loves us and sent his son to die for us etc.  :)

3. My emotions have to be subject to my will

I have to commit to love others no matter how I feel.

"If your emotions dictate your life you will have a very painful life."

A million times in life you are going to have to do something you don't feel like doing and you will need to make sure your will presides over our emotions so you don't have bad behavior that you justify. 

Your emotions cannot be the boss of you.  (amen to that! :)  "You have to have control over your emotions."

4.  Take our thoughts captive to the obedience of the word of God

Satan can create a stronghold or bondage with our thoughts, but we can't let him by taking thoughts captive.

The Bible is a two edged sword and one side is a scalpel that heals our heart and the other side is a sword that slays the enemies of God. :)

Combat Satan's lies or temptations with Scripture the same way Jesus did in the wilderness.  Say what the word of God says about you or your situation.  God's word will slay Satan and heal you.  Amen! :)

5.  Release negative emotions through forgiveness

You can't keep guilt and condemnation inside you.  Romans 8:1

Every time Satan tries to condemn you praise Jesus for his blood.  Satan just tries to condemn you to try to keep you away from God, but don't let him.  Believe that God has forgiven you because he has.  "Confess your sins and God is faithful and just to forgive you."  Amen!

Love your enemies.  We have to bless our enemies, not just forgive them.  Healing comes as we bless those who hurt us. 

Pray to cast all your cares on God because he cares for us.  Amen!

6.  Make a daily decision to be thankful

"We don't wake up automatically feeling thankful.  Every day we have to decide to be a positive person.  Negativity is the devil's language and it's destructive."

7.  Build relationships with fellow believers

We need other believers around us to do life with that are committed to Christ.  Amen!

Marriage Class

My hubby and I have been going to a Marriage Bible study at Calvary here in Pflugerville led by Pastor Terry.  It has been great!  Next week is our last week.  So sad :(  Hopefully we can stay in touch with people from the group or maybe be in another Bible study with some of them. :)

We have been watching a video in about 10 minute segments from Emerson Eggerichs inspired by his book "Love and Respect" and then the video has 10 minutes time for discussion on questions he has in the workbook. 

Here are my notes on the last two weeks of the class:

A question was "Did understanding that God designed trouble in marriage change the way you view your relationship?"

I thought of how I hear in sermons a lot by Joel Osteen that hard times in life and hard people in our lives are meant to be like sand paper that can rub the rough edges off of us.  Hard times in marriage are like that as well.  Or the hard times in marriage show us what we need to change about ourselves.  If we need more patience then we can pray that God will make us more patient etc. 

Emerson challenged the women to ask themselves "How can I say this more respectfully?" before they say something to their husbands.  I was convicted that I tend to get in mommy mode, so the way I talk to my two year old I tend to do that with my husband.  I need to pause and think that I shouldn't talk to him like he's a kid too and talk to him like a fellow adult.  We kind of have a funny way of doing this or helping with it, that when I say something that sounds disrespectful my husband says in sing song way "Please stop yelling at me."  I usually say, "I'm not yelling, I'm just expressing an opinion."  But it's things like, "Please don't wear your shoes in the house."  But it's how I say it that might sound disrespectful or like I'm yelling even though I'm not. 

Another good thing Emerson said was "Hard times in marriage reveal who you already you are, it's not causing you to be who you are."  We like to blame our spouse for bringing out bad in us, but really it's our own fault if we are acting in a sinful way in anger or being unloving etc. 

One thing I thought of is that for my husband and I, it helps that I had a brother and he had a sister, so I understand more how to show respect and he understands more how to be loving, or what women like to hear.  So that is good. :)  I think for people that didn't have an opposite sex sibling it can be hard then in marriage to understand the opposite sex. 

Emerson talks about how couples can get on the "Crazy Cycle" where the man reacts unlovingly when he feels disrespected and the women reacts disrespectfully when she feels unloved.  I shared last night that for the most part my husband and I don't get on the crazy cycle.  I'm pretty good about stopping it right when it starts.  Like if my hubby seems grumpy I say "Someone needs a nap." :)  And the group thought that was funny. :)  Or for myself it might be that I'm hungry and so I need to go eat or I need him to babysit for a bit so I can go nap.  But it helps to fix the reason for why someone is frustrated before resuming a conversation if it gets heated.  So if you feel you're on a crazy cycle with anyone, try going to take a nap or eating something and see if you feel better.  Then resume talking about the thing.  Or texting or writing letters can be the best way to communicate about an important issue.  Then you don't have to worry about looks or tones of voices to throw you off or push any buttons and get you mad.  Letters and texting are great!  Thank God for modern technology of texting! :)

Often times I think it's when we don't take care of ourselves first that we then take things out on others.  But it isn't that other person's fault that we are hungry or tired, most likely, and we need to fix that ourselves.

