Thursday, October 6, 2016

Jesus Purses

I often make something I call Jesus purses.  I started off making them with canvas lining and any kind of fabric for the outside.  Now I make them from oil cloth fabric, which you can find on Amazon, if you want to make some too. :)  It is kind of a material like a thick plastic table cloth, which is good so then they are waterproof. 

There are inexpensive purse straps you can buy on amazon, or one time I used climbing rope, like the flat and wide kind.  That looked pretty cool too.  The one inch wide kind is best. 

The purses can be a great craft to do with children also. :)  Basically just cut oil cloth or any fabric into a rectangle and seal the two sides, either with a hot glue gun or even clear packing tape can work.  You could also sew the sides if you want, if it's a soft fabric.  And then write on the front encouraging things like "Jesus Loves You" or "Saved and Loved" or "Forgiven" or "Fear Not, God Loves You."  :)  The best is dimensional fabric paint for this; white or black shows up best. 

And for the straps, glue them on the inside of the two sides, or sew them into the sides.  It helps to put hot glue gun glue on the insides of the top before the straps to take some of the weight stress away from the straps. :)

And then drop the purses on doorsteps or give them to friends!  Or you can leave them in bathrooms wherever you go, which seems odd, but personally I prefer more subtle ways of witnessing. 

And put Bible tracts in them!  And candy or cookies, if you feel led to. :) 

May God bless you all!

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