Sunday, November 26, 2017

Beware of Vaccines

Here's an email from a friend who is a nurse:

 ""When my kids were tots, a pediatrician told me the risks of vaccines according to his point of view, and I listened.  Before that, the subject never crossed my mind.  He explained the risks of mercury based vaccines and the link to Autism, especially in the pertussis vaccine and he even recommended that I not get the pertussis vaccine, as long as my kids were not in daycare (they weren't).  I did avoid the pertussis vaccine for all three of my kids.

In recent years, although mercury has been removed from most vaccines, I have heard that another preservative, aluminum, (a neurotoxin) has been substituted.
However, some have reported that aluminum is more dangerous than mercury.

Another vaccine I avoided was the Measles vaccine, after a co-worker lost her middle-school age son after he was given the measles vaccine.

When my kids got to high school and I had to turn in their shot records, I soon received a phone call from the school nurse, demanding that my kids receive their missing vaccinations.  I told her that I had refused them on religious grounds.  I never got another phone call from the school again about their vaccinations.
This was in 2000-2004.

I don't know if the schools would accept the "religious grounds" excuse today or not, however many colleges in the U.S. will not admit students without vaccinations.  My sister's youngest daughter, now 24, and a college graduate, had to receive a ton of missing vaccines just so she could get admitted to her college.

I have heard that a good rule of thumb for parents is the following;

No vaccines before age 2
No vaccines containing mercury (thimerosal)
No live vaccines
Give the DPT  (diptheria, pertussis, tetanus) and polio, as 4 separate shots, on separate doctor visits."

I would say though, don't give your kid any vaccines. If a kid as old as a middle school kid can die from a vaccine, why is any vaccines safe for any aged kid?

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