Thursday, July 14, 2016

Marriage Today Notes

I LOVE watching Marriage Today every week day at noon with Jimmy Evans on TBN.  He is great!  Best Christian speaker I have ever heard I think actually!

Here are my notes from today's sermon.  :)

The 7 Tips to Emotional Healing are:

1. Depend on the Holy Spirit to Empower You

God will give his personality away for free to anyone who prays for it. :)  That would be the fruit of the Spirit.  Amen. 

2. Understand Satan's access to unhealthy emotions and we need to resist him ( Amen!)

Don't go to bed angry or you are opening a door for Satan to talk to you about whoever you are angry at.  (or if it happens in the morning, don't sit on your anger all day.  Talk to the person about it and resolve it calmly.  Texting can be a good way to discuss things that are hard to discuss in person.) :)

Satan's perfect disguise is your own voice.  He makes you think that his thoughts in your mind are you own.  But Satan gives you thoughts and we have to recognize which thoughts are from Satan like the Bible says we are to take "every thought captive."  Amen!

Satan tries to give us messages in our pain like "where was God?"  And we need to ignore that and combat it with truths from the Bible.  Like God loves us and sent his son to die for us etc.  :)

3. My emotions have to be subject to my will

I have to commit to love others no matter how I feel.

"If your emotions dictate your life you will have a very painful life."

A million times in life you are going to have to do something you don't feel like doing and you will need to make sure your will presides over our emotions so you don't have bad behavior that you justify. 

Your emotions cannot be the boss of you.  (amen to that! :)  "You have to have control over your emotions."

4.  Take our thoughts captive to the obedience of the word of God

Satan can create a stronghold or bondage with our thoughts, but we can't let him by taking thoughts captive.

The Bible is a two edged sword and one side is a scalpel that heals our heart and the other side is a sword that slays the enemies of God. :)

Combat Satan's lies or temptations with Scripture the same way Jesus did in the wilderness.  Say what the word of God says about you or your situation.  God's word will slay Satan and heal you.  Amen! :)

5.  Release negative emotions through forgiveness

You can't keep guilt and condemnation inside you.  Romans 8:1

Every time Satan tries to condemn you praise Jesus for his blood.  Satan just tries to condemn you to try to keep you away from God, but don't let him.  Believe that God has forgiven you because he has.  "Confess your sins and God is faithful and just to forgive you."  Amen!

Love your enemies.  We have to bless our enemies, not just forgive them.  Healing comes as we bless those who hurt us. 

Pray to cast all your cares on God because he cares for us.  Amen!

6.  Make a daily decision to be thankful

"We don't wake up automatically feeling thankful.  Every day we have to decide to be a positive person.  Negativity is the devil's language and it's destructive."

7.  Build relationships with fellow believers

We need other believers around us to do life with that are committed to Christ.  Amen!

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