I heard a good acronym once that HALT means you shouldn't do anything, like try to have a conversation etc. if you are feeling hungry, angry, lonely or tired.  You need to first fix that thing in order to have a better day. 

Last night the topic was "My response is my responsibility."  As in, how we choose to respond to anything our spouse does, or anyone does, is our responsibility.  We can choose how we will respond, regardless of what other people do.  Like Jesus said, turn the other check if someone hits you.  That doesn't mean being a doormat, as Emerson said, it means we have the control.  A thought I had on that is that when people realize they can't affect us and they can't get under our skin, they give up.  When they realize we will be at peace no matter what they do, they stop trying to get a reaction out of us and ruffle our feathers so to speak. 

For some reason we like to affect others in a negative way.  Well, if we can't have a positive affect on others we then resort to trying to have a negative affect.  But when we can stay calm no matter how others try to make us feel, we are the ones in control and we can remain at peace. 

Emerson mentioned, how can super strong men become so weak around their wives and like a victim?  He was saying no one should have ultimate control over our emotions, and yes no one should.

The reason why people do sometimes, I have realized, is when we idolize someone.  If we start to put a person in the place of God, we do let them have control over us.  But only God should have ultimate control over us.  Amen :)

To adopt this mindset that "my response is my responsibility" frees us up from a victim mentality, Emerson said.  Then we can't blame the other person for how we react.  We are no longer a victim, at the mercy of the other person.  We are in control of ourselves, rather than expecting another person to dictate how we will feel or how our day will go.  And that is a Much better place to be in for sure. :)  And with God's help we can have this kind of power.  That power is simply just called "self-control."

Ultimately we have to take responsibility for any sin that we commit.  We can't blame others.  And when we start to stop blaming others, that is when we can really start to change and get better. 

Something interesting Emerson said was "We never blame others for good things we do, only the bad things."  And yes that is true. :(

In regards to anger, as long as we stay calm it can diffuse the situation.  If a person reacts to anger with anger is only makes things worse.  Like the verse that says, "A calm answer can turn away wrath." 

Ultimately knowing that our response is our responsibility is like the verse that we All will have to give an account to God in heaven for every careless word and deed.  God won't let us make excuses for our sin in heaven.  He will simply call it like it is and we will admit then fully that it was wrong.  Blaming others doesn't excuse ourselves from the guilt of things we do. 

In marriage, any act to hurt the other person is really like shooting ourselves in the foot.  With wisdom we can realize that we will reap what we sow, as Jesus said.  If we give love we get love in return.  But if we give disrespect we will get disrespect back, generally.  Whatever we want from another person we have to first give them.

Emerson said after a fight "the one who sees themselves as the most mature usually moves first" to apologize.  And yes that is true. :)

Also we love because God first loved us, as the verse says.  We love our spouse or other people not necessarily because they love us, but because God loves us and we repay that love from God to other people.  It's the least we can do for God for all he has done for us.  God calls us to love others.  Jesus died for us SO That we could really and truly love others.  And that is all God asks from us. 

We can also get what we want by insighting fear in others.  In college I had a class where we discussed , "Would you rather be a king that is feared or loved?"  If someone does something for you only because they fear you, that is not as rewarding than if they do it because they love you.  That is true in marriage and parenting and any relationship.  It's better to love and get love rather than get love from a motive of fear, of course. 

So overall love is key.  If we want love, we have to give love first.  Don't wait for others to give us what we want.  We lead by example.  What we want from others we have to first give to them.  Don't wait for others to meet your needs first before you will do anything for them.  Focus on meeting the needs of others and then yours will get met.  As the verse says, "Seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you."  Make your focus serving others, and God will make sure all your needs get met.  Amen. :)

May God bless you all!

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Amazing Worship Songs

If you want to have an awesome time of worship by yourself or with your family check out these songs!  Here are all my favorites.  Enjoy!  And sing along from you heart.  woot!  :)  God bless!

