Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Do You Have Faith?

 This past year has been a constant roller coaster for everyone.  First my family went on a wild roller coaster ride and then the entire world did.  It almost was like what happened in my family was a foreshadowing of what would happen in the world, like God wanted to warn me.  My ex husband went crazy and became overcome with the spirit of fear.  Then the Entire World went crazy and became overwhelmed by the spirit of fear.  In both cases I was determined to not let myself become overly afraid but to Stay in Faith.  

Do you have faith? Like do you Really have faith? 

You can choose to have faith and you can choose to not have faith. Do you really believe that God's got you?  If you don't, then why not? What is the point of Not believing that God's got you? 

There may have really been someone messing with my ex husband, and there was a real virus that made tons of people sick, but does that mean we should get overcome with a spirit of fear?  Doesn't God want us to stay in faith no matter what?  To trust him.  To believe he WILL work all things together for our good.  God wants us to cling tighter to him in the hard times.  Sometimes he brings about hard times on purpose so that we will run to him more.  

When life is crazy just climb up into God's lap and ask him to hold you.  He would love to.  He loves you more then words can express.  He cares about you tons.  Even if you don't feel like he does, he does.  

God's got you.  Don't stress.  Don't worry.  Don't get overcome by a spirit of fear.  Just trust Him.  He will protect you.  He will provide for you.  You don't need to worry about a thing. ;) 

May God bless you! :)

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