Sing to the Lord

Lead Me to the Cross

Holy Spirit You are Welcome

I Surrender

Monday, July 11, 2016

Why You Should Write in a Blog Too :)

Here are my reasons for why you, dear reader, should start and write in a blog:  

1. First of all, it's really easy to start one.  You can just google "start a blog" and find easy directions on how to set one up.  And it's free, so that's nice. :)

2. I have a book to inspire writers called "If You Want to Write" by Brenda Ueland and I love it!  In it the author says "Everyone is special and unique and has something important to say."  So my number two reason is that your life and your thoughts are important and other people might benefit from hearing them.  :)

3. Next is that we can all always learn from each other.  We learn from the mistakes of others most of all.  That's why everyone should write a blog.  And the older you are, the more reasons for you to write so that everyone else can learn from all your life experiences.  I have always wished my grandma would have written a blog or in a journal or something like that, but she never took the time to sit down and write at all.  But she had so much wisdom and life experience that she should have shared with the world. :)

4. Another good reason is a quote I read once that says, "Reading maketh a full man, conference a ready man, and writing an exact man."  Or in other words, the more we write, the better we become.  Why?  Because to write is to think and the more we think the more mature we become.  :)  Which is always good. 

5. Another good reason to write or blog is because writing helps us to understand why we do what we do.  If you choose to blog and write publically, then other people can read your thought process and it might help them understand also why they do what they do.  To not know why we do what we do or why we think what we think can be very sad I think.  I like the quote, "Know thyself.  That is very important.  The more we write, the more we come to know ourselves.  And no matter where you go, there you are, so it's important that you understand yourself.  :)

And those are all my best reasons for why you should write, particularly in a blog.  So now go start a blog and share all your insights and wisdom with everyone you know and the world!  Change the world with your thoughts and ideas!  Like in the movie "The Dead Poet's Society" Robin Williams said, "Never let anyone tell you that words and ideas can't change the world.  They can."  Amen! 

May God bless you all!

On Dating and Rejection

For any that have liked reading my blog in the past, sorry I don't write as much anymore.  I try to sometimes but then my two year old wants to climb in my lap and start typing on my laptop too lol.  So now I express myself in other ways like my current making of purses and dresses.  Which is tons of fun too though so I'm glad I'm getting to develop that skill.  And I still very much hope my purses will be like awesome walking Bible tracts everywhere they go!  yay!  Especially ones that say "Jesus is Lord" or "God is Amazing." :)

I am going to a Celebrate Recovery class at a church by me again, because of things that happened with my dad when I was little, and my fiancé dying 3 years ago which was hard.  This week they talked about the importance of journaling.  So I thought I would write some in my public journal for all of you to see, and hopefully learn from my mistakes if possible. :)

I woke up this morning thinking about what might be my motive for all my purse making and Jesus packet making in my past.  I have made by now about 3,000 Jesus packets and given them out over the last three years, and maybe 100 purses so far. (The Jesus packets had candy, a Bible tract, a bracelet I made and other fun toys, bookmarks etc.)

Granted my number one motive for doing all that is to spread the gospel and help people.  My motive is also to maybe prevent some of the evil that can happen to people and kids like several things that happened to me as a kid.  But perhaps a sub-conscious motive is to be accepted and loved by lots of people.  And I was thinking, why do I have such a need a for that?  Well for one, because all humans do really.  But also, two because my mom is somewhat unavailable and has always been not very responsive via texting which has always made me sad.  So for any moms out there, make sure you are good about texting your kids, because that is their love language now more than anything else, most likely. :)

But I realized there is probably something else there.  When I was in college and beyond I actually had a long series of guys rejecting me.  It's funny because in my mind I always think every guy liked me.  I think I in general have a problem with telling myself the truth and in being totally honest with myself about myself.  My husband had a book with the title "Telling Yourself the Truth" ironically when I met him.  I never read it, but I had wanted to.  But I tend to think of myself as better than I am.  I always have, and that is not good.  But the truth is, guy after guy rejected me for quite a long time.  It worked out well though, because I am SO glad I am with my current husband now and not with any of them.  But at the time it was very hard. :(  So for all you single people reading this, keep hoping!  Your dream man or woman will show up in your life eventually.  Just stay in faith.  God has someone for you.  Keep following God and witnessing and doing all you can for God and He WILL bring someone GREAT into your life!  woot!  "Seek first the kingdom of God (sharing the gospel) and all these things will be added unto you."  (like a spouse and kids)  amen!  And as you keep your focus on God and witnessing etc. you will get to keep those things and will most likely not end up in a divorce, because God's words and rules lead to life and not death.  Amen!

And in regards to my purses and packets, it's still good that I'm doing them obviously.  But I wonder if I still would do them if I hadn't had so much pain in the past.  God truly does always work all things together for the good of those who love Him.  Amen. :)

So back to my life story, in junior high and high school I had success in general with boys and dating.  I had a 16 year old boyfriend when I was only 13, which I thought was pretty awesome.  Probably wasn't good for me, but I thought it made me cool.  In high school, I got asked to Prom by a Senior when I was only a Sophomore, which is like the coolest thing that can happen to any girl in high school. lol :)  And the two guys I liked the most in high school wrote in my Senior year book that I should call them etc.  But I didn't lol.  Because back then I actually had a major fear of boys and getting pregnant and ending up being a single mom, which probably all girls should have that fear.  I suppose I feared that because my mom was a single mom and I saw how hard it was and how lonely she was. :(

But then in college with boys it was one big strike out after another really.  A guy at my work took me to a movie one night but literally the next night I took my brother to meet him and a friend for coffee and he was totally making out with some other girl.  I had no idea why.  Maybe he wanted to make the statement that he was still free.  It broke my heart needless to say.  (I am writing all this to give any of you single people out there hope too.  That I got my heart broken a lot but I finally found my dream guy and am living the dream.  Praise God!  Getting to be a stay at home mom with a great Christian and hard working guy with two daughters is all my dreams come true!  I couldn't ask for more!  But it was a long and painful road for me before this.  So if you are currently in dating pain, keep the faith.  God will provide for you in the right time.  Amen.)

So that guy broke my heart.  We actually dated a year after that and he was faithful as far as I know, but I broke it off because he wasn't Christian.  Then I literally did not date at all for the entire three years after that, my Sophomore through Senior year in college.  There was one guy in my choir that I liked.  He held my hand while we were all hiking up a mountain so obviously I thought he liked me.  I emailed him that I liked him.  Then he said we should talk and in person he told me he didn't like me at all.  I was quite frustrated obviously.  But it wasn't meant to be.  If any of those guys had worked out I wouldn't be with my wonderful husband Ben, who is beyond perfect for me because he is so much like me.  He loves to play basketball and dance and sing and be silly like me.  We both love movies and eating out.  We both love pizza etc.  He is my perfect match.  No one could have matched better with me.  But it took me till I was 28 to find him.  I thought I should have been married with kids by 21 like my mom, but sometimes taking your time finding the best guy is the best thing to do.  :)

And there were more rejections which I'll share.  A guy my freshman year hung out with me a lot.  I thought he liked me.  But then found out he had a girlfriend at another college that whole time.  Crazy. 

Then after college I was with a guy.  I told him I loved him at one point but he said he didn't love me.  So I broke up with him shortly after.  Another guy a year later dumped me a week before Christmas.   Another guy I worked with I liked a lot for a long time, but he never seemed to really like me.  Then a guy I met at church a year later I emailed a lot.  On my birthday he showed me some video game he made for me.  Then literally that exact same night we went to my co-worker's house, a girl that looked like Barbie.  It was probably dumb of me to have them hang out because that night he seemed to fall head over heals for her, even though she had a boyfriend already.  So from then on he kept trying to get me to give him her phone number.

So needless to say, tons of heart break, and I am SO glad I'm not in the dating world anymore.  It sucked a lot.  So to any of you that are still dating, good luck and keep the faith!  God has someone out there for you.  Don't waste your time on the losers or guys who don't seem to care about you.  The right guy WILL care about you.  Don't chase after any guy who isn't chasing after you.  It's not worth you wasting your time or your heart on them.  Focus on God and God will bring someone.  But you can't be a sitting duck either.  I do recommend getting on some dating sites and emailing lots of people.  Put yourself out there.  Be outgoing.  Just shoot out emails to tons of people with a simple "hey how are you doing?"  And see how they respond.  Also dating websites are great because you can search for Christian.  Of course tons of people say they are Christian but really are not, so make sure you email a lot before you meet in person. 

And may God bless you all!  I feel your pain, if you are dating.  I know what you are going through.  And believe me there is light at the end of the tunnel.  Like people always say, Thomas Edison tried 500 times before he made the light bulb.  It's like that with dating too.  Just keep trying, hoping and believing and your dream person will find you someday. :) 

If you know any single people send them a link to this blog please. :)  Maybe it will encourage them or make them feel better because they will know they aren't alone.  We all get rejected.  Even the vice president of the Senior class, which I was, can get rejected by like 10 different guys.  Hang in there single person!  God has someone for you!

God bless! :)

Friday, July 1, 2016

Counteract Satan's Lies with God's Truths

I have a list of encouraging reminder phrases that I paint on my purses and make bracelets out of with letter beads, which I highly encourage any of you to do as well if you like doing crafty things. :)  They are great reminders to yourself as well as you paint them, and they will hopefully encourage others too.

  I like to think that each phrase can defeat a lie from Satan that he might try to feed us in our mind.  Jesus said "The truth shall set you free."  I hope the words I paint and make in beads from the Bible will empower people to defeat any lies or attacks from Satan in Jesus name.  I pray they will set anyone who reads them free to be themselves and be comfortable, happy and at peace. In Jesus name amen!

I'm listening to Joyce Meyer's sermon now on "Are you Resisting or Assisting the Devil."  She is talking about antidotes for poison.  When bit by a snake, an antidote can cure us.  In the same way, when Satan puts a poisonous thought in our mind we can cure it and counteract it with God's truths about us.  Amen! 

Here are some examples:

When Satan tries to make you think, "I'm weak.  I can't do anything."  Respond to that negative thought with "No!  I'm an overcomer in Christ!"  Amen :)

When Satan tempts you to do anything that might lead to death remember the verse "Choose Life, that you might live."  And that Jesus said, "I came that they may have life and life abundantly."  But you have to choose things that lead to life.  Amen.

When Satan tempts you to be selfish and stingy with money remind yourself of the verse, "God LOVES a cheerful giver." And "My God will meet ALL your needs according to his glorious riches in Christ Jesus."  Amen.

When Satan tells you that you can't do anything remind yourself "I can do ALL things through Christ who strengthens me!"  And that you are a warrior for God because he makes us bold, strong and courageous.  And that you are "more than a conqueror in Christ." Amen!

When you are feelings unloved remind yourself, "God loves me!  He sent his only son to die for me!"  Amen. :) 

When Satan tempts you to attack another person remember "God loves them.  They are a child of God.  I should not attack a child of God."  And also "Our battle is NOT against flesh and blood" but against Satan.  Amen.

When Satan tempts you to forget about God and go hours without thinking about God remember the verse "Pray without ceasing" and "Lean not on your own understanding but in all your ways acknowledge him and he will make your paths straight."  Amen.

When Satan reminds you of your past sins remember the verse, "You are a new creation in Christ.  Behold old things have passed away and all things have become new."  And also, "There is now NO condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus."  woot!

When Satan tries to make you think you aren't saved remind yourself that you believe Jesus is Lord and the Bible says "If you confess with your mouth 'Jesus is Lord' and believe in your heart that God raised him from the dead you WILL be saved."  Amen!

When you think God doesn't love you remember, "For God so loved the world (and you specifically)  that he sent his one and only son to die" for you.

When you think God holds your sins against you or is punishing you for anything you did wrong remember that the Bible says, "If we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness."  And He said, "As far as the East is from the West so far have I removed your sins from you."  Praise Jesus!

When you think you aren't useful to God remember that Paul said we are "Christ's ambassadors, as though God were making his appeal to the world through us."  Therefore, you are one of God's angels to the world, to your world.  Amen!

When Satan tempts you to be greedy remember that Paul said you can learn the secret of being content as a Christian.  Amen. :)

When you think you aren't beautiful or handsome and think yourself to be ugly in any way remember that the Bible says you are "fearfully and wonderfully made."  Amen. 

When you think God hasn't healed you of anything or you haven't seen a miracle in yourself remember that the Bible said "by his stripes we are healed."  Your body might not be totally healed, but God has most likely healed you a lot emotionally and mentally.  I know for me he has a lot.  Praise God! 

When Satan tempts you to be doubtful and not have faith remember that Jesus said, "If you have faith as small as a mustard seed you can move mountains."  Just have a little bit of faith, and you can do anything, through God.  Amen!

When you are feeling anxious or restless remember "Pray without ceasing and the peace of God which transcends all understanding will guard your heart and your mind."  Amen.

When you think your body has no value remember that you are the very walking temple of the Holy Spirit.  Amen. 

When you think you are not free and you are addicted or a slave to anything remember "He whom the son sets free is FREE indeed!"

When you think you don't stand out and no one notices you remember the verse, "Do everything without complaining or arguing, so that you may be blameless and pure, children of God without fault in a crooked and perverse generation, in which you shine as lights in the world."

When you are feeling stressed out and think God doesn't care remember, "Cast your cares on the Lord for he cares for you."  And "The Lord is near to the broken hearted."

Amen.  And hopefully all that was like a washing with the water of the word for your mind in Jesus' name Amen.  Don't let Satan's negative thoughts reign in your mind.  Conquer his negative thoughts with the encouraging truths in Scripture and you will be set free!  Amen. God bless! :)